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Everything posted by dtrish

  1. 5/10 Strange, but I do like the Rowling part.
  2. Not that I know of, sorry. Is Pirates OTC 3 any good?
  3. Your fired from team Magma for not catching enough pokemon.
  4. Can't be 100% illegal government does it everyday. I'm exactly 14 years 5 months old.
  5. The explosion causes a warp in cyber space into which we all get sucked. So we are all floating around in nothingness and I grab the cheese as it passes by me.
  6. Sorry another newbie error #-o
  7. She'll take care of her son. I still can't get this right. Would someone please send me a PM on how to do this stuff or is there some guide on this site.
  8. I bring a bunch of sports fishermen and have them catch the sharks so that I can take the cheese. I teleport to Varrock and hide the cheese in a fake anvil.
  9. :cry: Why are you ignoring me. :evil: Banned for ignoring me.
  10. Dude I think this is going to get locked because it is just like take the cheese.
  11. I jump on the hood of your car causing you to swerve, crash, and die. I having survived the accident grab the cheese that fell out. I take the cheese to a castle and lock it up in a dungeon.
  12. I still have the cheese hidden in my underwear.
  13. Banned because you still don't get it. I'm not saying your incorrect, I'm saying that it is sad that you are a computer nerd.
  14. First and formost I ban myself for trying to be funny and failling miserably. And I ban you for not getting what I meant was it is wrong that you are a computer nerd and I banned you for being right about that. Get it :|
  15. 9/10 I have no idea how your supposed to be able to read the tiny font. I'm a total newbie :(
  16. Banned for being so right about something thats so wrong.
  17. 9/10 Pokemon rules. Why are you taking revenge on me :? I've never said said I didn't like your avatar.
  18. same as last. DOES NO ONE LIKE MY AVATAR!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
  19. Banned for saying "Thats a mean thing to say."
  20. l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l l_l_l_lol_l_l_l l_lolxlxlxlol_l
  21. 5/10 nice sig nothing else to say.
  22. I never said that you said I was 4, I meant you were treating like I was 4 and I know you were joking. Banned for banning me for two reasons.
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