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Everything posted by walka92

  1. There's been two on this page... it was a joke, dark. a joooooooooke. alot of what was posted on PREVIOUS pages had been dragon claws, and you cant deny that also to above poster, crik, i hate you. and i didnt know you had a tif account...
  2. I'd buy one/kill whatever drops one for it, it gives insane accuracy bonuses. However, It would ONLY be better than a fury in a place where you DON'T need defense, AND prayer. Using it at GWD would be stupid, it had 0 defensive bonuses, same with pvp. As far as training goes, It would be good for places where the extra defense isn't going to matter. eh, at bandos and sara atleast, so long as you arent bandos tank/feel like risking certain death tanking zil, then a few extra def doesnt really do that much, especially with a unicorn
  3. why dont we just change the name of this thread to "dragon claws drops? post them here" -.- thats about 75%+ of the drops posted these days....
  4. Wrong, wrong, and I believe wrong. Bolting still gets EP, 76king still exists, and you have to splash like 30 times before you can be pjed. They still have a few more things to fix I think until its done, I think everyone's going back to the old spear in BH level 1 again though. This update ain't stopped me any though, but then again I've been rushing and not 75king. Just stopped everyone that was lazy. even though I was lazy l0l It was an overdue update, you were never able to do it in BH, why were you able to in PvP? Pretty stupid. It's about time they fixed it. Good job jagex. 76king will always exist I'm afraid, but jagex just took out a vast majority of them. and laura, alot of people do jump the ditch, and when the pker does, they jump to the other side over and over to get them off/not attack And yes the pack yak idea does work, btw. wouldn't it be easy to kill a dspear person by just tangling and tb'ing them and killing w/ a god spell? or do most of you guys bring food w/ you i bring food, but u could always mage em so they run to you, deeper into wild, then tangle as they are about to spear you,so that if they arent dead before the tangle runs out they have alonger distance to run, so you have more chance to cast another tangle
  5. cyclopes are terrible training, even if they might have a little more health than the zombies. its about DPS, not exp per kill
  6. no, just no the old drops were better for the economy than the statuets [bleep] up
  7. Again? Since when was mage EVER overpowered? since ancients, if you ever learnt how to use them properly
  8. i dunno, maybe slam them into the wall as you run? and for offensively not fighting, "fight" with words to the point that they go batsh$% insane and kill them selves?
  9. NO! It's mine! I shall fight anyone over the ownership of Australia! Seeing as most of Aus laws are stupid I shall change them. First on the list - getting rid of Steven Conroy, as in I shall permanently ban him from the country, 2nd is providing better internet, 3rd will be copyright reform. you took it straight out from under me while i had no chance to defend my position as ruler of the country however, i would be willing to form an alliance of sorts between NZ and AUS, if you would like Actually Ray had it first, but because we are buddies he gave it up to me, on the terms he got Tasmania. Also you stated NZ first, so I assumed it was your first choice, plus with your choice of what to do other countries would have had you assassinated anyway. So I essentially saved you life. It's Australia, we trade with anyone not seeking to harm us. i didnt actually know that ray had decided to give it to you, and i said more....outlandish things because i kinda took this thing as a joke first, and i didnt expect this thread to grow so fast and become o so srs, and i woulda changed my plan once i realised how this thread would turn out
  10. mage, you did take it straight out from under me nose, i posted my claim before you did aaaaaaand.... NO! It's mine! I shall fight anyone over the ownership of Australia! Seeing as most of Aus laws are stupid I shall change them. First on the list - getting rid of Steven Conroy, as in I shall permanently ban him from the country, 2nd is providing better internet, 3rd will be copyright reform. you took it straight out from under me while i had no chance to defend my position as ruler of the country yes, ray had taken it first, but i woulda agreed to his term for taking it, though, had i seen his post earlier however, i would be willing to form an alliance of sorts between NZ and AUS, if you would like
  11. I do believe some countries have 'claims' in certain parts of Antarctica, but for the most part it is an international landmass, and therefore I shall not allow you to attempt the control of Antarctica. You can have any pre-game land your country had though. There is a combined Brazilian/Japanese fleet. (Or two, Doom didn't pay much attention when I said I was sending some ships to help) off the coast of Antarctica to stop any "claimants". - though, actually, I'm not sure what stance we have on nations wanting to do testing within Antarctica, with a byproduct of "claiming" some land for said testing Doesn't quite work like that. You could start peaceful negotiations, which could take a few years - but why on earth would they want to be taken over by you? What good could possibly come out of that for them? what could come out of it for them? well, if they are part of the richest nation/rulers/super power, then there is