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Everything posted by Lenticular_J

  1. You Sir have balls. I highly doubt it, more likely the boyfriend was into it. To be fair, the testicles are moderately necessary in the sexual act.
  2. I know, right? I should really just quote the articles and post them. The pictures are usually good, too. Besides, that's my favorite article. It struck a chord in my heart. At least I'm spreading the good word, or whatevs.
  3. Well, it raises questions, and mystery, I guess. I mean, most guys go crazy over the two girls that start making out on the dancefloor. I guess it works the other way around, too.
  4. Lenticular_J


    God I need chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and cornbread so badly.
  5. You won't make friends anywhere being such a pessimist. Just moving won't stop problems that occur within yourself. Namely, causelessly hating everything. Try a little empathy sometime. Who cares if it isn't true, it'll make you feel better to simply assume there's a good reason for someone to, say, cut you off in traffic. Maybe their father is in the seat next to them and having a heart attack. There's a place for pessimism and cynicism (probably at least, I don't really know where), but empathy and positivity and hope are useful in any situation.
  6. Wayfarers work pretty well on you. Wayfarers and aviators are the true classics - you'll never go wrong with either. It's really just personal preference, but you will have to consider your face shape with the many different kinds of aviators. I don't know much about wayfarers except they're pretty dang cool. Just, you know, not as cool as my aviators.
  7. Kind of works for me, too. Although I'm not exactly effeminate. And my sexuality is only vaguely questionable, even though other guys have kissed me on the mouth.
  8. Mine hasn't yet after six months, and still doesn't appear like it will any time soon. Mind, I've always considered my relationship to be the exception to the rule. It also depends on your definition of novelty. This is one of your first relationships, yes? There isn't tons that will make it seem less exciting. Even the simple act of being young makes things exciting.
  9. Figured out my schedule. It's not right, of course, but I guess I'll have to fix that, you know, three weeks after it matters. I guess we're doing our daily schedules? 6-6:30 wake up, shower, shave, eat, all that jazz OH WAIT I'LL BE ABLE TO DRIVE THIS YEAR WOOO. Probably gonna sleep until 7, then. Anyway, I'll probably be getting to school later now, too. But starts at: 8:30. Then it ends at 4! But I'm sure I'll be doing things, so we can safely assume that I won't be home until 5-6. Then I eat, I guess. Then I do whatever until I go to bed, probably around 11. But I'll be taking World History AP, environmental science, theater four, and then pre-calculus one day. The next will be spanish 3, health/economics (need to get those switched - it's by semester, I need economics in fall), academic decathlon, and then english 3 AP. I'm not particularly worried. Maybe pre-cal, but I'll figure that out. Everyone says that english, history, and spanish are the hardest this year, but I'm good at all of those!
  10. He'll either end up a real good buddy, or you'll both hate each other and one of you will find a different room at the end of the first semester. There's little in the way of middle ground. Luckily, the latter is pretty rare. You shouldn't worry about it too much. Just don't bring much that you treasure, or breakable items. You'll want to make do with the bare minimum, for a variety of reasons. You should lose all hopes of privacy, too. Hope you're comfortable being naked around other people, particularly if you're in a communal bathroom. Oh, another thing: pray that he isn't the 34-year-old guy that a friend-of-a-friend had to room with. Apparently he wasn't a bad guy, just weird. Whereas the actual friend roomed with an Iranian guy who barely spoke English and had a great time with him.
  11. I've never even heard of "popularity" as an issue relating to dating. Then again, I'm not sure if I'm exactly a resource on high school stuff.
  12. There's nothing wrong with being a gentleman. Becoming her friend, however, does lead to issues. Relationships that stem from friendships lose their novelty and passion fast.
  13. Apparently my school can look on our online gradebook to check our new schedule. I'm one of several hundred deleted from the system, and I don't have any of the stuff that I need to make a new account. Bugger.
  14. Lenticular_J


    Imagine eating sex. In pastry form.
  15. Parking passes for my school are forty-five dollars. It's absurd! But there is nowhere else you can legally, or safely, park. I'm seriously considering just walking to school. It's a little over a mile, and that isn't bad at all. I just wish I learned things at school. I wish my district offered good classes. Above all, I wish my school district would listen to the students and parents. They've recently removed two of our class periods, forcing us to spend half of our time in the four core classes. Since this makes it all but impossible to achieve the my class' graduation requirements, they've lowered the requirements in all things for everyone below us. It really gets under my skin how little foresight those folks have.
  16. Closest would be the theater kids. But me and my friends aren't as into it as some of the younger ones are. My closest friends and I ... That's a toughie. We're all very musical, so there's that. We also do absurd things. We're all very smart, but we also fight each other and randomly join games of basketball, volleyball, whatever. I'll roll with legends. Or at least difficult to forget.
  17. Lenticular_J


    Krispy Kreme is a pile of trash compared to Donut Stop of Amarillo. No other doughnut chain exists within the counties. Although Krispy Kreme does pop up every year or so, and shut down within weeks, but that's due to the franchise demands. These doughnuts are the best in the world. If they aren't, I would love to shake the hand of the person who makes the best. There are lines of cars (and in the building, lines of folks) that fill up the parking lots at 5 AM on any given day waiting for doughnuts. I don't know one person who has had a Donut Stop doughnut and hasn't made the trip to Amarillo to get some (under the pretext of "family" or something stupid like that). Just setting the record straight. Although there is one problem, even though I'm sure it's on purpose: the doughnuts last 24 hours, and then fall into crumbling messes. Diabolical geniuses.
  18. Lenticular_J


    There's a thai place here called Choo Chai. Just one guy, cooks in what's basically a home kitchen. It's one of my new addictions. Although I can't tell how I feel about his Thai tea. That and a Louisiana kitchen. Take just about everything you can think of, and give it a kick of N'Orleans. College campuses attract the most interesting food. My mom is known for a few things that she bakes, at her work and in our family. Brownies, cakes, and no-bake cookies are all on the list. I'm not a huge fan, though.
  19. Lenticular_J


    God I haven't had chicken fried steak in so long.
  20. If you can't motivate yourself with no other goal than to be a better man, you don't deserve the prizes. You could start small, I guess. Start working out. Reading. Oh! That's a good one. The day is for your physical self. A manual labor job might help you. Then, strengthen yourself mentally between dinner and bed. Good lessons.
  21. Lenticular_J


    I made cornbread and gingerbread a few days ago. First time making the latter, and it was damn good. My mom took the (large) part we couldn't finish to her work. Apparently I've been complimented. Made way more than I meant to, but all we had was a big, thin brownie pan.
  22. Grow a pair of testicles. Wow, that made me sad. But it's a valid point. Let this play out the way most teenage things play out. Maybe he'll learn.
  23. Could always get a haircut that's a little less weird.
  24. Yeah. People generally need a good bit of sunlight during the day. Some say at least an hour, some say ten minutes works. But that's the thing with health, no two sources are really the exact same when it comes to general things.
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