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Everything posted by scn64

  1. I had a penpal a long time ago when I was around 8. He wasn't from another country, just a different state, but it was still fun to write back and forth.
  2. Cool, thanks. I'll make sure to do that!
  3. I'll answer your survey a little later.
  4. Part of me wants to sell it and part of me wants to keep it. I may never find another one again in my life.
  5. My parents just brought home a meteorite that they found in the forest and I think its from the comet shower we just had. Now I'm not sure what to do. I checked it out and it is real. Now I'm wondering what I should do! Could I get money from it?!
  6. That's exactly why it's so stupid to ban it, because it's just tag. And no it's not the sole reason for kids being fat. But lack of exercise is definitely a large contributor to obesity and tag is a fun form of exercise. If they were to ban every form of exercise that could get someone injured or hurt someones feelings, there wouldn't be many forms of exercise left.
  7. Lol, they banned kids from having an imagination?
  8. Yeah. Getting little scrapes and bruises is part of being a kid.
  9. http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2007/08/ ... 71142.html Of course our kids are going to become obese when they're not even allowed to play tag at recess.
  10. "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted. "We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service. Minnery, a former Marine turned whistle-blower, is risking his job by speaking out for the first time about the millions he noticed were missing from one defense agency's balance sheets. Minnery tried to follow the money trail, even crisscrossing the country looking for records. "The director looked at me and said 'Why do you care about this stuff?' It took me aback, you know? My supervisor asking me why I care about doing a good job," said Minnery. He was reassigned and says officials then covered up the problem by just writing it off. "They have to cover it up," he said. "That's where the corruption comes in. They have to cover up the fact that they can't do the job." Link If a private company did anything nearly this bad, they'd be out of business and every officer would be in jail :P.
  11. I didn't receive the letter but I heard about if from my parents. If Mars was ever close enough to Earth that it looked as big as the moon, there would be definite cause for concern.
  12. The series sucks! There, I've discussed it now.
  13. The gun even has smiley faces drawn on it...not exactly what I'd call a violent drawing.
  14. scn64


    I wasn't very interested in the game but I decided to try the demo. Now I'm probably going to end up buying it.
  15. Wow, I never even thought about that. I understand what you said and yet I'm even more confused now.
  16. There is a point where being naive and ignorant become distinct. You have clearly crossed this border. Now i do not make this flame for no reason, but if you stop to think about the "article" for 30 seconds, could you come up with a crazy twist to the story that they are leaving out? Considering the child was being arrested under the charges of "Criminal Mischief" and "vandalism", i am not sure what part of the story they ACLU (Damn those liberal bastards trying to protect the Bill of Rights! The bill of rights was always the constitutions drunken cousin) is leaving out. So you try and dream up a way the child would deserve to be handcuffed for writing "okay" on the desk. off topic: Please, everyone stop writing about. . . "In MY school, if someone writes on the desk..." EDIT: i forgot to bring up the point; that being why was this article in the early spring? The scenario described in the article was such a ridiculous sounding story that I HAVE to question its integrity. If that truly was the whole story, god help us, but I don't think it's naive or ignorant to have a little problem believing the article is 100% accurate. You've never seen a news story that exaggerates the truth to get a reaction from the readers?
  17. On a related note, a Chinese family tries to name their kid "@". http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-6202948.html
  18. Actually, most of the post in this threads suggests the exact opposite - if you don't have an ordinary enough name it almost seems like most people think he deserves to be teased about it. Superman is just a stupid name though. I wouldn't see a problem with an unusual name if the parents put some thought into it and came up with something that at least sounds like a name. All they did was take the title of a comic book hero and slap it on their kid. They might as well have named him "The Hulk" or "Wonder Woman". That's not being original or creative since the name "Superman" has already been around and quite well known for many years, just not as a name for a real person. There are many other names that they could have come up with that would be un-ordinary and still not get the kid teased later on in life. Heck, I wouldn't even name my dog Superman.
  19. They should have just named him Clark if they wanted to go the Superman route.
  20. I have to agree. We're talking about a school in New York City. There has to be so many other, worse, things going on in a school like that. If the police are called for something as small as writing on the desk, I doubt there would ever be a time when the police aren't there.
  21. The bird hunting mule points with its right foot.
  22. Regardless of whether or not the topless next door neighbor thought it was ok to have the boys rub lotion on her back, she should have realized that their parents might not view it in the same light. The boys aren't hers, afterall.
  23. The bird hunting mule points with his right foot.
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