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Everything posted by Wizz

  1. Wizz


    Eww chewing tobacco. Make people look like hicks.
  2. Wizz


    I think I had a date tonight... I was suppose to meet my friends tonight and they all bailed at the last min. Except this one girl who is a friend of a friend who we hang out with. Then at the end of the day she was like "I really enjoyed myself, hope we can do this again sometime. Night!" I was just left there like this :huh:
  3. What about that last dollar To make it rain coins. 8-)
  4. Wizz


    I GOOOT LAID off Time to find a new job!
  5. Buy 24 1$ strippers or 1 24$ stripper.
  6. I think he meant to say a 17 years old (Not Legal Adult yet) dating an 18 year old (Legally an Adult). There's always some problems from these.
  7. Well I guess any romance language if your already know English. English is after all, half romance.
  8. I remember seeing this on Taboo. Wasn't another big one arranged marriages of children, for aristocracy or something.
  9. Wizz


    I can't stand monster. Too sweet for me. <_< But yet again I drink soda only at dinner, and I have dinner with family like 3 times a week.
  10. Wizz

    Creepy Thread

    I remember there was this Resident Evil Screamer...
  11. I spy a spy on my profile views

    <.< >.>

  12. Doesn't work at dummies anymore???
  13. I tried printing a paper like fifteen times, then I notice the printer was off. I turn it on and get my paper, fifteen times....
  14. I finally saw Howls Moving Castle last Wends. I saw what I was missing.
  15. Wizz


    Had my Spanish final today. Kinda of unfair seeing as how they gave me Spanish for English Speakers when I registered and put SPANISH AS MY FIRST LANGUAGE. Easy final though, some words just make laugh. Thank God, for different types of Spanish.
  16. This is awesome! The program looks good too. =D>
  17. Well the Z and X series have a nice linear plot. Now Megaman ZX I get lost. EDIT:Ah so you be trollin'
  18. Just bought Megaman Zero Collections for the DS. Thank god they provide an easy mode for those of us who just want plot.
  19. Wizz

    E3 2010

    What a stupid argument. Would you rather me go get a bunch of pictures of JRPG's to prove a point? If you wish to waste your time, go for it. But to me these shooting games are all alike. I swear to god the game "Medal of Honor" got released like 5 years ago, but no it was something like Medal of Duty or something along those lines, I dunno I lose track.
  20. Wizz

    E3 2010

    I never really understood why people are getting very hyped about shooting games for. They all look the same to me with the same goal, defeat Hitler/Stalin/"Them". EDIT: OH LOOK
  21. Wizz

    I'll do it tomorrow for you ~<3

  22. Grats Smelly! You just gained one level in posting. Who's Strimulus??
  23. Wizz


    *Knocks Pepsi over next time* Doing some major job hunting this week. If im successful, Im discharging from the Army Reserves, The most disorganized Military ever. I know this going to sound immature. DISSSSCHAARGE!!! LOL!!!! :lol: :lol:
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