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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. On that note, when people (usually at work) get mad at me for defending myself in an argument. Since I'm one of the "lower ranking" workers there, they just expect me to take their crap. But since I usually tell them my reasons/meaning/etc, they get all pissy and yell at me/make my life miserable while I'm there for "talking back" at them.
  2. you need 100 Claymore kills for the left tag, and 300 for the medal tag. 500 would be the master tag, but I dont think that exists because of the medal tag. I have ~240 some. Are we still racing? I don't know anything about the 10 kills per Karkand gun achievement, as far as I know you just need to have 10 kills with each of them I don't know if we are lol. Currently it is glitched so when you get 300 kills, you get the master dog tag. You need 500 for the medal tag. And yes, the master tag exists. The karkand weapons achievement is obtained by having 10 kills with all guns, then getting 10 kills with the Famas in one game (yuck). It's an annoying glitch.
  3. sarg1010


    Just plain don't go then. If they ask why, just say "It was too dangerous to risk driving here" or something like that.
  4. Cereal without (some) sugar is like eating Lucky Charms without the marshmallows. It's like cat food... Granted, somehow just straight Cheerios is amazing at times.
  5. 152 more claymore kills. I've found Seine Crossing the best map to get kills. But basically any rush map will do, since there always seems to be at least one semi-claymoreable M-COM per set. I really wish DICE would get around to fixing these small bugs that ruin the game. Especially the squad spawn glitch. That one in particular really pisses me off, when my squad is up towards the front, but I can't spawn on them, so I'm forced to run ALL THE WAY UP. Also, spawning on a beacon is glitched if it's outside, so that you spawn parachuting. -.-
  6. sarg1010


    So my brother broke his leg today, after (literally) just starting a mud run challenge. About a minute or two into the race, the ambulance was called out. [hide][/hide] apparently he kind of jumped off of a small hill into what he thought was some pretty deep water... turns out it was ~3 inches. Derp.
  7. sarg1010


    The news story. I don't watch/read the news much, if at all, so I didn't realize other people were shot earlier this week too.
  8. sarg1010


    That was a good call indeed. Any injuries? I have no idea. All I got were text alerts saying there was a shooting on/near the campus, and that everyone was to stay indoors and secure the buildings. about 30 minutes later we got texts saying police were on sight, then a while later giving us an all-clear, since the suspects had apparently moved on away from the campus. So yea. No idea what exactly happened. Sometimes there are random scares like this near the apartments that are near the campus. I've gotten quite a few alerts about public fights, knives, guns, etc.
  9. sarg1010


    I'm rather glad I stayed home from school today. I just received a text saying there are reports of a shooting there.
  10. I loved the first ME, and loathed the second (not the story, just the gameplay...) Good luck finding the first ME in stores though, I looked in all of my local game sellers (best buy, GameStop, smaller chain sellers) and couldn't find it. If you do decide to get the series, start with 1, so you get the import bonuses, choices, etc.
  11. I recently bought Torchlight and Fez, and really like them both. Torchlight is a lot like a simpler Diablo (should be, seeing as it's made by the guys who made Diablo and Fate), and Fez... Oh man Fez is CRAZY. It literally hurts my brain playing it, trying to comprehend the puzzles. It's a 2d game, but you can switch dimensions with the triggers, so its... a 3d game viewed in a 2d way. It's insane (the game actually breaks itself in the beginning when you get the power to switch dimensions), and definitely worth getting.
  12. sarg1010


    My brain is so full of [bleep] as to what I just read last page...
  13. Just found out that of you throw a grenade nearly straight up in the air, it will explode when it lands. Makes it very useful (and hilarious) for "danger close" kills. EDIT: finally got it. Last few were agonizingly hard to get for some reason. They kept blowing up but not hurting the guy. ...and now it's glitched. Says I have the medal, but the "new unlock" blip won't go away, and I don't have the dog tags. C'mon man... EDIT 2: I think it may have given me the service star 5 dog tag, instead of the medal dog tag. Wtf? You need 100 kills for every claymore service star, correct? I also managed to get 10 kills with each new weapon, but the achievement didn't unlock... apparently you need to get 10 famas kills in one round or something... according to the forums. Dice needs to fix their [bleep]ing game.
  14. You beat me to it I'll be fairly impressed, I already have 215. But they're harder to get now that they disappear postmortem...that and support guns are kinda iffy since the patch. What I'd really like is the laser designation tag, but NO ONE carries javalins. I'm at 218 252 :twss: Yea, I only have three laser assists total. I'm also severely disappointed in the service hours dog tags. They could've made them so cool... but nooooo. Had to make them all lame... Also... Yes, that is a 5-man squad.
  15. My new goal is the 300 claymore kills. Saw the dog tag, immediately wanted it. They're fun to get kills with, since they really only require camping/defending, which I love to do.
  16. sarg1010


    Got 17 hours of sleep last night. Still sore as [bleep] though. Almost had to go back to the concession place, but the boss there called and said I didn't have to, since there were high wind warnings (even though it's perfectly fine outside right now). Good stuff.
  17. sarg1010


    Currently going on 30 hours of no sleep, with working out, job work, then 12 hours of working at a soccer tournament concession stand, including driving a few times to pick up supplies, and I nearly fell asleep a few times while driving... I'm exhausted. :sad:
  18. sarg1010


    OT, Y U SO SLOW TODAY?! In other news, I went and saw Wrath of the Titans... was ok. Could've focused on more titans, other than just Kronus.
  19. sarg1010


    If your mum didn't mind you doing that, would you still get it done? Because that's a terrible reason imo. I think so too. Take a stand at the more important matters, not hair color. I have to agree... doing that seems exactly like what a teenager would do to "rebel" against his/her parents. And I assume spacers are those plugs people are putting in their ears to look like african tribesmen?
  20. As much as I dislike 500% Op. Metro CQ maps, going 112-32 on them was really satisfying, especially when I managed a 130 Nemesis bonus :twss: My new overall goal is to reach 2.5 K/D.
  21. What's even more annoying is crap like this... [hide] [/hide]
  22. Every time I see the gamefly commercial with everyone screaming and freaking out, I think of this game's ending and people's reaction to it.
  23. The RPK has got to be the stupidest weapon ever after the patch. 200 base rounds (and it reloads in two seconds!!!), incredibly accurate... What was dice thinking?! Seriously!
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