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Everything posted by walka92

  1. newa from russia: russian warships are now mounted with railguns- 7.5km range and 97.2% accuracy. education reforms are taking well army and airforce upgrades have made little headway, expecting another few (of our) days to be complete in other news, russia needs allies, for in the event that a war breaks out, our developing military is unlikely to be able to hold anyone off
  2. 1) save someones life 2) kill someone 3) sky dive 4) star in a movie 5) come up with some memorable last words
  3. h...h...holy crap dragoon. thats quite a list, but maybe you should see a phsychiatrist...again?
  4. while i think 2000 monsters is a bit steep, i do agree with the fact that they need a new slayer master that assigns more monsters at a time. or make it so that a higher slayer level gives more monsters. like, every 10 levels gives upto 50 more monsters/task (thats for normal tasks with a 199 cap)
  5. walka92

    Favorite sayings

    quotes and sayins? id have to say my favourite one is "you just lost the game"
  6. i dont drink enough water, i dont think. i drink maybe 1-1.5 litres at most, unless i get a bottle of like, lemonade, or juice or something that actually tastes nice
  7. That sounds kind of kinky. how is that kinky, exactly? if there was whips, chains and handcuffs, THEN it would be kinky It's kinky because you're skipping school to do stuff with a chick, I think. i fail to see how that is kinky, exactly. lol also, we were only playing ps3/xbox! i swear! yeah right :P why bold the xbox, exactly? what are you implying? that i played with her box? man did that come out wrong. meh
  8. that is a fair point; i do see myself as atheist normally, but i have prayed in the past (albiet very rarely), but i have never *relied* on it. i dont know if it helped or not, but it sure didnt hurt. but its not like going to your room everynight and talking to a dude in the sky (who likely has millions praying to him at the same time, wouldnt he get a headache?) is going to do very much
  9. actually there isnt. there isnt a single thing that religion explains that science doesnt ontopic: its runescape. take noone seriously. take nothing seriously
  10. i pray for the day people forget about religion
  11. That sounds kind of kinky. how is that kinky, exactly? if there was whips, chains and handcuffs, THEN it would be kinky It's kinky because you're skipping school to do stuff with a chick, I think. i fail to see how that is kinky, exactly. lol also, we were only playing ps3/xbox! i swear!
  12. if a person has access to a bomb shelter (small, concrete underground "bunker" with food and water supplies), is that likely to be a good defence against zombies? have cctv cameras set up with screens playing it to monitor zombie movements also, do rage zombies "die" if they dont get to eat people in a certain amount of time? are they photosensitive? how strong/fast/intelligent are they? things i need to know. lol
  13. That sounds kind of kinky. how is that kinky, exactly? if there was whips, chains and handcuffs, THEN it would be kinky
  14. i dont know what happened in mlb's reign over russia, but here is my new regime: increased money to military (army/navy/airforce), increased money especially into better vehicles/ weapons, and development for said experimental fusion power plants being designed to cope with a growing power drain increasing healthcare facilities new education curriculum in schools. much higher level stuff in each grade/year, the change will not be fluid but will be worth it in the long run changes are to be implimented instantly.
  15. it is a good idea, yes, but this has been posted in the wrong forum. it should be under website updated/suggestions..or something like that. i forget the exact name of the board but it should be easy to find support though :thumbup:
  16. i claim russia from mlb...but can some1 give me a rundown on whats going on right now?
  17. its faster for me to level, alot faster, if i make money for buyables w/ gwd and tds, train buyables fast, and in the time saved i can get up gathering skills quite a bit in the time i have saved, using fast methods and selling the produce tl;dr, im not self sufficient
  18. : SAILING people are never going to give up on that, are they?
  19. GOAL OF BLOG: ANGRY READERS. GOAL MET? YES. I honestly don't care what the reaction is, but I appreciate the results if it either is part of my goal, is praise, or makes people laugh. Let's say you published a video on YouTube and you had people commenting basically along the lines of the emotions you wanted to instill in them. You'd be pleased. There's an objective to just about everything. When it's met, it's good. And why wouldn't I be amazed at the reaction? 11 pages of posts involving my simple little article that I wrote in my spare time. How many people did I instill feelings in? Quite a few. That to me is inspiring. You, on the other hand, not quite sure as to why you're so choleric. Calm down. i am pretty calm actually. also, so basically your just a troll? you just admitted that, and the 11 pages of response in the other thread gave you the reactions you wanted, so why bring it up again? want to see people over react again? other than that, theres pretty much no reason to bother with this thread, because seriously, everyone had forgotten about it and noone even really cared that much anyway, and im pretty damn sure very few, if any, people actually care any more now, i sure as hell dont
  20. i have a simple question for the OP, why the hell do you care what we (this forum in general) thought about your "article"?
  21. when i started, there was noone over 85 runecrafting dragons and demons had very simplistic graphics santas were only a few hundred k each i remember when elemental workshop 1 came out thinking having full iron and steel mace was an achievement no ditch on wilderness i remember the addition of every single skill from slayer onwards, and even that was when i was like level 80 or 90 when people would try to scam people by trading a rock hammer, saying it was a grantie maul, when they were very expensive i remember when the rs main page was just 6 icons for different things arranged in a rectangle remember kq being released remember dag. kings being released trying to solo general graador the day godwars was released, and getting rol'd just as he died -.- remember the tzharr area being released, and seeing a firecape made you almost stunned in awe
  22. its always been like that, but there is another way/was another way that seems to not be able to be done if the books are full (judging by what bruno has said)
  23. cuz they taste good no they arent, they foul. im kidding. long live the baconator!
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