going be better chance for advancement in those countries, leading to a better quality of life Some part of my brain seems to have a problem with you becoming a superpower because you took over a third world country, which you claim needs you to improve. And sadly, taking over a third world country is not going to boost NZ's GDP to a level where you can compete with the big boys on your own. EDIT: I just want to be clear that I'm not being overly pessimistic, or anything similiar. I'm just clearing it up that becoming a superpower is a long term goal, as is the production of antimatter, and should be treated as such. And frankly, with the resources NZ has at the moment, taking over an African country is a bit ambitious. You should begin by striking up an alliance with Australia, and then perhaps together you guys could do some military conquest stuff. But you don't become a superpower on your own, not unless you're extremely lucky. yeah i know, i had originally planned to take aus but no...that didnt happen -.- some1 just basically said "no, im taking australia right out from under you" and i lost out >_> and yeah im still working on my world domination plan
  12. I do believe some countries have 'claims' in certain parts of Antarctica, but for the most part it is an international landmass, and therefore I shall not allow you to attempt the control of Antarctica. You can have any pre-game land your country had though. There is a combined Brazilian/Japanese fleet. (Or two, Doom didn't pay much attention when I said I was sending some ships to help) off the coast of Antarctica to stop any "claimants". - though, actually, I'm not sure what stance we have on nations wanting to do testing within Antarctica, with a byproduct of "claiming" some land for said testing Doesn't quite work like that. You could start peaceful negotiations, which could take a few years - but why on earth would they want to be taken over by you? What good could possibly come out of that for them? what could come out of it for them? well, if they are part of the richest nation/rulers/super power, then there is going be better chance for advancement in those countries, leading to a better quality of life
  13. yeah well, theres always going to be power struggles in the world, and those with the best technology are going to end up on top, which is me. Yeah. Good luck with leading the tech race mate. EDIT: Just to clarify mate, EVERYONE in your ENTIRE nation could donate ALL their money and ALL their business' profit to your R&D department, and I would STILL have more USD going into R&D. hence why i am going to take over some of the smaller and as of yet unclaimed nations (mainly africa, alot is untaken) and use them as a work force/army, using the resources from those areas to boost my economy to do more for r&d in my (hopefully) superpower to be. That's your army. With 2.2k reserves. Even most African countries have more than that. Just sayin'. well seeing as noone has claimed alot of the inner african nations, maybe i could just claim them to add to my army/defence forces? that way i wont have to take them by force
  14. yeah well, theres always going to be power struggles in the world, and those with the best technology are going to end up on top, which is me. Yeah. Good luck with leading the tech race mate. EDIT: Just to clarify mate, EVERYONE in your ENTIRE nation could donate ALL their money and ALL their business' profit to your R&D department, and I would STILL have more USD going into R&D. hence why i am going to take over some of the smaller and as of yet unclaimed nations (mainly africa, alot is untaken) and use them as a work force/army, using the resources from those areas to boost my economy to do more for r&d in my (hopefully) superpower to be.
  15. yeah well, theres always going to be power struggles in the world, and those with the best technology are going to end up on top, which is me.
  16. i already tried to claim nz....3 times. i just keep getting ignored Wait, what?! I'm sorry man. Can you link us to your plan for the country? this thread grows so fast its hard to keep up, and i forgot what page it was on. ill try to find it, but if not, ill just search though my posts list to find it edit: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=803960&p=6826850#p6826850 there
  17. i already tried to claim nz....3 times. i just keep getting ignored
  18. if you need to heal/pot in some way, on your prayers, wait till he attacks. change prayer and then as fast as you can click invy, the item you need, but only EVER do one dose/item per attack, or you risk being to slow to get back on the prayers page ready to change again. 1 dose per attack, basically.
  19. Actually pk :ohnoes: lmao so true So not true. Pking doesn't gain EP. You spend half your time running away from people at the top of your level range. if thats the problem, then get a higher level so there are less people above you that will kick your [wagon]. or stand in lvl 1 wildy with 76k gp and just step outa the wildy if attacked. like ive always done :\
  20. yeah i know, but mystic might only increases magic accuracy, not the other aspects of a high level (that is, no extra defence), as far as i know Could you point me towards where you got this from? Thanks! Apart from RS Wiki, who usually speak a load of rubbish i forgot, its just what ive always thought it was/been told it was :\ i guess you could try both, but ive never noticed any def+ against magic while using mystic might
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