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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. So I've had a few glitches when it comes to medals/ribbons, and their assorted dog tags... Like this nemesis medal for instance. Also, I got the left knife dog tag, while only having the melee ribbon four times total...
  2. sarg1010


    (oh man what have I done) I remember my first post being about how a guy wasn't increasing his post count by constantly posting in a thread he made, and how his amount in the OP was the same as the amount he had on the last page... If that makes any sense. Little did I realize it updated automatically... >.<
  3. Got my MAV dogtags, which are pretty sweet IMO. It's an eye with "big brother" above it, which reminds me of the band Tool (love em). And I'm also <2 hours away from my tank service medal :) Did they need the PDW? I remember it sucking pretty hard when the game first came out, but I tried it out (in normal, if you believe that...) and it was kicking ass. My friend that used to at first went 56-8 with it on Op. Metro CQ. Was insane. Also managed to repair tool an Abrams to death while dicking around in a jeep with a friend. Luckily a javelin hit it, disabling it a we drove by, and I hope out and got it. Just need a bunch more AT kills to get the QBZ. Then I need to work on getting the mk##### shotgun... Bleh.
  4. sarg1010


    So I took those receipts, and I THREW THEM ON THE GROUND! I don't need your items! I'M AN ADULT!!! Today, I went back and looked at some of the first posts I made on this forum... ohgodwhy.jpg
  5. The patch has changed my style of gameplay a little as well. Before I used to play Support a LOT, but now I rarely do due to the increased recoil and general inaccuracy. Now I play Assault/Recon a lot. M16A3/M40A5 <3: Also, it's possible to road kill with a MAV and not have it be destroyed. Not 100% if it's luck or a headshot or what, but it's possible.
  6. 52 more surveillance ribbons till I get my 5th surveillance medal + dog tag (anyone who dies while I'm MAVing, simply because they didn't look at the map, deserves that death IMO). Also, only 2-1/2 hours left till tank service medal.
  7. There was a guy with the developer dog tags in those games, so the guy mustve taken the kit. M16a3 with a holographic, grip, and heavy barrel is sickening. Two shot kill from medium to medium-long range is amazing. Just got my 5th service star for it :) I've been doing really well lately. Got my k/d to 2.15, but meh. I'm closing in on my goal of getting the tank service star, with only three hours left.
  8. The gun's name itself had that golden polish look to it (the same as the numbers under the colonel prestige ranking), so I'm led to believe its a prestige item... That, or it's a "battlefield veteran" bonus item I guess?
  9. Sooo I've forgotten how awesome the M16A3 is... Also found out my friends and I are, when we actually try, amazing at squad deathmatch. We won four games in a row, and in each one the next closest wasn't even half way. It got so bad for them that on our fourth match, the admin in the server actually SPLIT US UP, but we just regrouped and won. Was hilarious. Also, someone I ran into killed with a M1911 S-TAC. It was a M1911 with a suppressor and a tac light together...
  10. Just listen for spawn beacons/MAVs/T-UGS, or look on the map for mortars and then kill the guy + destroy the mortar (not that too many people use it now...), it shouldn't be too bad. I find it very annoying that claymores disappear on death now.
  11. Helicopters are actually a bit of hit and miss for me I guess. A few times I'd be flying and want to do something fancy with a friend just for kicks, and we'd hit a hill or tree on Caspian Border and be fine, but last night I was on Op. Firestorm, got in the Havoc, and decided to fly low and through those oil tankers things near C, and my tail rotor BARELY TOUCHED the tanker, and we immediately blew up without warning. I only have the last engineer guns, and the shotgun left to get. They should really reduce the ROF on that shotgun. So many people just run around spraying with it...
  12. Jesus, helicopters are so freaking fragile now when it comes to hitting things. Even just graze something and BOOM, one wasted helicopter.
  13. sarg1010


    IMO it's any kind of "more than friends" activity. And if you feel like you have to hide it from her - it's definitely cheating. For example, when your girlfriend asks what you did today you wouldn't say, "Well I went out, kissed a few girls, gave another my number and we flirted a bit, then went out for a beer with my mates." You'd want to hide the fact that you kissed and flirted with other girls. And it's some kind of physical/intimate connection that implies that you are or want to be more than friends. Put that all together and it's definitely cheating. I knew I liked you for a reason :P It's because she's an admin isn't it? :P Today I watched my nephew for a few hours, while his sister was born. Then immediately had to go to work. All while running on three hours of sleep... Bleh.
  14. The expanded ending DLC is confirmed to be free. As long as you download it before April 2014 (wut?).
  15. My friend mentioned that happening to him, but it was only once. Eventually he could set it up.
  16. People have seriously made melee only servers...? That has to be one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And if you want to find sqdm servers, search for tdm servers too, since they usually switch between the two types.
  17. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", in regards to future CoD's.
  18. sarg1010


    Yo. Represent. 'sup I'll join this group. In other news, apparently my neice is being born tonight/tomorrow.
  19. I really hate how they moved the AA guns so far away on most maps. As if their range weren't crappy enough, dice decides to make them even further away from where aircraft usually are... Wow.
  20. I hate SDM, but TDM is ok. I was relieved after finally getting that gun. Now just need to get the PP-19, M#### shotgun, and the second engineer gun... how can anyone destroy a vehicle with a repair torch without being killed or using a friend on the other team to "boost" it...
  21. Strangely, I've had the opposite happen where I lock in under 5 seconds and I kill in one hit. Weird. Has anyone found a good burst assault rifle yet? I'm not digging the tweaks on my KH2002 M16A4, AN-94, and AEK-971 are my favorites. Rent-a-server seems... Interesting. Glad they reduced the outrageous requirements for the suppression, m-com attacker, and m-com defender ribbons. The load out menus are really messed up now... And why the hell did they give the RPK extende mags, but took them away from the mg36?! And the recoil now... Horrendous. AND THEY STILL HAVEN'T FIXED THE STUPID FRAG ROUNDS! Making them fire slower does not make them any less explosive dice!
  22. sarg1010


    Chicken wings in hot sauce. Very good stuff. Buffalo Wild Wings is an amazing restaurant IMO. I really only like the boneless wings though. The other ones are too messy.
  23. sarg1010


    Somehow (judging from how she seems to be in general) I think she'd just turn that against him any way ("if you weren't so stupid with computers this wouldn't have happened, it was probably you, blah blah blah"). She seems like the kind of [bleep] (don't want to sound rude towards a stranger but...) who would do that.
  24. Ctrl+Alt+Del. Quite like it, especially the Hunger Games-esque story he did for Wintereenmas. Was pretty cool :thumbup:.
  25. I started playing at CoD 2, skipped 3 since it didn't look too good, and LOVED Modern Warfare, despite only being able to play online at a friend's house. Never played WaW's online, but thought the campaign was ok. MW2 was decent, although the story didn't make much sense, and played Black Ops/MW2 online a lot with friends until BFBC2 and BF3 came out. Now I have MW3, and really miss the old days of CoD4. edit: after a while of playing with a friend, we were put in a game where LITERALLY (yes, literally) every person, except my friend (UMP-45) and I (M16), was using the same gun. The EXACT. SAME. GUN. I think it was the MP7, it looked like a MAC10 only with a longer clip and a foregrip... Every killcam was them just spraying and/or camping. My friend and I went back to BF3 after that game. On a happier note, we made it to... wave 29 I think in survival on Underground. I got the $50k cash achievement, having only bought a sentry gun and used picked up weapons and ammo until I got $50k. Was intense.
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