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Everything posted by Tim

  1. well seeing your at the keyboard but attending another program id be happy to share some info; the salve amulet (e) increase your atk an str by 20% on undead creatures like shades (this is off memory so it might not be 100% right) and for monsters who are agressive (aka your term attack you without clicking) fleshcrawlers would be a way to go as they are violent litte buggers but after a while lose interest so simply world hop or you can try other creatures in SoS as most are agressive. hope this small info bit helps and just noticed the salve info was posted. :oops:
  2. personally i respect ALL capes of acheivement, its just i respect some more then others. cooking and fletching are by far the easiest skills to get because you can litterally buy your way to 99 while other skills like farming, herblore, mining, runecrafting etc i respect at a higher rate because its so drasically time consuming and like mining you cant buy your experiance you have to click over 100m times (carpel tunnel) to get to such a high level. i mildy respect strength because some people i meet mainly pures with it brag "haha noob i have 99 str cape and you dont" course there forgotting i have 76 defence compaired to their 1 so i couldnt give a rats arse but the point is you have to work for it and not buy it, from the looks of it jagex didnt realise this and made 99 skills so very competative. i personally want a 99 cape but dont have the time to put in due to my lifestyle. (you'd think in 6 years i'd have a 99 skill but think again) note, i highly respect QP cape because you have to keep leveling up skills and doing quests to keep it, 99 fire making (example) all you need is 99 firemaking, QP you HAVE to keep doing quests to weild/buy
  3. welcome back tif. and a joob well done to the admins in fixing the problem. :thumbsup: im soo glad i was permenantly banned from RSOF posting there makes you lose an IQ per post. and shey, dk killing without me? for shame i've always wanted to try but without 'ol tif here i couldnt organise...i still cant organise anyway :oops:
  4. Haha,"girlfriend".It's probably his brother... soooo wrong... not realy, carpet to (forgot town) then hit a right at the next carpet junction. on average takes me 5 mins to change. ot: i would say combat owns in certain areas, as also to skills. but its how you set up your character, if your a killer thats your choice, if your a skiller thats your choice and if you do both (long time to do imo) then thats your choice. players shouldn't be judged on thier choices, its almost simular to racism.....to a degree.
  5. i'll agree with you there and pin out a few things: 1)judging from your replay, he has the grammer of a 5yr old. 2) knowledge is worth more then experiance or levels, i have 6 years to back that theory up. 3) i agree with your staking opinion. i wanted to challange a lv 91 who called everyone noob because they wouldnt stake against his dragon boots ops, i ment slippers. i told him id beat him to shut that arrogant mouth up and because most of my money investment was in my whip i wasnt dumb enough to stake it and he went on and on about no stakers are noobs etc. 4) combat isnt everything. you could have all cb stats decked out to 99 but hey, for the skillers who have done double the amount of skills, double the amount of exp and some very costly they make ALOT in the end. i belive 99 rc on nats gives 200m estimate from last time i talked about it. now i dont think combat offers that unless you stake, but how can you stake with no money? =O side note, i was called a t00b. wtf is that? a tuba noob? :-s to wrap it all up there just immature kids who will struggle in the real world, proberly dumb enough to think working at a cafe' is noobish. :XD:
  6. Tim

    lag then die?!

    good question... :-k sometimes (im in australia btw) the australian servers are slower for me then some of the forein servers. world 99 (woot) works much better for me then 111.
  7. Tim


    before you call me noob, for the love of guthix fix your grammar. and the area i was in was largely expanded with no more then 20 people so not everyone could run in time. and guys tone the language down. this is a commuity based thread not the 2007 Abuse-A-Thon.
  8. Tim


    most drops i have are at party petes but it was a drop party last night held by another player. and like you said Infernosage4 might as well join it.
  9. Tim


    now be my guest call me what you please but im only following the rants rules by venting my frustration over something in the game. Telegrab. the spell which was ment for reaching items out of reach but has instead taken a turn to be used for drop parties instead. now while i will say i brought this up because EVERY drop i have been to by record of 6 years my percentage of luck has droped to the negatives. all i see is little purple orbs flying through the air before youve taken a step towards an item its already been captured by that little orb. now i cant tell you to stop it, you control your character not me, i cant tell jagex "make telegrabbing stop" because some quests rely on the magic spell but for the love of guthix have some mild consideration to others before you shoot the orbs around. and thats my rant. be my guest flame it, yell at me because you wont acheive much in doing so. :shame:
  10. Tim

