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Everything posted by Olbritishchap

  1. Playing 8 hours a week, using maples, it should take about 11 weeks.
  2. Never trust people on the rs forums. I'm pretty sure someone i got off there stole my veracs helm, though i never found out for sure... :?
  3. Eh, it's just their sense of humor. I think all the puns are at least a bit funny. Lighten up, it's a game, have fun.
  4. I hate you over 8k chaos, not one drop :( Nah just kidding, very nice, insane, totally awesome luck. =D>
  5. I think it would be a wise move of jagex to declare tip it(or maybe runehq, or both) officially safe fansites, this would prevent people from googling for fan sites and finding scamming ones. They could also provide tips for the players who go to the "official" sites so they can't get hacked even if the forums usernames and passes get stolen.
  6. |3(_)/\/\ÃÆÃâÃâþz0r5. for those of you who are not leet, that says "Bumpzors."
  7. Olbritishchap

    Pet Peeves

    i erased the ones i agree with, so these are the ones i don't agree with. EDIT: forgot this one, which is possible the worst one.
  8. Eh i'd use 340 gp of runes to get away.
  9. Teleing seems to work, because there are like 20 different places you could tele to.(probably more than 20 lol) EDIT: lol who reported this? i don't think it's spam...
  10. i dunno, he just showed up and said grats right as i got the level. i don't know how he knew i was getting it...weird... :-s awl
  11. YOU have the power to lock it. Since your the author! I don't think he can lock it personally....can he? (and btw, this thread needs to be brutally murdered.)
  12. Couple of months to be honest :P . yeah lol, old news.
  13. (under the "what scares you in-game" part of the current pol) I voted for that :lol:
  14. got 80 mage this morning!! :XD: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: EDIT 1:oops wrong pic lol, uploading right one :XD: EDIT 2: here ya go
  15. the crap actually should be escalated to a worse word, you guys know what i mean :wink:
  16. Bump for the narb. i like your sig, did you just sharpen everything a hell of a lot?
  17. lol, this guy tried the "i'm dropping 2.5m in the wildy" scam on me, i telegrabbed to coins that came up, 10k lol. what a noob.
  18. basically a suicider distracts all of the kings so you can get in without getting prime and supreme on you, once he has them distracted he pms or says on clan chat "go" and then you climb down ladder and run along south edge to far most east( i think east) part of the lair. then whenever rex gets close, just mage him and lure him to the safespot. i've never gone solo, bu that's how you do it with a suicider.
  19. are you f2p? i thought that chaos crafting was members only.
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