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Everything posted by Fekambard

  1. Mage some aviansies? 50K+ Magic xp/h with profit. Slaytanicc's Complete Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide
  2. Yes, I think you should be able to.
  3. I've always wondered: How many herbs can you clean an hour by concentrating?
  4. He was asking for a P2P Rune Pure Guide on the Help & Advice forum, so I directed him here. :smile:
  5. What are you saying the UK needs more knighted people to occupy the House of Lords #-o He's just stating that the Conservative are; always have been; and always will be: Pro-Rich. :? Oh I thought he was talking about the reforming of the House of Lords and I was being sarcastic about that :mellow: I understood the sarcasm, just not the wrong direction you took your post in. :rolleyes:
  6. What are you saying the UK needs more knighted people to occupy the House of Lords #-o He's just stating that the Conservative are; always have been; and always will be: Pro-Rich. :?
  7. .::Creating The PERFECT P2P Rune Pure::. by lv3god
  8. It doesn't exist. It's just an excuse used by the weak to attempt to usurp the more powerful. Get bigger or go somewhere else. Bet you wouldn't say that in real life, because then people can actually do something about that kind of attitude. And please don't reply with the stereotypical 'I'm 6'2 and a black-belt in Kung-Fu....' :P P.S: Please tell me you understood this reply. Also, I'm off to bed as it's getting late here so don't expect another reply. G'night.
  9. I just log on for about 30 minutes and manage 1M a day, that too being stuck in F2P. With your cash pile and subscription you could manage 5M-10M a day on the side in addition to whatever you it is you do to make money. Of course you hardly need the money. :blink:
  10. Everyone knows it, but not everyone abides by it.
  11. Wouldn't a Gravite Rapier be best for regular training? Speed of a shortsword (faster than scimitar) but with slightly more(?) bonuses.
  12. He means the F2P weapons you get as rewards from the skill. If you like to PK: 2H If you like to kill monsters, train combat levels, etc. : Longsword
  13. No, just make sure they are incense burners of any kind.
  14. What about making unf. potions? Those are fairly good money I heard.
  15. Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to turn a raw material or such into an item worth around 1.5x the material it was made from. The end product doesn't need to be sell-able, just tradeable. I hope you can hit me with a few ideas that can make around 40m in junk at a fairly decent rate. Thanks! :thumbup:
  16. Next time read the numerous posts already made before you make your own. Jad, really? The original poster wanted to boss hunt for profit. :thumbdown:
  17. Just wondering how many unf. pots can be made in an hour on average? Always nice to know. :thumbup:
  18. 10/10, Very Nice. :thumbup: Is it still worth training a Zerker, or any pure, to 52 prayer because in PvP worlds your opponent will be losing all their items anyway, so you don't really need to drop their prayer? Isn't it best to either stay at 43-45 or go straight to 70?
  19. Probably because most high levels go to GWD for boss hunting and the KBD is more of a 'Boss-Monster-for-lower-levels', so I bet your 'competition' were fairly low leveled. Nonetheless, onto the mole: # Gold: 3000 # 100%: Big bones, Mole skin(1-3), Mole claw # Weapon: Adamant longsword, Mithril battleaxe, Mithril hatchet, Rune spear, Rune 2h sword, Adamant javelin(20), Rune javelin(5), Rune battleaxe, Dragon spear # Armour: Rune med helm, Mithril platebody, Mithril chainbody, Dragon med helm, Rune kiteshield, Rune sq shield # Runes/Arrows: Air(105), Fire(105), Death(7-45), Law(15-45), Blood(15), Nature(62,67), Iron(690), Steel(150), Rune(42) # Misc: Shark(1,4), Bass, Iron ore(100 noted), Silver Ore(100 noted), Mithril bar, Runite bar, Yew logs(100 noted), Amulet of strength, Amulet of glory, Amulet of power, Oyster pearls, Uncut gems, Cut dragonstone, Loop half of a key, Tooth half of a key, Shield left half(dragon), Long bone, Curved bone, Nature Talisman If you think those drops are worth the time spent killing the mole, then go ahead. At the end of the day, do what you enjoy. :wink:
  20. It's not about being able to kill them; it's about being able to kill them effectively. Meaning the ability to kill a good number before needing to leave - because you'll need to bank, restock, get back to GWD and re-aquire the kill count. You don't want to be spending a while getting the 40 kill count and then barely managing a kill. Also, never forgot that you will almost always be crashed when someone see's your level and decides they could easily beat you to the kill, and that's considering you find a empty world in the first place. Have fun! :thumbup:
  21. Yes it would be, but with your stats I don't think you can effectively boss hunt. :thumbdown:
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