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Everything posted by Leik

  1. gee gee Chelsea, actually the good guys for once. Can't believe Chelsea actually out-[bleep]ed another team.
  2. The one and only The last thing I did on RS, wonder what my return on investment is today 25x (3.6b or so). Incredibly better than the S&P 500, by comparison, in the same period. By not playing, you made over 1m gp/day, which is far better than all worthwhile dailies combined. Wait.... Purple is 3.6b? What?? And Musky. Whoa throwback Hats: 3525-3625/3700-3850/3850-4250/5100-5300/6700-7100/8800-9300 These are the current hat prices lol (Purp/Yellow/Green/Red/White/Blue) Slightly closer to 120 Inv, I mean Fishing.
  3. They really aren't worth doing, unless you're confident in your combat ability and have some of the best gear around. All of the new 'elite' slayer creatures are generally not worth doing. I'd recommend you simply skip them.
  4. Do dailies, such as Vis Wax, buy fire runes from shops, battlestaffs, MTK, etc. Vis Wax alone can be up to 550k per day. Herb runs are good too, decent profit and some farming XP. Also slayer is a really good way to make money these days. Some tasks are absolute crap, but many other tasks have been reworked so they give some decent money.
  5. [bleep] off m8 was a [bleep]ing worldie though. I just hope they go on and win it at this point
  6. RS07 has a higher player count. However, they have a much bigger botting problem than RS3 does, so the numbers are a bit inflated. Obviously RS3 has bots too, but not nearly the same amount as RS07, since 07 is simply more profitable for the botters, I believe. The number on the mainsite is across all the games.
  7. First time I've Nexed in a month or 2, was nice to get that drop. My 8th total Virtus drop (3 books, 2 gloves, 2 wands and legs now), whereas I've only had 3 Pernix (1 if you don't count Zaryte bows) and 1 Torva. Alsoooooo my 3rd ever boss pet on this account :DDD Was on the 69th kill too, topkek and all that.
  8. Weeeeee, boss pet #3 (4th if you count Kril on Alt). Was on my 69th kill, too.
  9. 8th Virtus drop, only 3 Pernix (1 if you don't count Zaryte as Pernix) and 1 Torva lol
  11. This song is so [bleep]ing good. The build-up at the end is such a tease, but man is it good
  12. Reddit, RSWiki and complete lack of support for fansites. The biggest RS community is now on reddit. There is simply no way for any forums to compete with that. They have a huge user advantage over the traditional forums, plus their format is simply better. Then there's the RS Wiki. As sad as it is for me to say, fansites are mostly dead. With how quickly the Wiki updates and a complete lack of support from Jagex, there simply isn't much of a reason to venture outsite of the Wiki and reddit. If you look around on reddit, you will see countless jmods posting there every single day. I love Tip.It and I love this community of ours, but being honest, we really cannot compete with those 2 websites, no one can.
  13. 2 more Nex drops and my loot from 203 Nex solos so far (minus RDT drops). Averaging about 10.4m gp/hr :D [hide=~200 Solo Nex log] 1. Grimy torstol 2. Onyx bolts 3. Onyx bolts 4. Onyx bolts 5. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 6. Grimy torstol/Hard clue 7. Green dragonhide 8. Green dragonhide 9. Magic logs 10. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 11. Torstol seed 12. Rune ore 13. Magic logs 14. Coal 15. Magic logs 16. VIRTUS WAND 17. Green dragonhide 18. Uncut dragonstone 19. Uncut dragonstone 20. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 21. Green dragonhide 22. Green dragonhide 23. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 24. Magic seed 25. Onyx bolts 26. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 27. Uncut dragonstone 28. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 29. Coal 30. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 31. Grimy torstol/Ancient effigy 32. 3 Rune bar/103 Gold ore 33. Torstol seed 34. Torstol seed 35. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 36. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 37. Magic seed 38. Torstol seed 39. Coal 40. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 41. Magic seed 42. 3 Rune bar/130 Rune arrowhead 43. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 44. Onyx bolts 45. Magic seed 46. Coal 47. Uncut dragonstone 48. Rune ore 49. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 50. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 51. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 52. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 53. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 54. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 55. Green dragonhide 56. Rune ore 57. Onyx bolts 58. Uncut dragonstone 59. Green dragonhide 60. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 61. Rune ore 62. Magic logs 63. Coal 64. Rune ore 65. Magic seed 66. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 67. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 68. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 69. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 70. Onyx bolts 71. Coal 72. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 73. Grimy torstol 74. Onyx bolts 75. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 76. Magic logs 77. Grimy torstol 78. Magic seed 79. Grimy torstol 80. Grimy torstol 81. Grimy torstol 82. Green dragonhide 83. VIRTUS GLOVES 84. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 85. Uncut dragonstone 86. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 87. Tooth half/105 Gold ore 88. Rune ore 89. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 90. