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Everything posted by logic-is-overrated

  1. The sonic games have about 10 times more dignity left than the mario games. I mean there even giving the new mario game away when you buy a gamecube.
  2. I kind of understand in a not quite sure sort of way yet it's still a little unclear in a you make no sense sort of way.
  3. You could always get a hobby. And if you can't find your own there's a topic a little down the page where you can copy someone elses.
  4. My dream pet would be the cat that I have. Minus the constant whining for attention. Minus all the cat litter it gets all over the floor whenever it goes to the bathroom. Minus the shedded hair everywhere. And minus all the times it goes to the bathroom on the floor. So except for those little details I've already got it.
  5. The entire Pokemon series are good RPG's. At first it was original and new and it took the world by storm. But the premise of the game is not strong enough to support a red, blue, yellow, silver, gold, crystal, sapphire, ruby, leaf green, fire red, and emerald version. There all basically the same game just with small changes and updates here and there. But my original point was responding to this: Runescape and Pokemon build upon the same system of repitition of training. You can't hate a game for the reason of it being simple when you play a game that's just as simple.
  6. No point? Gotta catch 'em all, man! And I was addicted to Pok̮̩̉̉mon Yellow, but I caught them all so I stopped playing. You THINK you caught them all. But then when you had all of the yellow version, they came at you with the blue version. Then the red version. Then the gold version, the silver version, the black version, sky blue version, hot pink version, the new and improved rainbow version, the I'm going to invent a new color so I can make a new version version. And after they go to television and movies.
  7. Playing pokemon, playing runescape, all seems the same to me. You never really win and there's really no point.
  8. I give you bitter pills in sugar coating. The pills are harmless; the poison is in the sugar. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã
  9. I finally got around to seeing The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I suppose its better at a midnight theatre but I thought it was just plain strange.
  10. Every night before I go to bed I pick my blanket up and shake it out then pick my 2 pillows up and shake them out. Then I turn my radio on, go turn my lights off and use my flashlight to get back to bed. I'd consider it more of a routine precaution check then a strange habit though.
  11. -Saw Trainspotting- Very good and very funny when I could understand it. As the movie went on it got harder and harder to understand through their accents. -Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas- Pretty funny but it would have been way better if it was condensed, since it was so long and drawn out. -And I just saw Gummo which was just weird.
  12. The Dude abides. The Dude was the main character in The Big Lebowski. He was lazy, apathetic, and didn't care about money, power, fame, and things like that. He was just there, enjoying himself. Helps me remember to just chill out when I get too stressed.
  13. I love Richard Pryor so it will be watched. I average about a new movie everyday. Sometimes less because I love to reasearch the movies that I watch and find out all kinds of interesting stuff about them and hidden meanings, stuff like that. On a side note: Has anybody seen The American Success Company (might be called different variations of that) with Jeff Bridges? I really really want to see it but none of the movie rental places has it so I need to decide if I should buy it.
  14. I just finished Mel Brooks Blazing Saddles. Unbelievably funny. After seeing that I went and rented Young Frankenstein by him and its another very very funny movie. These are actually the first movies I've seen with Gene Wilder besides Willy Wonka.
  15. He said a story with violence. Not even a story about violence. He gave absolutely no details, no specifics, no nothing. The only thing he said was that at some point in this kids story there was a violent scene. How did you get: getting pissed off at someone, going to school and threatening to kill them, and then posting online that you'll kill them, from that? Just curious.
  16. I'm too sexy(?) I think its called that.
  17. Movie- The Big Lebowski T.V.-CSI Song- We Are The Champions by Queen
  18. Beatles have sold more but in terms of being well-known its Michael Jackson. He's well known for being one of the best musicians in the past and for all the stuff he's done now.
  19. He should've just sacrificed fish or something. Where I live first time for killing a cat is a misdemeanor and then every time after that its 3-12 months in jail and a 5-10 grand fine. And then you add up all the lawsuits too, man I'd just go find a worm to sacrifice.
  20. Thats kind of hard to believe if they actually had evidence he intentionally murdered a cat like that, let alone multiple ones. I mean he either wasn't convicted at all due to lack of evidence or he ended up paying thousands of bucks but I just can't see them letting a guy like that walk away unpunished.
  21. In the mornings I usually drink a double expresso black. I hate putting stuff in my coffee. During the day though I usually drink green tea, mostly for the L-theanine but green tea tastes pretty good too.
  22. Just watched Monty Pythons Holy Grail and Life of Brian. Seen both of them about 5 or 6 times but always funny. I've got Annie Hall, Duck Soup, The Graduate, and Blazing Saddles for the weekend. This should be one funny weekend (hopefully).
  23. These policies and reforms aren't really that bad. But the real question is are the current governments going to stop once they reach a reasonable degree of safety? Right now I don't feel violated and they could probably strip a few more of my rights and I still wouldn't be particularly bothered, but it's not completely unreasonable to assume that some would continue stripping the rights of individuals to the point of complete or borderline dictatorship while claiming it's for the public good.
  24. Like I said earlier, a movie does not have to be deep, have a moral, good actors, an all-star cast, and be a blockbuster hit to be a "good" movie. So long as it's entertaining, I think everyone is fine with it. Aliens was marketed as a horror/action flick, and that's what it is - guns, explosions, monsters, and exploding monsters (Maddox :P). Or he just doesn't like it?
  25. I go to a public school and our principle is trying to get something to this effect done. There already going out of school by taking our drivers license and sending cops to our house after missing 5 days in a semester. Its easy to say that he can do it because its a private school but what do you do when it goes to public ones?
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