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Everything posted by Mr_Adam

  1. Mr_Adam


    Avatar: The Last Airbender is SUCH a good show.
  2. Wow, the depth of the ocean is scary O_O And that bizarre octopus looking thing...that is what exactly? :S Cthulhu. Bless you. I lol'd a bit at Cthulu. After all that scrolling down I expected something more up-front.
  3. Mr_Adam


    I decided to sign up to StumbleUpon.
  4. If you don't game much, and don't plan to, I'd suggest a PS3. But since that's not in the budget, I'd stick with the Wii and buy Super Mario Galaxy 2. I'd lean away from Monster Hunter Tri - that's a committing game. If you want, you could also get a 360, but that whole system feels like it's tilted to the "hardcore gamer." A lot of the games are FPS, and besides that your real best bets are racing or sports games, with the occasional stray. Also, if you want to play multiplayer (online OR offline), get Xbox. Although, like someone said, you could just invest in a computer. Maybe sell your $181 in credit to a gamer friend for $150 cash.
  5. Looks okay. Like the sorta cheesiness that doesn't wanna be cheesy. But that could just be the Japanese. It looks sort of good, but nothing spectacular. It also looks more fast paced than an average shooter, and I think there'll be a gimmick relating to time (like the dagger, except not back in time. Just slowing stuff down). Oh and why is America being attacked? That doesn't sell in Japan... or does it?
  6. It looks surreal... Maybe there's aliens involved like in War of the Worlds :ohnoes: And maybe the overweight kookaburras are alien spies... Still, it's scarily circular and never-ending looking. I thought it was photoshopped at first.
  7. Nevermind, I found it on Youtube.
  8. Mr_Adam


    Saw an orthopedist. My bone fracture is very small, but if I fall or get hit it could knock everything out of place, which would be bad. I'll be in a sling for another week-ish, and will feel great a week after and able to do things again, but I still have to watch it. Total Estimated Time to Fully Recover: about 5 weeks. I would have gotten x-ray pictures, but the break is literally just a line... I'd lose people's sympathy lol. Also, I bought Super Mario Galaxy 2 today (despite not being able to play it) for a good deal at Gamestop ($40 off if I traded in Fire Emblem and SMG 1), and I bought Reservoir Dogs for $3 because I won a 1/2 thing at MovieStop ("What line is 'I'll never let go' from?" A: Titanic). Then I bought some sandals for the summer :thumbup:
  9. Mr_Adam


    Or you could look out the window.
  10. Mr_Adam


    Got a trumpet from my friend, since I can't play any other instruments with one arm (except drums maybe). I can sorta play the C scale :twss: Also, I get to skip school tomorrow. I intend to watch all the R rated movies I can't watch with my brothers home/never have time for. Then I think I have homework... Not sure entirely how well that'll work.
  11. Mr_Adam


    I feel for you, I've done it twice. How long are you supposed to have the sling on for? You actually get a lot better left handed when you are forced to use it. You won't have that much trouble in a week or two. It's not so bad using your left hand *is left handed*. Though i'm sure if I tried to do most things with my right hand it'd be difficult. It's really a small break, but I think I still have to wear the sling for 6-8 weeks. I can still move my arm fairly well, but pain comes when I move my shoulder around. There won't be need for surgery. I'm going to see an orthopedist soon, and then I'll have more details. If I get x-ray photos maybe I'll put them up. I can't play guitar or sax now though =( and I doubt I'll get paid for not being able to work...
  12. Mr_Adam


    I broke my clavicle, and now I can't really use my dominant arm. :sad: Everything is hard lefty.
  13. Mr_Adam


    It's SOOOOOOOOO hot. 97 F at 2pm... almost 10 now but STILL HOT. I want Air Conditioning.
  14. A tournament might be fun to try.... maybe I'll look into the next one. Does it matter which version I have (I have HeartGold). Although, I only just beat the Elite Four. Fight with Lance was epic :ugeek: 30 minutes of being at a complete disadvantage on my part. For his first Dragonite, I ended up just healing [garden tool]-Oh until he ran out of PP and I could attack >_> All my pokemon were at least 5 levels lower. BUT I DID IT.
  15. Mr_Adam


    Wow, thats crazy. However I can relate. I was the 4th youngest in my class, I didn't turn 18 for almost a month after graduation. One kid we had didn't turn 18 till September after graduation. Well I probably am the youngest in my class. I was born 2 days (July 29th) before the date where you had to start school the next year. Same thing. I won't be 18 until September after I graduate, because I skipped kindergarten. I think I'm the second youngest in my class, and the youngest is only younger because he came from Egypt. Or something. And skipped kindergarten as well. I think.
  16. I didn't read through 5 pages of this, but I get that it's dumbed down to religious controversy again. I was really hoping to just see some pictures put up, because I had fun being racist today. Got an excuse to doodle and get my friends to make some cool tags. Because remember - Mohammad can anything! I may have been religiously insensitive throughout the day (and I do have a Muslim friend whom I jested with), but to be honest, the most I think Mohammad would feel is annoyed. This is a lot of free publicity. and btw, EVERYONE'S A [bleep]ING HYPOCRITE.
  17. I thought that was pretty good. But of course, the book people know isn't going to be tested on - instead we have a full essay test on The Bean Trees, which I haven't finished. And heard is boring. Haven't been reading much lately. My schedule's been all messed up =\
  18. I got some orange soda :thumbup:
  19. I read the Orange Soda Experiment. Now I'm craving some orange soda. I was also thinking of how that might make a good horror movie.
  20. Mr_Adam


    I suggested this at the beginning of the year, and my conductor said no...
  21. My dad got tickets to see Rodrigo y Gabriela tomorrow ^_^
  22. Mr_Adam


    I threw the term sadomasochism in a sentence, without being 100% sure of its meaning. I got some odd looks. That's when I realised that I was... off.
  23. Mr_Adam


    I submitted to UG and my sheet never got accepted <_< Today I had a soccer game, first outdoor game since the fall. I thought I played pretty well, and I got a beautiful goal with my left foot. But we lost. 4-1. :wall: On Friday though, I was invited to a double-date sorta thing with my friend, hot friend from a previous post, and her friend. I turned it down... I was dead tired. I feel like I may have given up a chance. It's weird though, I'm a pure 15 yr old sophomore and she's 17 and as she says "very experienced... like a cougar." She has a boyfriend in college, and she says that neither of them get jealous or protective, and that everything she does with me is innocent. I'm not sure how to really say it. But I feel sort of awkward with it... I tried to keep that clean btw. Mostly-Anonymous dirty-talk is weird O.O
  24. Recently I've decided that all of my shirts should be bought online, since that's the only place I've found truly awesome shirts. How can I set up a PayPal or another method to actually buy them, without using a credit card? I've never really purchased online before... Thanks! http://www.splitreason.com/product/753 - Shirt I plan to buy.
  25. Mr_Adam


    I was at Washington D.C. since Thursday, and got home yesterday. Had a lot of fun, not to mention that one of the hottest girls in the school decided to follow me around all week with her friend :mrgreen: Sorta weird though, because they're both upper-class and have boyfriends, and both are pretty flirty/[bleep]ty (depending on point of view). Ended up with a fairly awkward pillowfight and truth-or-dare challenge (door of the hotel was open, some people didn't participate... etc...). Too bad I probably won't talk to them as much now that the band trip is over - but it was pretty cool. Unfortunately, now I'm back and I have an essay due tomorrow <_<
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