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 91. PERNIX BOOTS 92. Magic seed 93. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 94. Onyx bolts 95. ZARYTE BOW 96. Grimy torstol 97. Green dragonhide 98. Magic logs 99. Rune ore 100. Magic seed 101. Onyx bolts 102. Green dragonhide 103. Rune ore 104. 50 Molten glass/72 Big bones 105. Magic logs 106. Uncut dragonstone 107. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 108. Grimy torstol 109. Magic logs 110. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 111. Onyx bolts 112. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 113. Green dragonhide 114. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 115. Rune ore 116. Uncut dragonstone 117. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 118. Green dragonhide 119. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 120. VIRTUS BOOK 121. Magic logs 122. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 123. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 124. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 125. Magic seed 126. Grimy torstol 127. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 128. Rune ore 129. Grimy torstol 130. TORVA LEGS 131. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 132. Magic seed 133. Uncut dragonstone 134. Coal 135. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 136. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 137. Uncut dragonstone 138. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 139. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 140. Coal 141. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 142. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 143. Uncut dragonstone 144. Onyx bolts 145. Green dragonhide 146. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 147. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 148. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 149. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 150. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 151. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 152. Onyx bolts 153. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 154. 471 Flax/Tooth half 155. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 156. Rune ore 157. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 158. Green dragonhide/Hard clue 159. Uncut dragonstone 160. Onyx bolts 161. Torstol seed 162. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 163. Magic logs 164. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 165. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 166. Uncut dragonstone 167. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 168. Torstol seed 169. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 170. ZARYTE BOW 171. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 172. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 173. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 174. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 175. Dragon helm/15 Adamant bar 176. Torstol seed 177. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 178. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 179. Uncut dragonstone 180. Uncut dragonstone 181. Magic logs 182. Green dragonhide 183. 70 Big bones/Uncut diamond 184. Magic seed 185. Torstol seed 186. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 187. Torstol seed 188. Onyx bolts 189. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 190. VIRTUS WAND 191. Coal 192. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 193. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 194. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 195. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 196. Grimy torstol 197. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 198. Magic logs 199. Torstol seed 200. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 201. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 202. Torstol seed 203. Onyx bolts 204. Rune platebody/159 Raw lobster 205. Grimy torstol 206. 3 Rune bar/Loop half key 207. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 208. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 209. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 210. Onyx bolts 211. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 212. Uncut dragonstone 213. Green dragonhide 214. Rune ore 215. Uncut dragonstone 216. Magic logs 217. Coal 218. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 219. Torstol seed 220. Coal 221. 140 Raw lobster/14 Adamant bar 222. Onyx bolts 223. Rune ore 224. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 225. VIRTUS BOOK 226. Coal 227. Magic logs 228. Grimy torstol 229. Coal 230. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 231. Magic seed 232. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 233. Coal 234. Coal 235. Rune ore 236. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 237. Uncut dragonstone 238. Rune ore 239. Rune ore 240. Magic seed 241. 243 Rune arrowhead 242. Magic seed 243. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 244. Torstol seed 245. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 246. Green dragonhide 247. Onyx bolts 248. Magic seed/Hard clue 249. Magic logs 250. Rune ore 251. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 252. Rune ore 253. Torstol seed 254. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 255. Grimy torstol 256. Green dragonhide 257. Magic logs 258. Green dragonhide 259. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 260. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 261. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 262. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 263. Onyx bolts 264. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 265. Uncut dragonstone 266. Coal/Elite clue 267. Rune platebody/126 Rune arrowheads 268. Green dragonhide 269. Magic seed 270. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 271. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 272. Green dragonhide 273. Torstol seed 274. Loop half/137 Rune arrowhead 275. Rune ore 276. Magic seed 277. VIRTUS GLOVES 278. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 279. Onyx bolts 280. Uncut dragonstone 281. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 282. Magic logs 283. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 284. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 285. VIRTUS LEGS 286. coal 287. Coal 288. Rune ore 289. Rune ore 290. Green dragonhide 291. Grimy torstol 292. Coal 293. Torstol seed 294. 3 Rune bar/Loop half 295. 70 Big bones/Loop half 296. Uncut dragonstone 297. 82 Big bones/Tooth half 298. Coal 299. Green dragonhide 300. 543 Flax/Uncut diamond 301. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 302. 48 Teak plank/Loop half 303. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest/Effigy 304. Magic seed 305. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 306. Magic logs 307. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 308. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 309. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 310. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 311. Uncut dragonstone 312. Uncut dragonstone 313. Magic seed 314. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 315. Uncut dragonstone 316. Uncut dragonstone 317. Coal 318. Green dragonhide 319. Grimy torstol 320. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 321. Grimy torstol 322. VIRTUS GLOVES 323. Grimy torstol 324. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 325. Grimy torstol 326. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 327. Magic seed 328. VIRTUS BOOTS 329. Coal 330. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 331. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 332. Coal 333. Grimy torstol 334. Grimy torstol 335. Coal 336. Rune ore 337. Coal 338. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 339. Onyx bolts 340. Torstol seed 341. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 342. Torstol seed 343. Onyx bolts 344. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 345. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 346. VIRTUS BOOTS 347. Onyx Bolts 348. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 349. PERNIX CHAPS 350. Torstol seed 351. 133 Rune arrowhead/48 Molten glass 352. COal 353. Onyx bolts 354. Coal 355. Magic seed 356. Coal 357. Torstol seed 358. Torstol seed 359. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 360. 3 Rune bar/Uncut diamond 361. TORVA BOOTS 362. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 363. Magic seed 364. Magic seed 365. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 366. TORVA BOOTS 367. Coal 368. Onyx bolts 369. Dragon spear/480 Soft clay 370. PERNIX CHAPS 371. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 372. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 373. Torstol seed 374. Onyx bolts 375. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 376. Magic logs 377. Uncut dragonstone 378. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 379. Uncut dragonstone 380. Magic seed 381. 16 Adamant bar/53 Molten glass 382. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 383. Magic seed 384. Magic logs 385. 102 Gold ore/Uncut Diamond 386. Green dragonhide 387. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 388. Green dragonhide 389. Magic seed 390. Torstol seed 391. Magic logs 392. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 393. Uncut dragonstone 394. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 395. Grimy torstol 396. Torstol seed 397. Uncut dragonstone 398. Grimy torstol 399. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 400. 15 Adamant bar/Loop half 401. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 402. Rune ore 403. Uncut dragonstone 404. Rune ore 405. Magic logs 406. Green dragonhide 407. Rune ore 408. Torstol seed 409. Uncut dragonstone 410. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 411. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 412. Onyx bolts 413. Grimy torstol 414. Rune ore 415. Uncut dragonstone 416. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 417. Grimy torstol 418. 51 Teak plank/Uncut diamond 419. Green dragonhide 420. Green dragonhide 421. Onyx bolts 422. Uncut dragonstone 423. Torstol seed 424. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 425. Rune ore 426. Magic logs 427. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 428. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 429. Onyx bolts 430. Onyx bolts 431. Onyx bolts 432. Torstol seed 433. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 434. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 435. Onyx bolts 436. Grimy torstol 437. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 438. Magic seed 439. 153 Raw lobster/77 Big bones 440. Magic logs 441. Uncut dragonstone 442. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 443. Uncut dragonstone 444. Green dragonhide 445. Green dragonhide 446. Green dragonhide 447. Coal 448. Magic seed 449. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 450. Onyx bolts 451. Torstol seed 452. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 453. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 454. Uncut dragonstone 455. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 456. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 457. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 458. ZARYTE BOW 459. Coal 460. Uncut dragonstone 461. Grimy torstol 462. Uncut dragonstone 463. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 464. 3 Rune bar/52 Molten glass 465. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 466. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 467. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 468. Coal 469. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 470. Onyx bolts 471. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 472. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 473. Green dragonhide 474. Magic logs 475. TORVA HELM 476. Magic logs 477. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 478. 73 Yew logs/Tooth half 479. Coal 480. Magic logs 481. Coal 482. Magic logs 483. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 484. Onyx bolts 485. Rune ore 486. Magic logs 487. Grimy Torstol 488. Loop half/Uncut diamond 489. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 490. Magic seed 491. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 492. PERNIX GLOVES 493. Coal 494. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. [/hide]
  14. 2 more Nex drops and my loot from 203 Nex solos so far (minus RDT drops). Averaging about 10.4m gp/hr :D
  15. 2 more drops and total loot from 134 Nex solos (minus the shitty rdt drops). Also, just realized I forgot to include Virtus gloves in there, so add another 3.2m 10.9m/hr np.
  16. Make sure to play Big Chinchompa for Hunter, you can play it twice per day and it starts every every hour on the :30 minute mark. The tickets are also a nice bonus for Hunter later on (or the XP if you choose so). As for farming, just plant whatever herbs and allotments you can until level 15. Plant oaks at level 15, and continue to do so until level 30 for Willows, maples at 45 etc. Also plant whatever fruit tree you can as well. I don't know if money is a big issue for you, but farming herbs is generally a decent profit, such as snapdragons, avantoes, toadflax etc. Thieving is honestly really awful at the lower levels. The bakery stalls are decent, as are farmers. But in all honesty, I don't really know what's best for low level thieving. How I trained my thieving mostly on my alt was through daily challenges.
  17. This year looks absolutely insane, really looking forward to it, especially the Solo boss and the Sliske quests. GWD2 is also really amazing, I'm kind of hoping it brings back the feel that GWD originally brought back in 2007, where soloing seemed impossible and you needed a team of 3-6 to get a decent amount of kills etc.
  18. Also Edimmu pet :D [hide=~100 Nex solo log] 1. Grimy torstol 2. Onyx bolts 3. Onyx bolts 4. Onyx bolts 5. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 6. Grimy torstol/Hard clue 7. Green dragonhide 8. Green dragonhide 9. Magic logs 10. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 11. Torstol seed 12. Rune ore 13. Magic logs 14. Coal 15. Magic logs 16. VIRTUS WAND 17. Green dragonhide 18. Uncut dragonstone 19. Uncut dragonstone 20. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 21. Green dragonhide 22. Green dragonhide 23. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 24. Magic seed 25. Onyx bolts 26. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 27. Uncut dragonstone 28. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 29. Coal 30. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 31. Grimy torstol/Ancient effigy 32. 3 Rune bar/103 Gold ore 33. Torstol seed 34. Torstol seed 35. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 36. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 37. Magic seed 38. Torstol seed 39. Coal 40. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 41. Magic seed 42. 3 Rune bar/130 Rune arrowhead 43. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 44. Onyx bolts 45. Magic seed 46. Coal 47. Uncut dragonstone 48. Rune ore 49. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 50. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 51. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 52. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 53. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 54. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 55. Green dragonhide 56. Rune ore 57. Onyx bolts 58. Uncut dragonstone 59. Green dragonhide 60. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 61. Rune ore 62. Magic logs 63. Coal 64. Rune ore 65. Magic seed 66. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 67. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 68. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 69. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 70. Onyx bolts 71. Coal 72. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 73. Grimy torstol 74. Onyx bolts 75. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 76. Magic logs 77. Grimy torstol 78. Magic seed 79. Grimy torstol 80. Grimy torstol 81. Grimy torstol 82. Green dragonhide 83. VIRTUS GLOVES 84. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 85. Uncut dragonstone 86. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 87. Tooth half/105 Gold ore 88. Rune ore 89. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 90. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 91. PERNIX BOOTS 92. Magic seed 93. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 94. Onyx bolts 95. ZARYTE BOW 96. Grimy torstol 97. Green dragonhide 98. Magic logs 99. Rune ore 100. Magic seed 101. Onyx bolts 102. Green dragonhide 103. Rune ore 104. 50 Molten glass/72 Big bones 105. Magic logs 106. Uncut dragonstone 107. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 108. Grimy torstol 109. Magic logs 110. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 111. Onyx bolts 112. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 113. Green dragonhide 114. