The frist .dot hack was in the time period 2010-2012. You start off as a noob named kite playing a computer game called "the World". Your friend Orca is the high lvl player helyping you... but before we get into this, some background info. Hearld Hoerwicke was the programer of TW (The world). Howeve he did think of the idea him self.... a women by the named Emma Wielant wrote a book called the epithat of twlight. This is where the idea of TW came from. (this will make more sence later on) now back to the game. Orca has invited you to a low lvl area called...( i cant remember the name sorry...) You go there and do some fighting. The you to go into the dungon. While u r in there and u see something very weird.... a girl cloaked in white being chaced by a monster. u follow the monster and you meet the girl. She gives orca a book called the book of twlight. well then the monster comes and data drains orca and buts him into coma. After that the book is given to you. well the monster is going to kill you but some1 saves you. Well now u go to another area.... its famous on .dot hack GU- Hidden forbidded holy ground. that is where u meet black rose(i would tell the stroy but its borning)... after u get done talking a monster comes a long.... it cant be killed so...remember that book? well kite uses it and gets the ability to data drain... and u kill the monster YAY!!. after some fighting in the game u fight the monster that killed orca. it is... skeith the terror of death. you fight him and kill him and well thats the end of the frits game. Ill bring more info of the 2ed 3rd and 4th games later on