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Everything posted by Tim

  1. i've checked that guide and it seems alot of it is now outdated. prices are off to what i've seen in w2 recently. frankly i have no idea how i made 5m before whether it was on accident without realising or what...
  2. i beg to differ. big mac here is bout $2 AUS. membership is $10 minimum depending on payment option, 12-13 for phone so dont forget location. plus internet wise australia has the slowest net. were paying 60 a month for "australias" 3rd best net speed. 60 bucks! (thankfully nw gov' election in a month so we shall see soon) on topic. i'd say distributing cards for membership is bad because kiddilings could: a) steal them (youd be suprised) B) costs jagex money to distribute them which isnt good as we have estimated 2m players which some places might get these cards with no players...or bring in underage players.
  3. i remember you. i belive you called us immature about 3 hours ago due to our slight joking around. (matthew16200 btw) were not always hyped up like 5 year olds on cordial we like to keep the chat clean, spam free and slighty go off runescape based topics for kicks. we cant force you to stay and endure a silly moment but most of us are mature so have no fear. also it was possible the mod who attempted to ban rexic_spam might have done so a littel too fast and clicked on the wrong character. happened to someone else a while back as we had peeps from zyb's, runehq and anonymous players barraging us with "@@@@" thankfully its stopped for now.
  4. hello, recently i was hacked (again) and thankfully i didnt have much on me as they didnt attempt to check my bank, but im down to a measly 500k ish now. i'd like any advice or links to help merchant my way from 500 to at least 2m or over a mill within a short time zone. thanks if you can help.
  5. i do have to add one thing (if it still works) when you add a player moderator to your ignore their public chat/private chat is also not seeable just like if you put me on ignore and i talked you cant see my text. not sure about Jagex mods as they dont talk or seen often. besides that, a nice simple but detailed guide. :
  6. i do have to ask one thing. where the hell IS this cooking guild? i notice one outside varrock but theres no bank in that at all... btw could you change you title like chickybee32 i thought it was combat related...
  7. for starters my computer yes could use and upgrade as it only meets the standereds but you should realise we do spend money on other things besides membership and new software/hardware. im saving up for my first car still which i have so far $3500 AUS towards it and still 2 grand away from the total so i cant afford to buy a 1-1.2 grand computer while mine still runs the basics fine (despite crap internet speed) plus my parents are paying of a morgage as we moved into our new house a month ago along with a increase in medicals in our family cant afford to spend money on either me or my sister in large quatities. off the topic of prices: i personally like runescapes layout as its easier to adjust to compaired to the first time i had a crack at WoW i was all over the place trying to figure out... (what the **** do i do?!?). also there are players who prefer F2P over P2P for example our local TETAU'er Jemathonical.
  8. 61 prayer, i dont count it as a combat stat since it doesnt actually attack anyone :wink: good point. 8-)
  9. unfortunatly some players dont realise the damage they do. they think its another game were poeple will move on, but the difference is we earned our items (i hope) and they scam it/steal it. and to clarafy anyone saying it isnt a scam, it clearly is as jagex marked certian items like charcoal which only use is in quests etc for such prices is not price manipulation, its scamming. now i totally agree with you Zibl, the economy has grown greedy in my eyes and people are wanting more money then ever in any ways possible just for over-priced rares, 3rd age equipment, god dungeon equipment, new dragon armors etc. (the reason i state over priced rares is my red phat was stolen from my account in '02 and cant make any money to re-pay for one) but unless someone invents the "stab-a-player-in-the-face-through-the-computer-screen" system theres nothing we can realy do except report and hope jagex hears our plea. but dont worry there is still some nice honest players out there like myself and many more TIF'ers....id hope.. off topic: Out of curiosity 123yourgone, your siggy says 99 ALL combat stats yet your only 121 combat. rather intriging... :-k
  10. heres some advice, go do family crest and get the cooking gauntlets. then go cook at either: a) rouges den as the bank is right next to a fire or B) catherby as the range is only 1 house down from a bank. your choice we nor jagex are forcing you to do fire/range. next thing i DONT want to hear is your fridge is not set-up next to your PC / Notebook for if you do... *readies cannon*
  11. unfortunatly Zeahessen your not a parent by my understanding so its not as simple as telling them the difference. but one major floor in runescape is the morals that players have, now like me you could be nice to at least 85% of players you encounter or like a hermit hate them all but the way you treat people in a virtual world DOES have a impact on your personallity. one boy at my school is WoW obbsessed and claims all this crap about having heaps of lv 70 accounts etc ( i dont play and only know by knowledge that 70 is the max level) and all this arrogant talk, to me, its rather pathetic you compaire a game to reality. we dont blacksmith (unless like me you enjoy as a hobby) or kill monsters, do quests besides your chores etc. in reality you can only rely on yourself and your understanding of society because arrogance will only get you a head bounty as to how many spit-balls can fit on your ego. as to whoever stated the "allow mild swearing" is a dope because that is only going to make the maturity matters worse, although i wish they would un-block "dam". and to the poster somewere on page 2 or 3 involving the whole "get rid of kids; there [puncture]s etc" you my friend are the kind of people who ruin online games by simply pointing the finger at a player and accuse them of what you belive. no wonder i disable microphone on 1st person shooters, all i hear is swearing and noob screamed through it. PS:Str4lif3, your english was spot on. :
  12. you say your suprised that players younger then you play runescape, mild wake up call: its a teenager genre based game. it was aimed at 13-20yr old players, sure having older players is fine in fact it adds some maturity to the game but there will be players who are under-age of the sudgested limit to runescape. as for construction, my belife into the skill was not only an expesive skill (no need for evidence there) but also a way for players to get together and become "friends" (oh i hate that word) unfortunatly your only saying in your rant the negatives towards jagex's updates and runescape overall. like the dragon boots (more like slippers) was a bit deperate but brought down rune boots by 100k+ and good for those like me who cant afford to spend so much on boots or the new shop update which screwed over a large proportion of bots. :-k i'll let you ponder my (mild) sense of wisdom...
