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Everything posted by WiGE

  1. what is the fastest route to shilo village? while doing slayer and such, i know that karamja gloves give teleport to gem rocks but i dont have those yet, so what would be fast way now?..
  2. they should always be going up and up, i dont understand how come they go down sometimes :? because you CANT ever get new amount of them in-game.. :cry: and sometimes i see furys prices go up?.. hows that possible, because everyday you can get more and more and more of them into markets O:)
  3. oh cmon , 8 views and no reply :cry: just tell me what method would be good for me :wall:
  4. oh well.. soon as i get my combat +100 .. ill start to train my str upto 99 probally, but i need some information about these days xp tables and such. so is the pest control now FASTER or SLOWER xp since the update? (+100 boat) that is one of my methods of training.. and then the rest: bandits ? dagannoths ? axe hut ? ________________ tell me what you would suggest for my lvl =D> and would be good gear ? before i used: berserker helm, fighter torso, d scim & rune defencer, rune legs and glory .. should i stick with that gear? oh and i have guthan set if its about banking or something/ food problems
  5. no need to do QUEST to craft nature runes, shilo village quest helps with banking, if you go to altar by walking.. you could do few mini-quests or such and use abyss :P
  6. WiGE


    ive heard rumours of that garden thing is fast & good xp, but ive only heard.. never tried because of that stupid ali's question.. go and try that :-k
  7. well yew longs are easier to sell than mage longbows... and didnt yew longs price just went to 600 - 700gp ea :boohoo:
  8. well for low lvl def like you, i suggest to rock crabs , they are awesome xp and you can camp rest your life there with full inv of food
  9. its a good idea, but sooner or later runescape private chat or chatting will be as same as windows live messenger #-o
  10. very nice & simple =D> , im getting upto 50 const because of this 9/10, because no pictures, but still good :D
  11. change that dark bow to frying pan (bought from culichors chest or how you spellit (rfd quest))
  12. i dont any other spots there but that one in the tunnel :-k the place where you run to make your greegrees.. there its multi-area, and zombie monkeys come attack you, but you use protect from melee tho :wall: thats one fast range xp, and i dont know if they even drop anything
  13. i think steel plates & black sq shields are best to alch & buy :-k
  14. in left hand she has rune satchet or how you spell it ..
  15. well i can tell that AINT fastest xp for range :oops:
  16. just to make this topic easier for you.. POST LINKS TO SITES: - to get renders - to get fonts - to download programs - to read/watch tutorials THANKS
  17. hey, im kinda bored of rs at this moment and i was thinking to maybe start making some sigs for people who needs some.. and im here to ask what programs you use to make them, and could you put some links to some tutorial sites.. ? oh, and if you want to share your sites where you take your renders & fonts too .. that would help me a bit, thank you already :P
  18. what does that blessing even actually do :?
  19. i wonder if you have any good spots to share with me for dh training.. just bought full dh and going to train somewhere but i dont know where :x one good is ape atoll but i aint going there for personal reasons :-#
  20. it increases amount of runes a bit.. but dont think if your kc is million, you would get millions of runes too.. just get like 12 - 20 and your doing fine.. atleast ive been fine with that kc :-k
  21. your own internet connection, maybe? or world either full or just made too far from your country :? if i use 137 or 138, i never get that connection lost, exept when i kick my modem box :lol:
  22. go run double nats on world 36 ( there's a free fast double nature company waiting for you) .. just buy few glories and tons of nature runes.. you go to altar place and pick a line for yourself.. wait till get your essence to crafted.. there are usually 2 - 4 double crafters online (they wear golden robes, so you can spot them) .. HAPPY MONEYMAKING =D> ps. probally fastest money making if you dont like skills or pking/stakeing
  23. hmm.. few player mods have said me that autotalkers are legal :? .. why wont jagex just mute whole world 2 ? .. its full of autotalkers, its like 100 of 1800 players there doesnt use autotalker (im one of those 100) i dont know, correct me if im wrong :-k
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