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Everything posted by Albel

  1. Congratz on 10 mill... i had 2.8 mill once by cutting mage logs... that took forever to do. 10/10
  2. They would be higher but i have been skilling for 99 fire make... so Thanks for the rating
  3. Sorry about the double post my computer is acting up badly and slowing down.... sorry
  4. Very nice bank... i wish i ad all thoses willows for 99 fire my self... i need to burn like 122k for 99 fire make :( 9/10
  5. Very nice bank... i wish i ad all thoses willows for 99 fire my self... i need to burn like 122k for 99 fire make 9/10
  6. Thats sweet... one day i hope to own a fire make cape and wood cutting cape. Congratz on 99 wc :thumbsup:
  7. I wpuld take the party hats... sell one for 99 fire make + fletch + a dragon wc axe... then get 99 wood cut
  8. Exactly if something was in scaperune to look foward to it would be cool... but there is nothing in scaperune....
  9. I didnt have friends when i started... then i noticed that like all my friends played runescape... now i got like 30+
  10. Pretty good for F2P work on smithing just a little and it will be great 8/10 you got a bank pic?
  11. That is weird... just weird :ohnoes:
  12. I have a good idea on how to train range... and i would train construction but im useing all money for 99 fire make (got lvl 81 today :thumbsup: ) Thanks for the ideas
  13. Thats a good idea... no wait this is a great idea. A random event that could get rid of bots... i support :thumbsup: -Support-
  14. Well the quest is ok.. but what would you do in scaperune? And 2 qp seems like a lot for a easy quest...
  15. Thats truley amazing i just broke 2.3mill xp in wc.... Congratz :thumbsup:
  16. I support this, all very great ideas add me to support list if you want (haseo_8492ed) -Support-
  17. K sounds good to me :thumbsup:
  18. Ok with the new update that jagex has done i noticed my computer was a little slower... But that didnt stop me. So I decide to bring my mage lvl up, i equiped my air staff and something weird happen. Where it says the weapon names it had a "-2" insted of "staff of air"... i missed getting pic buy like 2 millseconds... so i dont have a pic if it #-o (sorry) but it did happen... has this happend to any1 before?
  19. Never saw that before... is your bank working now?
  20. Tyvm...its great to here that every now and then
  21. Wood Cut-81/ for fire making Fire making-80/ going for 99 fire make Attack-61/ Needed for dragon halberd Strength-59 /To do more damage... -.- Hits-57 /.... to live longer My 100th post woot :thumbsup:
  22. tyvm... trying for 99 fire make while cutting all my logs... i need like 54k more yews :(
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