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Everything posted by Great_one

  1. probably just an elf scout in the new worldlooking for others. and is the mother of the other elf
  2. -.- i just got 70 agility late last night and this happens
  3. your one of "them" i will tell you the same thing i tell all of "them". if you dont like what JageX did quit already and stop complaining. they didnt take anything away from you, you are no richer nor any poorer irl. they can do w/e they please it is their game and their company
  4. well if anything does come of it to a large extent i wouldnt expect it for a good 2-3years
  5. what did you expect them to say? that they knew they were wrong the whole time, i think not
  6. guthix used it to create runes. im sure he didnt use them himself -.- and no we ourself will never get it but it will probably be in a large quest...150th anyone?
  7. yea even tho the new quest has really bad rewards i loved it for the history(it was also in a much better way than makiing history. cutscenes>text imo didnt ever read any of history)
  8. well you have 2 coices mole or kbd with a large team
  9. new avetar. while you guys were off claiming the barrows i looked back at some of the older wallpapers
  10. room for 2 new skills i see :-k this all stinks for me i got my quest cape and 70 agility just last night
  11. i got it all done now but thanks for the help
  12. please dont yell, use your inside voice please. that would also unbalance the game alot.
  13. well if you use a enchanted helm to store scrolls i dont see any reason not to use it as the scoll activates automaticly and it doesnt comprimise your or your titans normal atak
  14. okay so as i near the quest cape i have a few questions. 1. what miniquests are required to get your cape? i know all of rfd and the rag and bone man wishlist. but is there anything else? 2. besides for the mini-quests is there anything else nessesary for the questcape? btw is you are interested i have these quests left -eagles peak -spirit of summer miniquests bone wishlist i have like 5 left including haveing to do the mogre miniquest
  15. my list [hide=dragon]none yet[/hide] [hide=slayer=6] [/hide] [hide=dk=1][/hide] [hide=random drops=2] [/hide]
  16. im handing this thread over to 3 point man. everything is still the same just diferent owners
  17. yea but there is a diference between quests as a starting member and the last few quests. if i had all of the quests open to do i could probably do around 40 or 50 in on day, even tho most of those would be the easy leveled quests
  18. easy as pie. those are about the same stats i did it at with tuna and had like 5 tuna left, no prayer no str pot just addy armor my rune long and tuna
  19. well lets see in the last 7 playing days i have done 37 quests non-stop i am currently 4 away from the cape
  20. support big time....only cw once but it was really disorganized
  21. i fully support...even tho if it also takes the diaries to egt it ill never have it. (4 quests till quest cape :thumbsup: )
  22. godwars 1 year old b-day bash!!! come and part...what is THAT!?! OMG its ZAROS!!!! also the 150th quest i have a gut feeling is going to be huge...just a hunch,
  23. so basicly your saying that you got raped(i assume you didnt want it?)by a level 600 something monster. how is that apropriate for a game with majority under 12 years old? btw i got a day mute for telling a ranger to grow some balls and fight
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