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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. Looks like fun. Have to wonder how it will be on hardcore though.
  2. M&B Warband is very good. I didn't like Fire+Sword though.
  3. sarg1010


    Just watched episode 13 of the 6th season of How I Met Your Mother. The feels... THE FEELS. SO MANY FEELINGS.
  4. AAAAAWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAH 50% off now. 8-)
  5. Hopefully Chivalry gets a bigger discount than it already has. I know $17 isn't exactly a lot, but still... one can never be too cheap.
  6. sarg1010


    How is it any more logical than the other way around? I'm curious. How is saying it as "March 13th, 2012 (03-13-2012") any worse than "the 13th of March, 2012 (13-03-2012)"? Such a silly thing for people to argue about...
  7. What annoys me is the high price of Legos now. $12 for a small set that used to cost half that? What's happened?
  8. This new one is silly. Who puts the title of a video BELOW the actual video? The last layout was just fine...
  9. I personally HATE mic only servers. A few times I'd join them with a friend while in party chat, and even then we'd get kicked. Plus, there's almost always SOMEONE who has a ton of background noise, or has their volume up way to loud so you can hear everything they are doing. Really freaking annoying.
  10. Black Ops 2's story is decent considering the past few games, but I still think the first MW was the best. The ghillie suit mission(s), the nuke going off, Gaz dying. Those were truly... epic moments. I never really felt like there were any moments like that in BO2.
  11. Wait, I'm sorry... did I just see you say that the story in Black Ops 2 was better than the on in the first Modern Warfare...
  12. I didn't like AC3 much either. Way too many glitches, and the combat is awful now. I recently started playing Planetside 2. It's pretty sweet so far, since I mainly just find a huge armoured column and stick with them. New Conglomerate all the way! (even though I also have a VS guy as well, just to see how their weapons are.) Not really a huge fan of the (pretty much) pay-to-win style it took, but meh.
  13. Seems to me that having a silencer on an smg dramatically increases it's damage in core modes. A guy literally came around a corner and killed three of us in one second with a silenced... not sure what gun it was, other than it was an smg.
  14. Their shields are pretty strong, they can teleport away (and almost always will), and their shields regenerate pretty damn quickly it seems. Along with the swarms of crawlers/those flying things that accompany them a lot... raaaather difficult.
  15. sarg1010


    You probably drank the vodka first, then forgot you drank it and had sprite-without-vodka. Hence why you didn't taste the vodka!
  16. I'm only playing on Heroic for my first playthrough, and I dread facing even just one Knight/pair of Hunters, mostly because I know I'm going to burn through a lot of ammo to kill them.
  17. Must there be a new thread for every COD game? :?
  18. Maybe it's just me, but dear lord this campaign can be really freaking tough sometimes. The Prometheans take so many shots to take down. >.<
  19. Yea it does get stuck many times. Decided to trade it in before i even finished the main story (got about 65-70% completed). After four freeze ups and numerous glitches, coupled with infuriating guards, combat, and controls (at times), I decided it wasn't worth it to keep playing, and got Halo 4 instead. It's a rather large disappointment.
  20. I REALLY don't like the way combat is handled in this game. Having the B button be the complete counter button is just really... awkward for me. I miss the old way of having to hold RT+X. Since they got rid of the whole "controlling different body parts" system, a lot of the old ways of fighting/maneuvering around just seem weird. I don't know how, or even if you are able, to throw enemies. It feels like they went TOO simple, and made things more difficult than need be. Not to mention that a lot of enemies just plain don't show that red triangle before attacking. And it seems impossible to escape the Patriot guards. God help you if you ever get the three bar wanted thing, because one or two are almost ALWAYS on the street, and WILL SEE YOU, making it nearly impossible to stay hidden. So far, the story is interesting, but... I liked Brotherhood a lot more. EDIT: Also, the way the map is filled out is rather annoying. With such a huge map (especially for the frontier) I would've thought the synch spots would reveal more than just a little circle of the map, and even then it doesn't show much. Having to explore it all on foot would be fine and dandy, IF we didn't reveal so very little of the map while doing it.
  21. I wish Jack's mask would alter your characters voice. That would've been sweet.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcO5ajxGenc New game-mode sounds interesting, and it's a shame the game won't actually be like that but yea... a crossbow? Really? And do we finally get some new character models? Oh wait, nevermind. It's just the characters without their helmets. Better looking than the usual, but... how hard is it to make some new characters?
  23. I would gladly buy the assassin outfit if it only cost $10-15. Maaaaybe even $20. But $40 is ridiculous.
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