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Everything posted by 128backwards

  1. :shock: ........ =D> :thumbsup: :lol:
  2. I personally think he/she should be banned. They think they can get away with it just because they are high lvled and probably won't get reported because they won't be suspected. well all the more reason to ban them don't you think?
  3. Why or why not do you like Merchanting. well I dont like it personally because , it often raises the prices of things and since I almost never sell its usually does me more harm than good. Of course life isn't always gonna go your way... Is merchanting unfair? I believe that people should have the choice to do that they want in order to earn money in real life or in game as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. So I personally believe that merchanting is completely legitimate, and I dont see how it could be unfair because anybody can get into merchanting it requires next to nothing to start merchanting, its just a question of how good you are at it. Are Merchanters scammers? Merchants buy and sell, if I bought something is that scamming? If I sold something is that scamming? I say no, sure sometimes the prices are really up there, but people are buying at these prices. Buying or selling at extreme prices is only scamming if people either, do not know the true value of what their buying or are some how tricked into buying something they did not want. Most people who trade exstensively don't deal with these problems. Lets say someone sold sharks are 5k ea, an extremely high price for sharks. This person knows that sharks are worth a lot less, but is willing to pay that much because he/she really needs it. If this person agrees to buy it at that price is it scamming? And the last question are players who expose merchanting schemes right or wrong? I am assuming that most merchants can easily make money, and that they're fairly rich (+10mil). Well if oyu expose their strategems that is your own choice to make. I personally dont think it hurts merchants too much because they already have lots of money and probably a decent cash flow. If the cash flow decreased slightly they would still make lots of money and after about 20mil or so you have nothing left to spend on (except for rares). And if you have nothing left to spend on what will that money be for?
  4. For me it didin't take particularly long but, it still took a little while. I say you got lucky.
  5. I've never been called thoughs names dont know exactly why....
  6. I'm kinda like that, I dont really try to make friends cause i kinda find them annoying sometimes... I know I'm a loner kind of, but I guess there isn't anything wrong with playing a game differnt than most people.
  7. In a way I agree with you, sure its nice to have all these updates but, its too muhc for me to do in such a short time. And they might run out of ideas, I would rather have the updates come less often so I might have more time to appreciate them.
  8. My name ended up on a lot of RS cheatsites because they list rs mods to watch out for I guess. I used to be one and now I'm scared I'm going to be targeted... :shock: :ohnoes:
  9. Im seeing all these strange theories i just think its random with a set porababilty for each individual item it drops. Then again I could be wrong, but im pretty sure its random. as for the people posting above me, math and mathematics are the same word and it has the same meaning math is just an abbreviation for mathematics thats why theres no "s" at the end because its just an abbreviation.
  10. there not really used for anything...
  11. I would pick Hans from lumby castle, always running away in fear, he would make a great battle buddy :D
  12. Most people call other people a "insert skill here" noob, usually because they are at a disadvantage when it comes to dueling or DMing because you have the levels to do something the other person can't. If it does not involve them at all, well then just ignore them
  13. Believe it or not there is a right answer to this question... SURPRISE SUPRISE!!! \ The answer is to be a Jmod cause if you were u could do/get everything else on the list... You guys were all wrong!!! except for hexbot as for polodevil he right too I guess... ^^^ good point
  14. well I just respond with complete and total honestly to everything they ask. BUT I NEVER tell them I'm getting irratated or annoyed cause if you show it, they know that they are winning in the fight for "PHR33 G333P33p33z PL0X!"
  15. Not too much you can do, let them complain all they want. They only say that because they want ur pixels. People are like that just ignore it do what you want no ones stops you from your way of pking. Let people not use pray or dont use food to pk its not like they will actually get a kill that way...
  16. The people at JaGeX are masters of mind control even when we leave their games.... Realistically speaking its kind of hard to leave behind something that has been a part of you for so long, whether it be a close friend or just a game its still hard to leave something you have known for so long.
  17. ownage to the extreme whiter than sour cream? you were in glee club, AV club and even the PJ team! ownd....
  18. I used to be a mod(ppl might not believe me but you dont have to) from aobut october 2006- til newyears eve 2006 ad that time they just hit 5k mods if my memory serves, they were trying to expand the mod team at that time so by now its probably aobut 6-7k
  19. Hmm maybe I can help? it seems like you guys are mostly F2P, I'm a member so if you have someplace that needs investigating that you guys cannot I'm here. and another thing... Just like Azzandra and his diamonds from desert treasure....
  20. I think they should allow for houses to be looked at by f2p people. :!:
  21. 1. Whats your favorite agility course? Wildy 2. Whats your favorite Combat skill?] mage by far(also my weakest) 3. Whats your favorite NON combat skill? herblore 4. Wheres your favorite place to fight? Your or your friends house, dueling arena, c wars, or fight pits? my favorite place is pit if its not 1 vs 1 if it is then DA 5. Wheres your favorite palce to cut yews? uhh anywhere with them 6. Favorite place to cut willows? draynor 7. Favorite place to cut magics? the place with elves 8.Do you farm a lot? I used to 9.How many pures do you own? What type? none 10.What monsters do you fight for clue scrolls? I dont 11. What do you like to do with your friends? (mini games/fighting etc) we PK 12. How do you craft? (jewelry crafting armor etc) I mine gold then craft it 13. Favorite place to mage? train mage or fight with mage? I train in MTA while I dont fight anything with mage 14. Do you like graphical updates better or quest updates? quest becasue they actually add something into the game(graphics are fine as they are) 15. What new skill would you want to have? a fun one 16. Where do you usually make friends? (games fighting monsters etc) I dont have friends (really, not joking) 17.Do you have to look at a guide for an easy quest? I don't have to... but i do so anyway 18. If you could have any Combat skill at 99, what would it be? mage 19. If you could have any NON combat skill at 99. what would it be? either crafting or smithing 20. Do YOU own a quest cape? no 21. Do you own a fire cape? LOL JAD GF I tried (no)
  22. Well it would be odd for the prices to go up right? I mean theres alwasy fome furys coming into the game and probably almost none going out. its only logical the prices go down. also with the jewelry update people stocked up on onyx, and in the end the fury sitll seemed the best out of all the onyx jewelry bringing even more furys into the game. As for the Karamja gloves I haven't looked at the new update could someone tell me what that's about?
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