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Everything posted by Master_Smither

  1. To start off today I decided to get my 2nd fire cape so I didn't have to risk the one I got a year+ ago. Done with that after dcing the first time. Kuradel was nice to me and gave me 149 Ice worms after my dark beast task the other day so I commenced to go there. Bloods, of course, would not buy fast enough so I used the 980 I had in my bank and went to the worms. Well I took a break and ate and decided to finish up my runes before I logged off for the day. Run out of runes a few HP before it died so I killed it with my master wand and BAM! It's been a good 3 hours :D
  2. 1k+ here. It will happen to you too, eventually. What setup do both of you use? I go in full Armadyl, Ranger Boots, etc using Runite Bolts with a Tortoise of both Rocktail and Saradomin Brews. My melee weapon is BGS which works fantastic after spec. :). 750 since here.... You're setup semms a bit like overkill. I use tassets, nezzy, sw cape, blk d hide top, dfs, sgs, c bow with ruby e and broad bolts. My inv is 2 extreme sets (minus mage pot), with 2 brew( just incase), 1 restore, 2 unicorn pouchs (1 summoned), dl, lantern, tabs, one space is bolts, and the rest is prayer pots. I usually end up teleing because I run out of unicorns and have less than a full p pot left.
  3. Yeah I read the whole post, and I'm not trying to start an argument here. You're the one trying to start a [bleep]ing flame war here. It was a legitimate question he never answered. Edibles have long been valued at around 60% the price of a santa hat, and aside from their use as a high-street item I'm unsure of what stops them from falling. Yes, you clearly are in the right here. Unlike santas, edibles have been bought out for a long time. Their street price is many times their GE price. (This morning, I saw someone in w2 trying to buy an Easter for 300m -- quite a jump from just a week ago.) Their primary use is as currency for partyhats and divine ss. My opinion is that as long as partyhats do not crash, neither will edibles. But if and when partyhats crash, edibles would be vulnerable, too. I think differently; Partyhats are less commonly traded on the GE. They will not reach their street price in a long long time. Edibles ARE being traded on the GE, and eventually edibles will hit their street value, and it becomes a 'non item' like mint cakes. It'll probably still be hoarded because people expect a rebound though. So I'm not sure. I suspect you have zero experience buying and selling these things. You can't buy edibles in the GE any more than you can buy partyhats. Both get traded very rarely in GE, but both require a herculean effort. You can't routinely buy edibles in the GE. Actually, it is much easier to buy easters, disks, and pumpkins in the GE than it is to buy the upper three partyhats. However, if you compare it to buying the lower three, than yes it is tougher to buy edibles. It just depends on what you're trying to buy and how quick you are on the update. Trying to get a red, white, and especially blue requires putting in an offer within seconds of the update while buying edibles is possible with a 15-30 second offer.
  4. I think you're best bet is to try and find an old highscore page on the internet archives and go from there.
  5. Like SxqPower said, I am a person who typically uses all the spawns and needs a world with a 1.5k+ population to kill them efficiently. If I am there first I always stand my ground, if I come upon someone training and they ask me nicely to hop, I will; otherwise I will crash them for the spot because I believe competition is healthy.
