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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. sarg1010


  2. It's 1600 MSP. $20. $15 would've been kind of pushing it, $10 would've been just fine... but $20 is rather crazy imo.
  3. sarg1010


    The beginning of it sounds like something that would be in a Kingdom Hearts game. Sounds pretty good. :thumbup:
  4. I completely agree that CQ could've been amazing for 12v12. Hell, even 10v10 would've been better.
  5. Dawnguard has been released on 360 today. 10 new achievements. Got one randomly (lost to the ages, or whatever it's called.) Haven't figured out how to actually start the vampire questline yet though. And apparently there are legendary dragons? That is, there's an achievement for killing one anyway.
  6. The weapons are great. The maps are ok at best imo. Too many people just camp in random areas, or puppydog a certain flag (I'm looking at YOU, Donya Fortress C flag.)
  7. sarg1010


    Another sleepless night. Which isn't good, considering I have to work tonight. :???: Although I kind of like the feel of being tired, yet energized. Definitely going straight to bed once I get home though.
  8. How much recoil does the M-TAR have? I've unlocked the first tier of new guns, and none of them seem to have much recoil (except the M417, but that's expected with a semi-auto sniper). And I love playing as Engineer now, all thanks to the ACW-R. Also, shotguns are such BS most of the time...
  9. sarg1010


    I've been up for about 18 or 19 hours now. Stayed up all night, so I need to force myself to stay away today to get my sleep schedule back in order. In other news, time seems to go by faster when you are tired. I'd stayed up all night too, ended up just falling asleep around 6 PM and I woke up around 10 AM the next morning. My schedule's completely back in order now, so I suggest doing that :razz: I posted that, stayed up for about another ten minutes, then went to sleep :grin: . Just woke up, so five hours of sleep. That should give me enough to only want to stay up until 11ish.
  10. sarg1010


    I've been up for about 18 or 19 hours now. Stayed up all night, so I need to force myself to stay away today to get my sleep schedule back in order. In other news, time seems to go by faster when you are tired.
  11. AC1 was full of glitches for me. AC2 and on are a bit different than the first, and much better imo. Even if you don't enjoy the first, at least try the second.
  12. Maybe. Frontlines: Fuel of War had 25 people per team, so I don't really see why BF3 couldn't.
  13. While it isn't the GAME Minecraft, it's ABOUT Minecraft, and anyone with L4D2 should definitely get it. Deathcraft II http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNaRaVgvMDw&feature=player_embedded
  14. Yea, AK won't be as fun, unless someone in DICE/Microsoft/whoever grows a brain and increases the player cap. Otherwise it will just be lame. And this is coming from a guy who LOVES using vehicles. I have to wonder if AK will have assignments though. Unlocking access to new vehicles would be pretty cool.
  15. The Premium-only knife looks like a bear grylls knife. :roll: In other news, whoever thought putting that bouncy grenade as the second-to-last gun in Gunmaster was a good idea should be fired.
  16. What everyone is saying about the social aspect (in regards to the headset for the PS3) is completely true. In my short time having a PS3 and MAG, which was about two months, I only had around ten matches that even just one person in my squad had a headset, and squads had around ten people in it IIRC. Granted, there were 128 people per team in the largest game mode, so maybe I was just never stuck with people that had mics.
  17. sarg1010


    That song actually sounds alright... the rest, however...
  18. When I bought a PS3 a few years ago, I remember there being ungodly long update times. If you do get one though, see if anyone is still playing MAG. That game was awesome. :thumbup:
  19. sarg1010


    [bLEEP]ING AWESOME. I buy ONE thing online with my card, and the stupid "suspicious spending" security measure kicks in. Now I can't use my card at all for a while (day or two). The bank I got it from is closed until Monday, and the number to call on the back just says they can't help me (with a recorded message). This is why I prefer using cash. <_< The only reason I got a card was for online spending/always having some money at a moments notice, so I didn't have to rely on the bank being open.
  20. sarg1010


    Hey hey! TF is my second champ! I main with Teemo though, cause Teemo is too awesome. Yea buddy! I just bought Teemo tonight, but my friend that I was playing with got off as I did, so I'm going to test-run him tomorrow. If someone else picks TF, I usually play as Talon or Olaf, neither of which I'm very good with yet :-?. I don't like straight melee characters. I die way too often with them. Oh well, I'll get better.
  21. sarg1010


    Got my debit card today. :thumbsup: Just need to activate it still, which I will do tomorrow morning. I'm also getting better at League of Legends. Still terrible, but I'm loving Twisted Fate.
  22. It's not even five minutes... it's more like five seconds. "Can I see your ID? Thanks, here you go." Why would anyone think you were under-age if they let you buy it... Confusing.
  23. sarg1010


    She has cheated on you once, she is likely to cheat on you again. Especially now that she lives further away from you. The girl you love is gone I'm afraid. You'll have plenty of stuff to take your mind off of her once you get into college. Exams, parties, new friends, new opportunities. Besides, it seems you've been meeting new girls all of the time lately. Take advantage of that!
  24. sarg1010


    Why does everyone seem to think you need to get drunk to make friends? :? You'd think it'd be the opposite... I get the whole socializing aspect of it, but you don't necessarily have to drink alcohol.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNDifQKdp6I&feature=g-vrec So aside from the new sounds/medals... looks interesting. And unless I'm blind, no armor abilities (so far). I'm digging the new assassinations. :thumbup:
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