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Everything posted by Lowgravity

  1. It's weird.... Also it kinda looks like the guy has a "Banana in his pocket" :lol: .
  2. I like it alot, V nice, but I think the font doesn't really go well, and is difficult to read, the BG is excellent though, good job :D .
  3. My latest in my pixel graffiti thingy phase.. These letters aren't supposed to match, which one do you think looks best? Also I would like to hear your comments on it, I like it. (I think the A is the best :D )
  4. Hey that's really nice dude, people who don't play doom wont understand this though, I love it, the glare from the window is good, and the monster shows a very good likeness to the Doom ones, good job. :D
  5. I'm bored with all the Runescape pixel sigs now, so I thought I would try something else. I like graffiti, I like it's style, I like pixeling, I made a Graffiti Pixel sig! Comments please, I will be making more of these, so reply here if you want one, (they are free, I don't play runescape anymore.) (This is my first ever try, it's preety sloppy, but once I do some more, it will get better :P )
  6. do you want birdseye view?? or sideways on? or perspective. and do you want a main car in the foreground?
  7. Idk if u have noticed yet but this is tip.it ;) sig requires are 300x150 Tho i like em those aren't siggies ;) and if they are they are illegal :P yes wow its illegal and its really hard to change that............. omg and if you do something illegal on a forum you might get... ARRESTED!! :roll:
  8. should have taken pic of mysterious man and added [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] :roll:
  9. Nice sigs man.. but you should really add borders! :P
  10. err.... yer its not really me. its my friend. :lol:
  11. ghetto wannabe? :roll:
  12. A).. B) looks like you wrote the 76 woodcutting really quick.
  13. not very good edit, you saved the picture as jpg, so the "50" stands out far to much.
  14. Hi all, seems to me that everyone thinks pixeling is the way to go. Personally I am sick of people trying to start pixeling, thinking it's going to be easy, and they are just spending very little time, making very poor signatures, and preeting much spamming up the boards. Every other post (1/2 posts) is "Rate my 1st,2nd,3rd,4th etc, pixel sig!". Getting bored with it, I think a new style of art should be introduced, Dunno what yet, am thinking about it.. But I think pixeling should be left to the experts (you know who you are :wink: ) To sum it up. Are people who are trying to become pixel drawers wasting their time? or is it a good idea? Your thoughts please :D .
  15. sucks but oh well, if no-one else is doing it :D
  16. yes ok led you dont need to post something that has been said 4 times already, sheesh.
  17. 30k = file size, dont worry, yours is only 10k.. but its too high by 50 pixels
  18. Can somebody add some 1337 font to this - saying Lowgravity pl0z. comments also welcome :D
  19. the guy is ok.. not sure what monster is on the ground try giving everything a black outline, or most things.. makes it look better..
  20. lol yeah you could have banana riding the lead hippo, and apple riding the other, and they can come into battle and just do a big cloud of smoke, then all that remains is banana and apple, then they can both collapse, or fight, or something!
  21. you should have a sort of peace sign in the middle, like the 2 fingers? or the cross or something, just kinda moved out of the picture if you know whati mean.
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