  6. Lol. Edibles and mints are the currency used to buy phats. If you can buy phats now for fewer mints and edibles (and you can), then that means phats are dropping. As I said before, you are right that you still can't buy partyhats for pure gp -- gp have for months been amongst the worst crashing junk in the game. Like I said, it will be a while before partyhats can be bought for gp. When that happens, edibles will crash, too. But having said all of that, it's easier to get a partyhat today than it was two months ago. I had a guy offer me a red today for one egg and "about" seventy mint. That was his opening demand. Seemed a lot lower to me than what I would have seen not all that long ago. do you even understand the concept of dropping? people are trading off phats for FEWER mints/edibles is because THEY COST MORE. if phats were dropping, more phats would be traded for other expenses like pure cash and there will be more phat sellers in general. to me it looks like there aren't many phat sellers looking for cash or those who just wants to get rid of it so in conclusion, they aren't really dropping at all. the only thing that is happening right now is that mints and edibles are rising like hot cakes. The 'rares' market will be interesting once mint cakes reach around 45k or so. Everyone knows it'll crash at 60k, so many will probably try and dump them off at 50k or so. Because mint cakes are now directly linked with edibles, and edibles linked to phats. We'll probably see a crash in the whole rares market, or at least, a panic sell. What do you think? Not at all. Mints are linked to edibles and partyhats yes, but they are only a trading medium and when they crash it'll just mean a new item will have to be found. Also, they are not guaranteed to crash at 60k; yes they being held up by stakers as a way to go around the trade limits, but they remain a medium in which people can obtain edibles and sell their crashing item. I don't expect them to crash totally at 60K, but maybe at a higher price.
  7. The majority of the time I use SD, just because I don't really care about graphics. I play HD resizeable when I am doing something that needs more screen area and a more detailed view, but other than that SD ftw :P; especially with resizeable and FS SD now..
  8. *remembers when you started a mini panic on divines* Good laughs.
  9. Yes there are a lot of rich people in Runescape, but most of them are not the ones who have billions upon billions at their expense. Furthermore, the majority of the people who have over, let's say 1B, are not dumb enough to spend 99M on a cape, which only shows that you have a lot of money. Also if they do somehow fall for it and buy the cape, you're only taking money from the super rich who have that 99M to blow anyway. So you're not really killing much inflation at all. What you should aim to kill is gold from the regular moderate well-to-do players or the middle class player of Runescape. So no, I don't think it'd be a very good idea to kill inflation and the price tag is very high to be practical.
  10. Well decided to might as well try grenwalls and see how I like them since GWD was being nooby :P End result of using three fruit bats and taking a break: Yay money :grin: ?
  11. Although it's nice that Jagex is trying to save lives by taking such drastic measures they are taking this too far when they contact authorities over something said on the Runescape, which is notorious for jokes that end in being reported. I don't believe that Jagex should have the right to invade into your life via the police unless they have multiple threats or a record about your account for saying something like that. This will only arouse trolls under proxies to make waste accounts and ran around saying "omfg I just died I'ma go hang myself!@!@1one!@" just so the police in some random area are called. Of course I find this whole ordeal hard to believe and am only stating the above opinion on the premise that this is a 100% true story and not something concocted by a troll.
  12. From a short term, fast cash(relatively) stand point, yes partyhats suck as an investment compared to edibles. However, edibles won't go over 100M GE before they crash because they simply are not worth that much. However, partyhats can go about 100M from where they are now before crashing and maybe even becoming bought out again. Partyhats will last longer than edibles do and you can wear them :P @TrixStar: That's very likely, unfortunately.
  13. Take a look at the items that you can lend and borrow. Tell me how many people had the nerve to ask to "borrow" your partyhat or godswords before item lending. There are obviously people who are going to beg for mith, addy, and low amounts of gold, but that's not what I was addressing. If you would have read correctly you would have understood I was talking about the items at the higher end of the spectrum. Do you have any well thought out arguments against my article? If so, please post them and I will look forward to reading them. The article was written in order to bring it to question so that people can post different points of view on the subject and start a discussion about it. My diction did side towards the fact that item lending was a nuisance, but personally I believe, as Speedyshel said, the goods of item lending out weight the bad.
  14. They thought about doing this with RSC servers and making it not effect your real account in any way, shape, or form. It did not go over well and wasn't implemented. So I think the majority of RS doesn't like this idea and nor do I. What's the fun in Bandos without crashing?
