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Everything posted by rocket_flare

  1. Point one. I always thought the journey was more fun than the destination. And you don't have much of a journey by drop trading or otherwise trading items between accounts. If you achieve your goals too quickly, you get bored. Fast. I am F2P, and it's freaking hard to raise levels high and not be bored to the point of quitting. If someone gave me enough money to buy all the buyable skills and more, that'd be nice, but I'd have a lot more fun actually getting stuff on my own. Point two. A level three being given 200m is pure luck, or generosity on the giver's part. Anyway, that's someone else giving up money. On the other hand, trading from one account of yours to another is your own action. It's the same thing as using a cheat on a video game. Point three. I would much prefer to see a level 100 have a rare than a level 3. Case in point: a level 16 walking around in full addy g and a santa during the halloween event. Then again, that's just me.
  2. Good to see other F2Pers with high skill goals! :) Aww, I only beat one of your skills. Anyway, perhaps post where you are and what you're doing from day to day? I shall hunt you down and maybe we could skill together. :P The life of an F2P skiller is long and boring, perhaps some company would alleviate the boredom!
  3. Not much of a rant, I'm sorry. =\ Very nice of you to give the addy legs back, but in the end it wouldn't have made much difference. You still would have died, and dropped the legs. Also, if someone died in front of you and dropped a ring of wealth, I'm sure you'd pick it up. Note for the future: if you wanted to really prove you only had 44 coins, all you would have had to do would be to trade him and show him everything in your inventory - the little thing in the middle that shows empty spaces would prove it. Not saying I'm not sympathetic though.
  4. Username: Rocket Flare (bleh, how I despise the name) Country: USA One more name on that long list! :shock: Wishing I could put my name under China, but 1) don't live there, and 2) my Chinese is complete rubbish.
  5. Whoo, awesome update for me :D None of the ruined-markets for me, since I'm F2P...it's all good! If only this happened before I bought 28k waters from shops for 70 magic Gonna go check out edgy....
  6. Annoying as hell when I'm crafting all my gems >.>
  7. Hehe, those people who complain about "Jagex doing nothing about macroers" should put their money where their mouths are... Mods > macros. Edit: Why do people say "macroners"? Where did the "n" come from? Under Report Abuse it clearly say "macroing"... :-k
  8. I'm sorry, but there are yews north of Falador? Anyways, I have seen all these macros...this used to be my favorite training ground for woodcutting and firemaking...but now...ugh. :evil:
  9. Heh. Interesting thoughts. But I am F2P And besides, no one uses mith + addy arrows for training O_o
  10. "Hey, cool, some arrows!" *picks up* "omg those were mine give em back" "They were? Pick them up earlier then" Some people consider arrow thieves cheap people who steal arrows. Others believe the archer should pick them up earlier. Which side are you on, and why? *Please tell me if there is another thread about this, or if it should be in a different forum*
  11. I really hope this will get fixed... Being F2P, there are few methods of making money...and even fewer are decent. I mine adamantite ore for money, usually in the Wilderness (hobgoblin mine). It's single combat, so if pkers come, I just run north, let them get attacked by the goblins, then log out. With this...*gulp* Guess I'll just have to be more alert for white dots!
  12. I somehow have quite a bit of bankspace (F2P), with 2 rows, possibly more, left. However, I am typically wearing 10+ items, but there is never a need to not wear anything. I will happily post a picture if asked to.
  13. I am F2P, and I get around very easily with the currect amount of bankspace. Not once have I had to get rid of anything because I was out of space. I spend the majority of my time skilling. This is a picture of my bank, and I have a good two lines left. The bare necessities are here, with some temporary items. I am wearing 10 items, saving 10 more bank spaces and keeping somewhat lightweight. I get along from day to day very well. I'm not saying more bankspace is a bad thing, in fact it would be a very welcome addition, but I don't really need it right now.
  14. Sorry, how stupid of me. -.- I recently started using low detail... Again, sorry!
  15. When on the second floor or higher of any building, you can't see the ground anymore, it's just black. Like, say you're on the third floor of Lumbridge Castle, you won't be able to see the courtyard, or anything, it's all black.
  16. That is strange... :-k I already voted, I am a free player (without a members account), and am a little disappointed to find that the majority of people who voted were members with free accounts. -.- I was also a bit shocked that I was one of 14 people who voted "There's enough to do in F2P." Evidently very few people have thought about raising skills! EDIT: This was when I voted, don't know about right this moment.
  17. Did you know... ...Runescape has a calendar now! It's mentioned in the Postbag from the Hedge that came out in the last few hours. There are 10 months, each ranging from 31-40 days. (Yes, there are leap years too!) I determined today's date, July 30, to be Fentuary 30th.
  18. Nicest I've done: Lent a friend 100k so he could buy his green mask (lol) Nicest done to me: He paid me back with 200k :
  19. If you've been in F2P lately you'll notice that nnot many people actually talk like that...
  20. I am F2P, I don't use bots, and I don't expect on becoming a member. 80% being bots? Think again. Many, many people, although lower levels, do not use bots. If this was true, Jagex would have a much worse problem on their hands. How about you take a little trip to F2P first? I just came back from a few weeks of F2P. Hang out at the Draynor Willows for 5 minutes and you'll see well over 100 macroers pass by. Alright, now walk through the rest of F2P and compare number of bots to number of real human players. EDIT: Getting a little off topic...
  21. "Loss"? Members can still access the party room... And not even going into "didnt deserve it" and "noobtopia".
  22. I am F2P, I don't use bots, and I don't expect on becoming a member. 80% being bots? Think again. Many, many people, although lower levels, do not use bots. If this was true, Jagex would have a much worse problem on their hands. How about you take a little trip to F2P first?
  23. I am an F2Per myself, and I see a lot of stereotyping in this thread... Not EVERY SINGLE F2Per out there begs and is poor, some of us do try to play honestly, fairly, and independently, and I am glad to be one of them. I consider myself somewhat successful. I haven't really seen too many F2Pers complaining about lack of updates here. Even so, we need somewhere to express frustration; not like anyone can make themselves heard on RS Official Forums... -.- Before you start saying "They don't pay, they don't need updates!", imagine that you can't be a member anymore and have to stick to Free-to-Play. One last note: So we got a PARTY ROOM. It's much different from, say, a new quest, or a skill. It's not very useful, just a nice perk.
  24. 1. How many friends can you have on a Members Friends List? 200 2. How many arrow shafts do you get per log? 5, considering the 3 logs in one space 3. Is it possible to be an Imp? (Extra point; (If you get all right, and this, another person with all right comes second, and you win) Where?) Yes, Castlewars in the...Zammy waiting room wearing something sara/guth (not sure) 4. What is the name of the 'Survival Expert' in Tutorial Island? Vannaka, same as the Slayer Master 5. What colour is RuneScape's sky? Don't know, taking a guess--blue 6. What happens when you use a Herring (Cooked or Raw) on a tree? Read on an RS forum--"This is not the mightiest tree in the forest." 7. Examine a new guard in Varrock, what is his 'Examiner Description'? Just checked--"He tries to keep order around here. His bizarre uniform isn't helping." 8. If you buy an Oak Plank at the Saw Mill* North-East of Varrock, how much does one cost? KB says 250 gp ea 9. Can you purposely burn food? Yes, by re-cooking already cooked food 10. How many logs (Of any sort) can you hold in an inventory (Max)? ~~~Unnoted 84, again 3 logs a space
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