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Everything posted by Olbritishchap

  1. lol, i would never have guessed you're 12. Well anyways, gl irl, we'll all miss ya. Ya stupid kid. :P :lol:
  2. Bump. seems that now the drama has died down, people go back to their usual habit of not posting on my blog :x
  3. Unfortunately all these evil robots gang up on them
  4. Yay! these contest can't be good for your cash pile, so i don't blame you for stopping them :P
  5. plz stay!!! jkin. if you wanna quit go ahead, just come here to chat every once it a while
  6. Thanks for posting the pic lol, i deleted when i piced 10 mage, which i deleted when i piced your grats message :XD: 14 mage now, almost 15 \
  7. 10 MAGE! thanks to ubah for coming :XD: (and for donating 3k minds, 1k bronze arrows, 1k iron arrows, and lots of other things ) EDIT:just got 11
  8. THANKS EVERYONE!!! This is the most popular my blogs ever been :lol: if you all would add me i'd love to chat Ubah is back you narb. \
  9. Good luck :pray: Good luck! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: still pending, i hope this is a sign that someone is actually reading it, but the suspense is KILLING ME! :ohnoes:
  10. I made my decision to quit out of sadness, so today i decided to last chance appeal. I am awaiting the result, but PLEASE GOD BE ACCEPTED!!!! :pray: :pray:
  11. Ok, it seems i didn't take a pic of 66 prayer. but that was my last level. FINAL STATS:
  12. I'm gonna quit. runescape had been boring me even before i got banned. But being banned was the final straw, i'm gone. i won't use the last chance appeal, in case i ever want to come back. I will still view and post on tif. gl to all my friends-and ubah, i will log on one last time for your 99 cooking party :)
  13. Nope, i would never real world trade, only cheating idiots do that. i leant 1.7m to durza, but that was a month ago :?
  14. I never real world traded, that's for scum. I lent some things to friends,and even if i was real world trading they would have only made me about 5 bucks
  15. Wrongly banned for real world trading. well as you can see they denied my first appeal, i need advice on what to put in the last change appeal.
  16. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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