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Everything posted by Albel

  1. Our top three guesses for your English dialect: 1. Canadian 2. American (Standard) 3. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics Our top three guesses for your native (first) language: 1. English 2. Norwegian 3. Dutch Hmm...didn't expect Canadian to be first...interesting.
  2. I think I'm done...not feeling runescape anymore. Going to go to bed now and won;t be on any tomorrow (going out of town) Maybe a week away will make me want to come back?
  3. Got 71 dung tonigh, thought 96 def was possible but I don't think I can stay up much longer. Must get into priff and get 99 defense before I take a break... EDIT: This music tho...
  4. Almost got 71 dung for my daily. Should get it then. Can feel my desire to play the gaming is waining...we'll see what will happen. Would like to get 99 defense before I go on another break.
  5. I'd have to go with firemaking (even though at one time it was my favorite skill and my first 99) The reason firemaking is a skill back in the day was due to lack of cooking ranges. So they had firemaking as a skill so people could do cooking, which went in hand with fishing. Made sense at the time, but is very much obsolete now and days. Also while I see your point on farming, I found that to be a cool part about it. It's something that took time. While I did grind out 99 farming back in 2011 it was still something I did between barrow runs or after I did treasure trials. I found it relaxing and enjoyable because it was something I didn't have to work on because it took time for stuff to grows. To each their own.
  6. I was able to get 70 dung along with 95 defense tonight. Very good work, albeit very quiet lol. Goodnight everyone
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eolTQkug7ik
  8. Very good day if I say so myself. Very happy with 96 summoning. Going to force myself to do dung and get 75 asap. After that it'll be time for 96 herb...that'll take forever. Alosng with that will be 95 prayer. Very happy to see how far I've come along. Passed 250m total Xp which means I've gained 100m XP since the start of this blog. Hopefully more to come :)
  9. That'd be great. need to get 75 dung first...then when I moveout I can get legit net and learn to PvM like you 2 :)
  10. Been really slow the past few days. Between work and just being so sleepy I haven't been able to do much on RS. Did make up for it today with 94 defense and 69 dung, 6 more levels \o/
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