  15. Well, that's fairly hard to tell. Because even after updates that we thought should have crashed the market (prayer or herby updates) rares stayed strong. Instead of selling off thier rares for the much desired raw materials, merchants just traded their hats for those rising, in demand item or waited until the items fell back before buying them. So I'm assuming that in the early days of the new skill hoarders will trade their rares directly for these desired items. But as we see rares rise in the GE closer to thier street prices, more and more people will just choose to sell the rare in the GE instead of bothering with junk trades or downgrading and having to get rid of multiple rares. Then the price will be on the verge of crashing and it will only take a few key hoarders to crash the market to at least equal to the GE price. In order to crash at least the lower three partyhats Jagex will need to do introduce a true money sink skill. I don't mean another thing like herblore where you have to try and buy supplies off the GE, which doesn't work and you have to trade unbuyables for them, but a skill like coindestruction and summoning where you must pour GP into an NPC in order to level the skill. To sum it up, unless gold has to be traded (I don't mean by buying items, but having to use gold to level in a way) in order to level the skill it won't crash unbuyables.
  16. Elysian and Divine took a major hit in street price lately. They are not selling for partyhats and are barley getting away with being traded for edibles. I have yet to sell an Ely or Divine sell for straight cash with junk added so don't get your hopes up there. What you can try to do is get a disk or two eggs (approx what an ely is worth) for cash (junk added to the edibles ofc) and trade for an elysian that way. Expect to pay roughly 550-600M for the elysian or try to get lucky in the GE. About time div/ely dropped. Rares are one thing to be unbuyable in ge (thus forcing you to use street merching to work your way up to them), but it does urk me that to obtain these amazing shields, one either has to street merch their way up or actually corp. imo ely/div should be updating in ge more. I bet that if they became lendable and were actually seen in use more often the price would drop significantly. It's very hard for them to update in the ge when so few are coinshared and sold via the GE. There is no way for Jagex to tell the traffic which the elysian and divine make over the player to player trading system. If you want a shield go to ls corp or start camping at the GE. Most people end up doing that if they want one. I can assure you the shields are very common by now because I see plenty of people with divines and elysians in pvp, world 2, clan wars, various other minigames, and not to mention I know plenty of people who own at least two of the higher level shields. They're common and you can see a drop in street price indicating that they will be sellable on the GE soon. However, they aren't worth anything near 400M or even 300M. I've used them, they're cool, but I'd much rather buy 99 summon, herblore, and prayer with that money and have a pack yak, overload, and soul split. Which is what most people have come to realize. Ext or overload+Yak+turmoil/SS>some level 130 idiot without those and a pretty shield. Sorry man my 30 extra sharks, 1/4 healed per hit, and hitting much higher than you can beats that 30% damage drain you may have.
  17. You wont get anywhere close to killing him with full inv/summon of sharks. This fight definitely needs brews/restores. I personally put 5 brews in my inventory, one extreme melee set, 5 restores, a whip for attacking the clones faster, and the rest sharks. My yak had 25 sharks in it (it's important that these come first in the yak) and then 5 brews at the end. I did the fight just fine and was left with 5 brews at the end. Not to mention I ran out of my shark supply in bank and used swordfish for the fight I actually won vs him, but I wouldn't recommend that. My suggestion to everyone is: spam brew and restore during the 75 attack to the -1 your HP level attack. After that repot with your pure set/extreme set and use regular food. Don't be afraid to risk it at 50 HP to get an extra hit in. I thank you for the initial defense. Take the statement how you will, but I do not believe you can call it 'unprofessional' or 'wrong' when I clearly labeled it as an opinion. It took me three tries to combat the Avatar, as I was not prepared for its healing abilities. But my weapons sliced through Nomad like butter compared to the Avatar. That is your opinion, and one I respectfully disagree with. Nonetheless the avatar was pot up prayer and slap on melee prayer and let your player go at it. Yes it is an opinion, but it is very far fetched from the truth about the two fights. I respect everyones opinion, but when I feel they are off I challenge them and that is what I did there. It's like me saying cook's assistant was tougher than Bloods Run Deep because I wasn't prepared to run to the chicken house to fetch the egg or to a milk the cow and I had to buy a bucket. No one is going take what I say seriously and think "pssh noob he dun no wtf he talk bout!".
