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Everything posted by Amaranth_GTO

  1. I think it could be the mind altar, I haven't been there in a while though
  2. FOR TIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *draws*
  3. Yeah you can't help it, after a breakup they usually dont believe your reasons for doing it. But eventually when she notices you haven't been with any other girls that you were telling the truth. Anyway, hopefully things will work out
  4. there really is no golden line, if you've already been out on a few dates just ask her if she'll be your girlfriend. If you want to make a big spectacle out of it, do what rpg posted. Also, if you want to get her something, go for a necklace, bracelet, or something special with a cool story, like a stuffed animal you got from somewhere, or that your old friend gave to you before x happened.
  5. Personally I think this is a bad idea. Let's pretend tif did this. How many of us, just out of curiosity, would look up other members on facebook or google or something? Now, imagine someone who was really crazy had a grudge against another forum member, and had access to their real name. It wouldn't be hard for them to find the person. Plenty of lives could be potentially ruined, not something blizzard wants to happen
  6. Just step back from girls. You don't need to talk to a girl, or go out with a girl. Just hang out with some guys, and leave girls alone. When you're out with your friends and you see the gorgeous blonde, then yeah go talk to her, but don't be constantly looking for her.
  7. Nah you're not the only one nick. But in all seriousness, if you're happy with her/him, then that's all that matters. If she makes you happy, go for it :thumbsup:
  8. her friend? if you want to, go for it :thumbup: Just remember that people tend to be like people they hang out with, so dont get too attached. Best of luck
  9. *high-5* Sarge, just forget about her. I know its hard, I know it sucks, I know its a hell of a lot easier said than done, but don't torture yourself over this. Meet another girl, find a hobby, hang out with a bunch of guys, anything to just distract yourself from her. Best of luck man
  10. the red arrow is pointing to the brown spot I started... I'll be back tomorrow with even more ink to add more to it :thumbup:
  11. well, I used all my ink to start a brown spot... :P
  12. Well, first suggestion would be smooth too. Make good friends who are guys, flirt with the girls there... If all else fails and all the hot girls are hooking up with the smooth guys, then I guess you could go for less attractive girls. BUT, that wouldn't be as fun as getting one of the sexier ladies for yourself. Best of luck :thumbup: Also, quick bit of advice, but I doubt being on this forum (or runescape, if you still play) while you're there will turn on any girls, so it could help to keep that one a secret :P Again, best of luck and I hope you have fun at the camp
  13. hey!

    been a while since we've talked. Loving the signature though

  14. my god we have some small people here. I'm 6' and 158 lbs and compared to most people I'm pretty skinny... But on a happier note, I went to a swim meet today, and to my surprise there were 3 new attractive girls on the team. One my age, and twins who are 2 years older than me. :thumbsup:
  15. Who cares what other people think? If you want to date the girl, DO IT! If she says no, oh well. It wont matter within the next week.
  16. lets see... In kindergarten I got in trouble and lost 5 minutes of recess for not sleeping during nap time. In 4th grade this jerk in my class decided it would be funny to take my ice cream at lunch. I was taller, and had longer arms so I just reached over and grabbed it back. He got mad so he squeezed the ice cream sandwich, breaking the paper and making all the ice cream come out... right onto his stuff. So he grabs my sandwich I had for lunch and throws it into the trash can. Then some idiot screamed "food fight!" and then the principal and everyone came over. Snuck into a house that was under construction, and abandoned houses. Stolen gum before, and had 2 detentions in school but none of those were very eventful
  17. Thanks for the help. And thats a really good idea :thumbsup: gonna have to remember that
  18. Eh, got stuff to get off my chest. It's been an eventful 2 weeks. First, I was in Ocean City for a week, vacation with my friend + his family. Our first night there, I meet these two (drunk) college girls, who both said I was really cute, got their numbers. One was hot, other was fat. They invited me over the next day, and fat one wanted to hook up with me. Soo... I passed up on the opportunity to hook up with someone 5 years older than me. After that, I talked to a few girls, hung out with a couple, but never really did anything. The next week, I was on this church retreat thing, along with a second church from a different state. To make a long story short, passed up on another hookup opportunity because the girl was 13. But there was another girl there who was really attractive, my age, we talked a lot, but I didn't make a move. I've realized that I'm afraid of rejection. And afraid to try to escalate pretty much anything because of the possibility of getting rejected. I'm a pretty good looking guy (at least I like to think so, and plenty of girls seem to agree) I'm just scared. And then when I do get rejected, I'm able to say "hey that wasn't so bad. Try again." and then get a number or something, but I suck with physical escalation. I mean, I've read all the techniques and stuff, just... I don't know. Haven't tried it. Anyway, on a happier note, I've been talking to this girl for a while and pretty much have a date set up for next week. Wish me luck :thumbup:
  19. Sports Illustrated, hot rod, game informer, and this political journal I can never remember the name of.
  20. As long as you're in that direction, stop by Wildwood. I'll be there from now til Sunday ;) I'd love to but my friends dad is the one driving... maybe if we make a pit stop there :P
  21. Dance with the devil - Immortal Technique http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7JYrt1eG_Y&feature=player_embedded
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