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Everything posted by Ashlyn_Hart

  1. Yes, it does, It's part of the combat level formula. I think it's 4 prayer levels equals a raise in combat of one level. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.
  2. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that all the posts concerning the "economy of Runescape" would be from the self-proclaimed "merchants". People who do nothing in the game but low and sell at a ridiculous price. The others, the players who actually go out and PLAY the GAME, aren't complaining as much, because they are going out and getting the rare/higher priced items on their own. For God's sake, people, it's only a FRIKKIN game! Sorry for yelling.
  3. I'm not so sure about your last choice. Can't you get reported for offensive screen names now? Not really crazy about any of the choices, but if I had to choose it would be Ownah.
  4. It means that I will get 99's in my stats.....eventually. :lol:
  5. I am currently working on rc, wc and fletching. Any useful advice is welcome.
  6. Not exactly sure. When did the 8088 PC come out? I remember playing DOS games on it with my monochrome monitor. Where the most excitement was "Open door", "look table", "get key". Back when you had to type all the commands, and if you got them wrong it would say "I don't know how to do that". Oh, God, I'm old.
  7. As in closest to bank? Or quietest? Closet to bank would probably be in West Varrock. Quietest would probably be Yanille (it's close to bank too, but a few more steps than Varrock).
  8. you can do as many clue scrolls as you want. I just don't think that you can have more than one clue scroll in your bank at one time.
  9. All I could come up with is: Lash Tray but there is an extra "n" left over....hmmmm. :-k
  10. You can retrieve your small pouch from the guy in the abyss. You get the other pouches (med, large, giant) from leeches in the "non-abyss" abyss. You have to have a certain minimum runecrafting lvl to be able to use them though.
  11. Got to the village north of Falador and speak with one of the dwarves inside the building. Not sure if it's the left one or right one.
  12. If you have done Lost City quest, it would be easier to use the "crop circle". Go to the wheat field in Zanaris and you will be in the impling home world. Otherwise, you will have to visit each wheat field and hope that the timing is right for your field to be visited. If I read correctly, the crop circles "on the outside" are random and are not permanent.
  13. Do half with the islanders and do half yourself.
  14. Loreena McKennitt - Usually Mummer's Dance or Bonny Swans.
  15. Bumping only because I would really like to know....
  16. Firefly - they killed it before it could really rock! Max Headroom - Ok, I just told everyone how old I am.... Tiny Toons - That one got me through my college classes. BIG! - Kinda weird. Take normal sized items and make them into working models 10-20 times bigger. And my all time favorite: You Can't Do That on Television! - Yes, I am THAT old.....
  17. Got a question for you master farmers out there. I recently got it into my mind to place a scarecrow in my flower plot instead of growing my typical limps. My question is: Do I need to rake the scarecrow plot after I have placed it? I noticed that the weeds still grow in the plot as if nothing has been placed there. Any information is greatly appreciated.
  18. I would never, EVER consider using my RL name in anything online. I consider the internet anonymous and therefore use an anonymous name. Sure, the way I created my name makes it sound like a RL name, but that is all part of the "act". One of my online friends even made his game name, his real name spelled backwards. If that's not unoriginal, I don't know what is.
  19. My husband, my child, and myself all have been logged on to Runescape at the same time (yes, 3 computers in the house) and it is very obvious that you both are doing something different. Even if you are PKing together. It shouldn't be a problem. If it is, I certainly am in trouble too!
  20. Yes, I have been lagging lately. The funny thing is, my hubby will be online playing Runescape at the same time as I am (we have two computers connected to our hi-speed line) and he doesn't lag at all. Then 20 or so minutes later, he lags so much he almost dies and mine isn't lagging a bit.
  21. Women have PMS (premenstrual syndrome) Men have MPD (moodus pisoffedness disorder) Same thing, just different alphabet soup. And yes, I DID make that up.
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