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Everything posted by Olbritishchap

  1. i got very very very....very bored today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEsjFPNUEbY
  2. First I've heard it. I must be a noob. :o Yeah... me too lol. i think someone made it up to be funny...i've yet to meet someone THAT stupid. Off topic: same avvy :XD:
  3. i got members with the billing maintenance thing yesterday, might wanna give it a shot and see if it works( i used a credit card) but what the heck is it for?
  4. Olbritishchap

    I hate how

    So you're angry at people not accepting rule breaking?
  5. most of the stuff i'm doing right now isn't interesting at all...(like getting most stats to 10+...) :anxious:
  6. 630m... :shock: i don't know about you, but i'm not putting 10m in a 64 person tournament, i mean the odds of winning are very very low.(unless you're level 126 and the rest are 90, but then they wouldn't want to do it either)
  7. i don't hink it was the taser that killed him, more likely the two grown men sitting on him, one on his head and neck. Police are so stupid sometimes :wall:
  8. kinda off topic, about the death penalty: killing a person to show that killing is wrong. FAIL. :lol:
  9. To all those who say it's 3d rs: push the arrow keys on your keyboard while playing.
  10. lol, it seems that having a contest where people enter by posting on your blog is a good way to get posts on your blog :XD:
  11. midly. I really like to play it, but it doesn't really affect my life in any way. i usually play an hour a day, sometimes less.
  12. Good idea, but they would have to alter the bank pin entering thingy. the numbers dissapear when you click on them, so a keylogger just takes a screeny, and the person can figure out which number you clicked fairly easily. the solution to this problem is easy:don't highlight the number when you click on it :x . oops, i kinda went on an off-topic mini rant :-w good idea though :P
  13. very nice. but a cooler title would have been rgnaed. because people can still read the word if the first and last letters are in the right place. pttrey cool huh? :P
  14. lol, not very original(countdown from 15,000) 999,988
  15. Been like this since Varrock graphics update. so? it's still hidden :P
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