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Everything posted by Olbritishchap

  1. i'd be fine if we got them only on things autoers do. but for god's sake, at the jad!?! oh yeah i forgot of the ever popular jad killing bot..and the one that kills kaplhite queens and dagganoth kings. silly me.
  2. i think it looks more like a wand.
  3. well jagex said it works, and considering they made it, i asume they are correct.
  4. I got 500 once when i was 70..i don't play pc much.
  5. Wow congratulations you win the noob award of the year! Hope you know that is Dh not guthans gf IQ of tipters over 75+ geez. sorry. i just lent my friend my guthans for his dharoks so it was on my mind. i fixed it. by the way, i really can't accept the award. you deserve it waaaay more than me.
  6. You have to post an image in your response, like this: Your water magically disappears my bad, i dunno why the image wasn't there. :oops: i remember putting one in. anyway:
  7. i don't think they do delete. if you are in-active on a rsc account for 6 months it gets deleted though.
  8. ancients for pking. modern for teleports/alching. lunar for skilling.
  9. pretty good :D I hate you so much :boohoo: +1 :P
  10. Ps: look carefully at the first sentence. Ehm... "throughout the storyline" ? I didn't write it. :notalk: speaking of that, someone should write a misfile entry there :-w anyways, i found misfile from someones sig, and was up til 11:00 reading it. i loved it, and i can't believe i didn't see this thread until now :XD: new page tomorow \
  11. :XD: try the security stronghold, mossies, lessers. there are plenty other spots.
  12. erm..the guy above made a spammy topic in general, and now just spammed here. so i will ignore him. paper got pwned.
  13. nj was wishing he had guthans, so i let him borrow mine, so he lent me his dharoks. dharoks is fun. 8-)
  14. no posts...? :( oh well at least my team came in first in our tournament \ time to fletch! 8-)
  15. this morning i finished stringing about 1k yew longs for this: fletching is now tied for my highest skill :o after that, i realized i was 500 exp from 77 hp, so i slaughtered a few guards for this: good morning so far \
  16. but, he unfortunately finds out vader is his father,gets his hand cut off and starts crying.
  17. honestly answer this: are the people who do the whole suicide bomb thing really evil? i mean they've been twisted and told lies that they will be doing good by killing themselves and other people. they believe they will be rewarded for doing it. i feel kind of sorry for them. :(
  18. Bump! 2 soccer games this morning, won the first one, tied the second(pretty good considering they're a pretty good team :D ) fletching time!
  19. honestly, i'd stuff mcdonalds down my face until i threw up, then eat some more. i've always thought that would be...interesting to do.
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