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Everything posted by Poketama

  1. So we meet again Jem... Yah I liked this article very good :thumbsup:
  2. I almost died of panic parties tommorow right? Ill try to wake up in time
  3. Id say 9/10 see you in IRC and alot on the forum games... Anyone know me?
  4. haha I posted again!!... No Im a boy... The person under me wears underwear
  5. 5/10 because... why dont u like the dragon?
  6. IM NOT POKEMAMA SHEESH... im posting again to see if I can get rated higher from guydabest...please
  7. Simple answer here is... One has an S in it Whats the Difference between My bum and your head
  8. You love my avatar... thankyou your so kind :cry: why do you like it... 4/10 copies your sig and its still 2 freaky
  9. Thankyouz...freaky.. but since you gave me a good rating.... 3/10
  10. Why did I have to get this one... False The person under me dosnt know what my name stands for... and thinks I ripped my name off of Pokemama
  11. porkwptljwrtpkw Bum.. eww... Poketama Tounge
  12. 576460752303423488 I think thats right dam that was hard
  13. uh... Peon :shock: EDIT: And I know whats coming for me... its so easy.. everyone calls me it... IM POKEMAMA... nah Im not but thats what youll call me #-o
  14. Do I always have to rate you... 1/10 to freaky
  15. 3/10 I saw you...somewhere I rember the quotes in your sig... your sig image is freaky... As for Jem 10/10 just wanted to rate you lol... bunny in a cup... EDIT: Oi guy above me whats that a picture of in your sig an avatar? EDIT ONCE AGAIN: Your sig + the quotes goes over the limit change it quickly
  16. That would be at 7 AM on Monday for you. Great anotehr day I gotta wake up early Ill try to be there
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