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Everything posted by Xeones

  1. It attracts all metallic projectiles as well as making Steel Arrows very slowly.
  2. I was also curious about this. Does it stay at 100 temporarily or forever? I know for HP and Prayer, it doesn't, but what about Attack or Strength?
  3. This guide sucks. OK, let me make a guide: Mine Iron/Granite to 99 with a Rune Pickaxe. This can be boring, but you'll be a multimillionaire with a nice cape. Rate pl0x!2!!!one!!11!1eleven!!1!!!
  4. Buying steel bars to make into platebodies is strictky for experience because it is fast. Buying steel platebodies for 1k to alch for 1200 is for Alching. Mages buy from the people who used the above method in order to lose less per alchemy. Hope this helped. :mrgreen:
  5. LOL, Warrager meant for you to change aren't into isn't. :mrgreen: On topic, no, no, and HELL NO. You ask for advice and then try to prove the impossible. kthxbai.
  6. 800/hour with randoms 1000/hour at Barrows That's the info I've been taught. :mrgreen:
  7. 40 Attack 65 Strength 40 Defense 70 Ranged 1 Prayer 60 Magic 65 Hitpoints FTW
  8. 15 days at Barrows, 18 days anywhere else due to Randoms.
  9. Even then, it sometimes doesn't poison. Try for three hits, then it should poison.
  10. That will earn you about 340,000 in magic exp but using CU will earn you about 390,000 exp ... That depends on what price you can get for Fire vs Air... I'm 100% SICK of that goddam spell. I also would like to go to Iron Dragons. So everyone says Fire Staff, then? Airs go for like 15ea now or what?
  11. I'm going to buy 10k Fire Bolts to use at Iron Dragons soon. Should I use an Air Staff and buy 40k Fires or use a Fire Staff and buy 30k Airs?
  12. Simon Mall Visa Gift Cards are amazing. IDK where you live, but look for a Simon Mall.
  13. Hi again, Pinguim. I agree with the intelligent posters above, Rapid all the way.
  14. Guthan's Platebody, Chainskirt, and Helmet with Whip and Rune Defender. Switch to Warspear to heal. :thumbsup:
  15. Welcome to Miniclip RuneScape. Rants section, please.
  16. Excellent and flawless guide. 10/10 You need to write more guides. :shock:
  17. Yeah, these are beyond essential for any RuneScape member.
  18. Since I doubt Wooterr would ever Melee-stake, the guy he staked might have rule-switched? IDK...
  19. Xeones


    DUDE! CALM DOWN! There may be one of two things happening here: 1. Your character is still logged on fighting that Ape that he hasn't killed yet. Solution: Wait and pray that your Prayer (lol) didn't run out. 2. You unfortunately and extremely unluckily got hacked. Wait an hour and hope the S.O.B. left you your account.
  20. I believe everyone says this: If you already have Void Knight armor or have 600+ Pest points, use Void Knight. Otherwise, stick with Black Dragonhide armor.
  21. 1. Dragon Gloves High Alch for 60k gp. A net loss of 70k for 1 more stat bonus is, IMO, stupid. This is unless you're NEVER planning on finishing RFD or want it for looks. 2. The final part of Recipe for Disaster requires 175 Quest points, not 160.
  22. No question. Whip. It's like two times faster and you can wield a shield with it. It also doesn't degrade and has a special, however useless. Trust me, had both. I hit more 0s with Axe then Whip, surprisingly.
  23. Xeones


    Yeah, I guessed it right then. YAY 4 ME \
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