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Everything posted by Olbritishchap

  1. frankly you just made yourself more of a noob then the author. Well at least he was honest :XD:
  2. I was at my friends house, and he was playing Wow and he healed by eating bread or something..so it's not just runescape. Besides, it's a game, it doesn't have to be super realistic. I mean can you hold a few rocks and make fire fly out of your hands in a huge ball in real life?
  3. lol some people did that before, wielding a whip, plate, legs and nothing else. Then just kill knights until you die and respawn in the same place keep killing. problem is if you did wanted your white knight rank will be like -3000 lol. imo it is a bad update, maybe they should have an update where you can add someone to a list that will see your items as soon as you die.
  4. He can't put it on mini clip again, it's already there :wink: And that was 1 million members. Hopefully he'll advertise the game in ways that bring in people over 13, and doesn't drop runescape for a new game :ohnoes:
  5. +1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahaahaahahahaha, so true :XD: +2. OMG U SERIUSLY ALMOST SCAMMED A SCAMMER? AWESOME! TOTALLY THREAD WORTHY!
  6. [hide=whatever text you want][img=http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1411/farming92ay3.jpg][/hide]
  7. Buy some rum(not sure where you get it), use it on a piece of silk bought or stolen in al kharid. Amusing fact: if you do this in f2p you create it, but it says "members item". Not sure if they fixed it yet lol.
  8. Yeah, there's almost always one open during the day. Usually they light the burners themselves. Good luck on prayer.
  9. You might wanna try rock crabs, or experiments. Also, take the time to spell out "should" or people will think you're 10 :wink:
  10. umm doesn't that guy pop up when you carry one of the dt diamonds? I'm not 100% sure, but if so, it's not a random.
  11. terrible idea, i mean it might work if it cost like..10 of each rune, 50 for the elemental runes, and needed 99 mage to cast. i bet it would make 99 mage a bit more popular, lol.
  12. They use the search and just look at the title, that's why.
  13. I'm still waiting for the answer to that question. Kind of pointless to make more than one account, if you focus on one you'll have a better chance of making money/pking/having high skills thank working on two or three.
  14. NOT TEH MOLES! I haven't been playing much lately(since Friday to be exact) because I've been REALLY busy with school/sports. I logged on for a bit today and did shilo village quest ( I dislike quests ) but thats all i got done. I plan to fletch a little after I finish this project I'm working on for school(which is definitely NOT due tomorrow O:) ). thanks for bumping my blog :roll: (oh and i took care of teh moles, don't worry.
  15. ...HEADACHES! lol. I'm not smart enough to even guess... :-w
  16. I'm pretty sure it is possible to go forward, but not backwards. I read an article that said the faster you go, the faster time goes around the object moving. They say when you go on a plane trip you go slightly forward in time, but it's only a milisecond or two. The article said if you could orbit a black hole at very high speeds you would go forward in time. I wish i remember where I read that... :-k
  17. Who the hell wrote that? It's obviously not true, and those aren't high-leveled.
  18. I enjoy the terrible puns. You laugh at their terribleness. I'm not a fan of the chicken suit, but all the holiday items are to have fun, not be mature. And by the way, I love my rubber chicken & yo-yo
  19. No, i hope they don't do it again. It's a game not a democracy. And I'd rather be surprised :
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