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Everything posted by Olbritishchap

  1. "hmm i think i should click new account." seriously lol
  2. LOL. all i can think of saying on the subject :lol:
  3. thats the reguler examine you get... -.- The funny thing is, it just popped up yet the examine says its old.
  4. Wow, you don't like a lot of things. why not put them in one rant instead of 3 or 4?
  5. Yeah lol, "OMG YOU TELL A DOG TO GO AWAY!? ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!1!!" I tell my dogs to go away all the time :-w (not as in run away, just to stop annoying me lol)
  6. Are you saying tetris is a shooting game? Because if you are, you are horribly wrong lol.
  7. You basically flamed them for expressing their opinions.
  8. I think he summed it up quite nicely. EDIT: lmao, read the first theory closely.
  9. how people afforded rune plates. 80k!!?! how was i supposed to make that much!?
  10. lol, the sad thing is, if you flooded the economy with 1million of something, the prices would probably drop.
  11. Well, they don't make extra money, they have said before they are just short of breaking even. You see, the F2P servers cost money too, and they cost just a tad bit more than the ads bring in. I do agree with your point about F2P making money though, as it brings in members. I also think it will always be there, just correcting that though. I think they said most of the time they break even, but what they lose they probably make up for from the amount of f2pers becoming members. On topic: good issue, i love part 11 lol.
  12. Bump. i got 79 mage yesterday at metals, i was browsing forums and didn't even notice i got it lol. so no pic :cry: also, nobody posting=depressing.
  13. i dunno about fireworks, but think you should set a stuffed scarecrow on your porch, so people get used to it being there. then when halloween comes along, drag it inside, dress like it, and sit in the same spot. when innocent little kids walk up, jump at them and chase them, screaming. it will scare the living HELL out of them...
  14. i think it's 300k for each level from about 83 up. isn't it about 1m from 98-99?
  15. *sigh* i think you proved his point by bringing out the whole "i have a life so i'm not a high level" thing.
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