  18. First we whine because we need another Grandmaster and then we whine because this one is too much combat. Take the quest for what it's worth and be glad we got an update this week that wasn't something like another In Pyre Need to start the year off. I remember the people who whined that WGS was too long... :wall: @dzihouchan and Laura convo She is not trying to troll I can assure you that; now maybe you are but that's another story. By picking up on the clues at the very beginning of the quest the fight as not all that hard. Most people that do quests are only in it for the reward and didn't bother to pay attention to this and therefore had to experiment with inventories to complete the fight. Furthermore, due to the reward leak the majority of the people doing this quest first off were the avid questers, who aren't typically very high combat with very good gear. So yes if you're well prepared and know what is going on you're going to do better. On the other hand, saying it was easier than praying melee and smacking hits on something you could have watched videos while doing is just plain unprofessional. In no way, shape or form is the Avatar fight easier than the Nomad fight. With this and this alone is where you are wrong and perhaps misleading to some players. However, now that the quest has been out for over 12 hours, the people doing it now or later will watch videos or read very rough guides on the matter. Making it so that a statement like that won't get you flamed for being so off par. @Abe It was tough for us who did it within the first few hours with little advice or idea what was going to happen when we entered that room.
  19. Elysian and Divine took a major hit in street price lately. They are not selling for partyhats and are barley getting away with being traded for edibles. I have yet to sell an Ely or Divine sell for straight cash with junk added so don't get your hopes up there. What you can try to do is get a disk or two eggs (approx what an ely is worth) for cash (junk added to the edibles ofc) and trade for an elysian that way. Expect to pay roughly 550-600M for the elysian or try to get lucky in the GE.
  20. I don't think so. I personally saw that after guzzling about 30 brews myself that this would be a great opportunity to flip them. I think it started out as a lot of investors that may have turned into a buyout from the big merchants. [hide=Reply to Abe] He heals off roots three times, once at 3/4, another time at 1/2, and lastly at 1/4 HP. After that you can kill him. Slap melee prayer and turmoil or piety on and smack away at him. Be prepared to sit there for around 10-15 minutes while you kill him.[/hide] I left hours ago and you all are still arguing over whether it's GM or not. From what I see, MHL you can't even come close to making a decision until you have done the quest yourself. Like you I looked at this quest and thought "wow this is a fail GM". After completing it, without a guide I might add, it was 100% a grandmaster quest. Although I do see your point and agree on it somewhat I still think it's GM worthy. Go in there barrels blazing to any of the puzzles and the fight and tell me how you do without a guide. I'll say it again, if you haven't done the quest you have no right to judge it, whether it be classification, difficulty, or anything else relating to it.
  21. For the boss fight alone it does require GM status. He is the hardest boss in my opinion; even surpassing corp. The reward is horrible with the exception of the cape. Of course I'm maxed combat so Soul Wars points will never do me any good. I feel that this is one of those quests where if you used a guide, you ruin the entirety of it. I did it this morning with my friend, soulattacker(nubbin), and it was fun solving the puzzles and figuring out what to do with him (with the help of lala ofc <3:). This quest was for the most part very easy to do, with the only hard part (puzzle wise) being the water flow puzzle, which was fun to say the least. Nicely done Jagex :thumbup: P.S BETTER REWARD NEXT TIME!
  22. Basically any item that is falling...h'weens(big maybe), santas, gwd armours. Look into it and if you see a lot of people selling that item and taking junk buy it min and sell it with the mint. Quite simple, but you have to find the item ;) @Obby capes...the thing is noone but desperate people will take them. Most people who want mints aren't all that desperate, so I'd advise against them.
  23. Melee: Helm: min-mid Plate and legs: bought out Kite:mid-max Range: Top: mid-max Legs:mid-max Vamb: crashing Coif: bought out Mage: Top: min-mid Bottoms: mid-max Hat and amulet: bought out
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