    A problem.

    its a common thing to happen. your brain has to many inputs and cant think of a response to your body. id say have a talk to your parents and tell them what happened and how you felt
  11. well the year 12 class (senior) about a week ago for thiers picked up a teachers mini cooper and placed it inside the school building. we were shocked hey managed to fit it in the doors without scratching the paint job. teacher wasnt too pleased last years comprised of half the desks and chairs to make a replica of the "tower of babel" or something. went on forever and suprisingly sturdy.
  12. aussie too sould post their GMT times so we can figure it out because i dont get the whole eastern, central thing. congrats btw on 99 con. must have cost quite a bit
  13. Seriously? All these years i could've sworn the whip had a special, something along the lines of Energy Drain. If successful, will transfer 10% of your opponent's run energy to you. Sounds vaguely familiar. i think he was meaning their special attacks arent so great
  14. then you wouldn't like "Have A Nice Day" by Bon Jovi... OT: its mearly there kinds words of enjoy the game. your right....its muffins :
  15. to be technical hes now 1036th rank. but regardless i think its nice of you to do this but if i had 1k for every funeral on a game relating to rl deaths is be the richest pllayer. as harsh as i may seem he was just mearly another human who just so happen to have a high ranked character.
  16. and i miss yet another perfectly good drop by mear hours. not like it would make a difference i get NOTHING in all drops ive been to except a str ammy which i high alched. oh well luck just isnt with me. happy 4th Anni' you lot! :
  17. i agree with you there. after going to my new account which has lower level im about to play castle wars to see the reaction of others but on my old account ( 93 ) i respected players but then when a certain 101 comes up to me and says "rune is for noobs" i laughed when he hardly hit through me while my measly dds pierced through his torags. i just simply said "im sorry whos armor is nooby?" but there are people who vent anger in both good but bad ways.i vent it by enjoying something i like to calm down while others see it as an opportunaty to kill and laugh. one point i will most def' agree is people sitting outside the respawn room, havent you got something better to do then ruin the fun?
  18. personalyl i'd be too, i work my rear end off to be hacked (whatever you want to call it) and start over. i was lucky to hold 18m for one day before getting hacked and lose 80% of it (lost the rest a week later) but most id spend is 50m on personals rest on either skills or invest on a rare that i like. but chances of me becoming rich is like bill gates running out of money. but to a point i will agree some things cant be helped and this is one of them. btw tskolar, no one likes a cocky smart-[wagon]. :shame:
  19. well this may help if you havent gone to far. you press "SHIFT" and PrintScreen Simultaniosly, then go into paint and click paste and should appear. then save as a PNG file that way the image doesn't get distorted.
  20. lol! reminds me of a cartoon i saw a few years back. the pope was a rock with the pope hat on. anywho, imagine them cuffing him after the trial "cuff him and escort him out" *cuffs fall onto the ground* "quick! get him he's escaping!" --God has now been charged with resisting arrest--
  21. agreed, unless there that unconspicous shrub you've owned for the past few years. try create an alternate personallity simular to yours but has different perspectives of things. or wear a brown paper bag over your head (advised to have eye holes).
  22. all im asking is they take 2 hours to adjust the special and only the special we have a cw based spear already. i mean the other god weapons got spiffiness but i would like them just to fix this one so zamorak doesnt look cheap. and please prevent flaming because chances are there's someone behind a screen with a packet of matches waiting.
  23. Tim

    GDW getting like PC

    unfortunatly i havent tried yet as my stupidity got the better side of me. i went to take a look (with 400k or armor/food/wep) and didnt relaise you needed a rope. i went back to the boulder after waiting a while to realise my strength wasnt high enough anymore (same with maging level and fally tele) so i had to log out and get my mate to come on and tele other me. boy did i learn a lesson "research before experimenting"
  24. lol. when I read it, i also had my sad moments to it. damn you J.K Rowling! ot: I belive it was my last gf a bit back. I put to much into a relationship so you can expect it to backfire twofold at you. -.-
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