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 115. Rune ore 116. Uncut dragonstone 117. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 118. Green dragonhide 119. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 120. VIRTUS BOOK 121. Magic logs 122. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 123. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 124. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 125. Magic seed 126. Grimy torstol 127. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 128. Rune ore 129. Grimy torstol 130. TORVA LEGS 131. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 132. Magic seed 133. Uncut dragonstone 134. Coal 135. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 136. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 137. Uncut dragonstone 138. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 139. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 140. Coal 141. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 142. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 143. Uncut dragonstone 144. Onyx bolts 145. Green dragonhide 146. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 147. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 148. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 149. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 150. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 151. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 152. Onyx bolts 153. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 154. 471 Flax/Tooth half 155. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 156. Rune ore 157. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 158. Green dragonhide/Hard clue 159. Uncut dragonstone 160. Onyx bolts 161. Torstol seed 162. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 163. Magic logs 164. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 165. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 166. Uncut dragonstone 167. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 168. Torstol seed 169. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 170. ZARYTE BOW 171. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 172. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 173. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 174. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 175. Dragon helm/15 Adamant bar 176. Torstol seed 177. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 178. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 179. Uncut dragonstone 180. Uncut dragonstone 181. Magic logs 182. Green dragonhide 183. 70 Big bones/Uncut diamond 184. Magic seed 185. Torstol seed 186. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 187. Torstol seed 188. Onyx bolts 189. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 190. VIRTUS WAND 191. Coal 192. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 193. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 194. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 195. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 196. Grimy torstol 197. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 198. Magic logs 199. Torstol seed 200. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 201. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 202. Torstol seed 203. Onyx bolts 204. Rune platebody/159 Raw lobster 205. Grimy torstol 206. 3 Rune bar/Loop half key 207. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 208. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 209. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 210. Onyx bolts 211. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 212. Uncut dragonstone 213. Green dragonhide 214. Rune ore 215. Uncut dragonstone 216. Magic logs 217. Coal 218. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 219. Torstol seed 220. Coal 221. 140 Raw lobster/14 Adamant bar 222. Onyx bolts 223. Rune ore 224. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 225. VIRTUS BOOK 226. Coal 227. Magic logs 228. Grimy torstol 229. Coal 230. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 231. Magic seed 232. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 233. Coal 234. Coal 235. Rune ore 236. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 237. Uncut dragonstone 238. Rune ore 239. Rune ore 240. Magic seed 241. 243 Rune arrowhead 242. Magic seed 243. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 244. Torstol seed 245. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 246. Green dragonhide 247. Onyx bolts 248. Magic seed/Hard clue 249. Magic logs 250. Rune ore 251. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 252. Rune ore 253. Torstol seed 254. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 255. Grimy torstol 256. Green dragonhide 257. Magic logs 258. Green dragonhide 259. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 260. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 261. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 262. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 263. Onyx bolts 264. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 265. Uncut dragonstone 266. Coal/Elite clue 267. Rune platebody/126 Rune arrowheads 268. Green dragonhide 269. Magic seed 270. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 271. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 272. Green dragonhide 273. Torstol seed 274. Loop half/137 Rune arrowhead 275. Rune ore 276. Magic seed 277. VIRTUS GLOVES 278. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 279. Onyx bolts 280. Uncut dragonstone 281. Grimy avantoe/dwarf weed 282. Magic logs 283. 10 Sara brew/30 rest 284. 30 Sara brew/10 Rest 285. VIRTUS LEGS[/hide]
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