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Everything posted by cheese666me

  1. i thought i would never see THAT kind of post here on tif :shock:
  2. i swear that if it becomes a law, im moving to russia
  3. Listen to Vital Remains, their music is so incredibly well elaborated that I could stay listening to them for days.
  4. Mas Alla De La Muerte Esta La Felicidad Que Busco - Epilepsia :?
  5. Im probably going to see Bestial Possession, Rip, Gangrel, Black Fire, Metal Militia and Dementor this 23rd.
  6. ill just take a shot and recommend soilwork, you may like their last albums, i dont like them but w.e, its just that im not into that genre
  7. they would probably have ended sucking anyways. most bands cant stay death metal and decent for too long :o
  8. Idk if you're serious or bull-[cabbage] me. Wait, are you serious? yes, i am serious :lol: it was my favorite band 2 years ago :P
  9. Soldier Side by SOAD :o how did i know? i used to be a huge soad fan myself. the verses "He's gone so far to find no hope. He's never coming back" sounded so familiar.
  10. If i was stranded on a deserted island beach, i would bring these item along: [hide=][/hide]
  11. What would be the point of googling the lyrics, if your going to do that then its not exactly a game anymore, so I doubt anybody is going to do that. nvm, ill just play the game :roll:. the song is apology by alesana [hide=My turn
  12. you do realize that people can google the lyrics, do you?
  13. i have one... but i never learned how to play it :?
  14. Thought you hated metallica? i dont hate metallica, i think they are over-rated
  15. Pantera Mayhem Stratovarius Sepultura Metallica Sarco[bleep]o Bathory Eucharist Death Therion Pan.Thy.Monium Helloween Cacophony and probably vital remains too :( they anounced they were looking for new lead guitarist, which means dave suzuki is not going to be in the band anymore :( which means their next album is probably going to suck :wall:
  16. uhhh... they have 3 guitarists :?
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHA. everytime someone tries bashing on heavy metal, all they can say is metallica. why? because it has the word "metal" in its name? you cant say heavy metal sucks just because metallica sucks. and i said BAND"S" with an S EDIT: look at your sig, you look like a heavy metal tard. :lol: that was another fail attempt to bash on heavy metal. fyi, atreyu is metalcore, not heavy metal
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