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Everything posted by Lowgravity

  1. Err i'm a posh English bastard as it turns out :lol: . TPUM has eyebrows!
  2. Well if you mean Frosties, let me put it as THEY'RE GRRRRRRRREAT! TPUM thinks friday night TV RULES!
  3. Exactly, having a gf/bf on the internet should only ever be acceptable when the people can communicate over webcam+microphone so you know who you are really dealing with!
  4. This stuff happens all the time, I died when I was watching tv and lost atleast 2m of stuff, just pick up and start again, or better yet just quit Runescape for good, it's a terrible game :P . Sorry for your loss, but remember it's only a game.
  5. Shading is all about creating shape, not making something darker, basically choose a light source and the closest shape to it should be highlighted where it is taking light, you should just look around and see how light reflects and stuff, for the face I would make most of one side dark with the top being dark because the hair is blocking the light. Then I would have some light on the opposite side of the dark on the face because the light is reflecting onto it, and possibly some where the features stick out.. the hair is the same, and with the phat it's similar but do it to each of the points. If you would like me to basic shade it to show you what I mean that is possible! Cool linework so far.
  6. Well I like some.. But some are just plain nerdy :!: TPUM has a postcount that is lower than mine :P .
  7. Banned for having a egg that looks like a avacado!
  8. If you remove the bottom part of the sword where you tryed to make it 3d the perspective will be correct :wink: .
  9. Pat0 is some sad ripper please don't even bother reading his posts. PS. Princessa owns and so does her artwork :P , call her... Princessa!
  10. Ok well this is original but not the most interesting of idea's.. Basically I want a guy in black/very dark trousers + shirt and very dark shoes, also having [bleep]ey black hair but he has white gloves that stand out, the whole sig should be pretty dark. His stance should be leaning back but still standed and both his arms will be above his head but not very far from his face, he should be spinning them round eachother while he is leaning back.. Kinda hard to explain but anyway. The background should be pretty dark with a phew bright sparks of light like camera flashes, he should be on a kind of platform but it's on a ground floor.. Wow I have typed alot :lol: anyway hope you get something that you want to do :) .
  11. Well it would be more comical if she had like.. evil red eyes :o but I don't really think that's what you meant >_>. PS. Is this a personal project? If so/not then why are you planning to make her look more comical :P .
  12. Great, the hair shape needs to be more rounded and maybe some hair going down the back of her neck, but I haven't seen the model so I don't know. But like I said on the other thread very very advanced skills and I wish you would post more stuff here :) .
  13. Post it here and i'm sure someone can resize it for you.
  14. WTF lol what on earth have you been smoking?? Anyway it's cool other than the fact the legs doesn't match the tutu that doesn't make the torso :shock: . If you made him more bulky on his body and made him have.. Normal legs then it would be really cool, that hair is so great :D .
  15. No i'm really skinny+lanky as it turns out :!: TPUM has a pet dog!
  16. I'll be a pixeler if you don't get anyone else :P .
  17. Yeah it needs horns and the wing is a little too small but it's really good overall and nice to look at :)
  18. Not greatly done, but the idea is good and it came across pretty nicely good job.
  19. I think that "Gender-Bending" as I like to call it is fine when people admit they are a man on a female character, but if they don't then I think it's fine. My pure dueler was a female for a few reasons... 1. Easier to merchant, some people will give you a cut on prices if they think you are a lady (I didn't abuse this really :P ) 2. The price differences in skirts are amaazing, I sold my dragon legs and bought a dragon skirt and I made ALOT of money from it, and lost no stat bonus.
  20. It's good! not entirely obvious what you did though.. So you cropped the banker and put him there, then cropped the teleother spell onto him? Can't see any flaws so great job for first. Try being more adventureous for your next one :) . PS : You said "So please telly me why because if you don't have a blah blah blah", :lol: (not ragging on your spelling, just funny that tellying is a abbreviation for teleporting, it's like a unconscious spelling mistake or something made because you were thinking about TELLYING :o )
  21. Your my fav pixe artist Quer :P probally since I seen you pixeling since the start and seeing how good you have become and how detailed your stuff is.. I admire your peoples feet as well for some reason :? :lol: , his arm guards are way cool.. Only crit is his mouth kinda looks weird, trying making him smile or something lol!
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