  13. unless it was pure black for the first hour of its realease, i'ts been that gray tinge sice because i did it about 5 hours arfter realease. i think it goes very well with either: a) Wizzy trimmed robes B) black trimmed armor c) void knight outfit despite two being over 300k worth and the other a slow obtain from a mini game there are proberly other outfits it goes well with out there. as for some recent posts, dont like it: drop it.
  14. yeah forgot about showing a link of him :oops: blonde hair, red coat, big silver gun, earing, ugliest sun glasses. yeah thats a link of him. :oops:
  15. 2 days leter i figured i'd have another go at a request but decided not ot make another topic so i dont spam a bit.
  16. i find it dumb that google is blocked despite it being a search engine. imo pathetic. ot: you should be weary of those people i only report for advert if its a RS3 scam or something dangerous, unless youtube now has keyloggers as part of visiting the site. -.-
  17. i personally liked the hood, it goes realy well with my wizzy t robes although i would liked to have wondered how the hovering broom was...
  18. same situation Ray, i dont see why we should be looked down upon, were still human, were still players of the horribly graphiced game called runescape so why should we be judged any different from others?
  19. i had a hunch i wouldnt get a reply for this....guess ill sleep the time off -.-
  20. heya i thought it was high time i got a new signature so im looking for one of the small description: *image of Vash the Stampede ( Trigun ) *says "Love and Peace!" in a corner. *and possibly have a brownish / tan background thanks if you can make it. :
  21. if its racism, offencive language, or religious i will think of them as scum if its childish ill just think they had a dumb moment and move on like if it was "brain_dead" or something ps: hypocrite much?
  22. imo, i hope all 3 slap you because that kind of over-confidence will get you hurt sometime later. ill be honest i do partially lead a good life, i have a healthy body, good friends but also suffer bipole depression so my confidence isnt a strong one. because of a recent move most my friends live on the opposite side of the town i live and becomes hard to access, of course this is only temperaraly (i can never spell that word) as i am able to obtain my P1 license soon so travel wont be a hold back. personally i belive location is also a major affect on players, hardly any friends play runescape anymore and myself have grown tired of jagex's desperate attempts to keep members. regardless when i get my computer fixed up im quitting the horrible game that i've played to entertain me for 6 years and get back into my digital artwork. also you can tell a persons lifestyle by there skills exp/levels, but only how fast its increases in a week. 500k total exp in 3 days? thats having no life especially when one of those days is a school day. a little side note: does a nerd shoot real guns/rifles and do competative archery? and i dont think some members of tip.it want to hear you flaunting about your gf's bra size either Rebdragon because its those guys who i get the urge to shoot. -.-
  23. seeing as its f2p the rules become limited, normally if it was p2p id just ice burst the both for trying that stunt but to have your friend be backup is both lame, sad and cowardly but what can you do. its runescape wilderness -.-
  24. i dont mean to sound like jerk but "the worlds a [bleep]" i understand your point though, you need more full ogres so you get more exp, i use a calculator to find how many i need to kill but when they have only a portion of their HP left it gets frustrating and you need to kill almost double (might get a good drop in the end though) and i dont mean to sound like a "wanna-be mod" on this occasion but the rants forums does specificaly say "to vent your frustration about the game" and this is what this player is doing so saying things like "get over it" is just a waste of time, text and space. -.-
  25. judging form your siggy your a member so that makes it harder to find a spot (to many) you can either drop or bank, banking only if your very close to save time on dropping plus you can smelt it later if you please. the only good iron spot i can remember is al karid and i think one on a fremmy island. well least i managed to answer the 2nd question, theres a positive. :lol:
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