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Everything posted by logic-is-overrated

  1. No. Climbing stairs is like exercise and since I try to exert as little amount of energy as possible stairs are out.
  2. Actuly you are right, you made me think of something else, i shoul of asked if there is good, and evil You keep saying good and evil are subjective and agreeing with people and saying they're right when they say that, but you have yet to give a reason to believe evil and good are subjective values. :? Um i keep saying good and evil are objective, not subjective. It sounded to me like you were arguing subjective too. Massive miscommunication I guess.
  3. It's 3-5 times more expensive for a formal execution. The only reasonable alternative to killing them is to eat them. Lol. Do you honestly think they would taste good? No I suppose not. I guess we can always use them as slaves.
  4. more stuff even more stuff even more more stuff I have to agree with the brains. I think i'm a pretty smart guy and I usually get good grades. But those 1 or 2 kids who never take notes, never study, and never pay attention and then come out with high A's in all these advance classes, it makes me a tad bit envious. But besides that i'm pretty content.
  5. It's 3-5 times more expensive for a formal execution. The only reasonable alternative to killing them is to eat them.
  6. I shot my friend in the eye with a homemade bow and arrow. I shot my friends cat with a homemade bow and arrow and nailed its tail to a wooden fence. I've done more and I've done worse but it's nothing to really brag about.
  7. I really like the idea of putting lifers/death rows to work building stuff or something like that. And to the guy up there, yes, I don't know why but capital punishment is way more expensive then life in jail. either that or eat em
  8. I'm against it because it's expensive. But if it wasn't so expensive I'd be for it. I would say they should review a persons case at least 3 times to be sure he did it then kill em.
  9. That's good to hear; you're doing better than a lot of people.
  10. No. You cannot say no to someone's opinion. In my opinion evil is defined by society. Just like everything that has to do with morality, and what is right and wrong. Funny, cause thats what the whole wrold does, disagree with eachoterh, creating chaos. Anyways, i think to myself that it cant be right cause logicly to me there is no evil. Yeah, but saying no to somebodys opinion is like screaming fire in a fire department. It accomplishes nothing and creates aggravation.
  11. I tried to find it on google for about 20 minutes just to see if I could find it and no luck. But I'm a gamer noob who still plays playstation 1 so I might just not know what to look for.
  12. haha he won $.017 from each person he beat. Haha that's what you call low stakes. It was a free tourney, don't laugh :P. Free or not free, beating 1718 people is really x 10^23 good.
  13. I believe in moral absolutism in that the standards of what constitutes good and what constitutes evil are permanently defined by an all-knowing perfect being.
  14. ^^^^^^^^^ You beat 1718 people to win $30? That must be what they mean, when they say a hard way to make an easy living.
  15. Kind of hard to understand but I'm pretty sure I agree with bas.
  16. It's always nice to get hands like that but it's hard to win anything when you've got the deck crippled like that.
  17. The article was drawing attention to the increasing need for awareness of the neccessary steps to insure a more safer produce consumption. In other words, due to the more "endangering" circumstances under which fruits and vegetables are being grown and the fact that pathogens stick to their surface relatively easily, a greater percentage of them are becoming contaminated. The purpose of the article was to bring attention to this and to warn produce consumers that because of this new risk they should take greater precaution by washing their produce more often and more thoroughly. The last part of the article was about ways to protect the general public from outbreaks. The article seems pretty fine to me. But maybe I should just ignore that since he did misspell a word ^^^
  18. I'm not really that much into rap so I can't really judge the lyrics but Jesus toadlicking Christ do you sound like a white boy. I'm not saying that's bad but it really sounds like you're scared or embarrassed to be rapping because in some parts you sound shaky and others you sound rushed. I know a lot of it is supposed to be fast but sometimes it comes across as a trying to hard, rushed sound. You also don't have to be ghetto but pronouncing ev-er-y single word completely out (or at least the ones I could make out) has got to at least be trimmed down. The strict pronounciation makes the song sound choppy in my opinion. I'd say just take it easy and work on the presentation of the song. Then again this is coming from someone who's about as white as you sound so take it with a grain of salt.
  19. I got Hawaiin honolulu dancers for number 2. There all connected and doing some kind of line dance. Am I way off on this one?
  20. Well said too. I just read the first 3 or 4 posts about excessive force and decided the other 8 pages probably wasn't worth reading.
  21. I was hoping someone would say something like that. I wasn't sure about its actual danger so I didn't say anything but I had my suspicions... I don't know if those numbers are exactly right but I do know that at the voltage the officer used it is practically impossible for any kind of permanent phsical damage to occur. In fact almost all effects are gone after a minute or two.
  22. You get a 5-10,000 volt shock when you get shocked by a doorknob. It's not the voltage that matters as much as it is the amperage. Not only is 50,000 volts actually very low for a standard taser, most police issued tasers utilize very low amperage as well. Hardly excessive force.
  23. Getting 5 answers on a test wrong seems like it would be your fault not hers.
  24. *edit*-misread. But saying 9/11 wasn't really that bad and was just overblown by the media is simply denial. Yes America has killed people in its various invasions but those deaths were always a byproduct of the original goal. Casualties of war cannot be compared to intentional terrorism.
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