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Everything posted by Ember

  1. As much as I hate Flash, that's worth it. I haven't seen Mementh in ages, but apparently that site is still up. Any idea what he's been up to?
  2. That's funny. The only problems I've had with wireless on Linux were related to chipset manufacturers not providing drivers. Even then, I was able to get some cards working with help from the community forums and projects like NDISwrapper.
  3. That's interesting. I've just confirmed again via the objectives interface that level 120 is at 104,273,166 XP, whereas you have 104,273,167. If you feel like posting a screenshot, I'd be quite interested to see that some players are getting different results.
  4. Jard, your information would be beautiful, if only it were accurate. level xp xp from previous 100 14,391,160 1,356,729 101 15,889,108 1,497,948 102 17,542,976 1,653,868 103 19,368,991 1,826,015 104 21,385,072 2,016,081 105 23,611,005 2,225,933 106 26,068,631 2,457,626 107 28,782,068 2,713,437 108 31,777,942 2,995,874 109 35,085,653 3,307,711 110 38,737,660 3,652,007 111 42,769,799 4,032,139 112 47,221,639 4,451,840 113 52,136,868 4,915,229 114 57,563,717 5,426,849 115 63,555,442 5,991,725 116 70,170,839 6,615,397 117 77,474,827 7,303,988 118 85,539,081 8,064,254 119 94,442,736 8,903,655 120 104,273,166 9,830,430 [hide] Goal XP shows the xp at the goal level, which is shown in each image. [/hide]
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