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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. [hide][/hide] Not sure why my pictures are like this suddenly, but it's 44 noted clean toadflax. :thumbup:
  2. Just kind of mad. Dang that's a small picture... Finished Kuradal's challenge, no cape though.
  3. I watched Wolf Am I get crushed right next to me... Scarred for life.
  4. You can boost the 80 mining requirement to get the scarabas mask and staff.
  5. I didn't get to see two of the cutscenes because my graphics settings were "too high"... while on medium. Also, you get the axe and shield pretty quickly. I got them within 7 "kills".
  6. For those that used your free golden key at a low level, fear not. If you go to the main menu, then to extras and sign up for the Shift thing, you get a free key. (obligatory confirmation email required after signing up, of course.)
  7. I got the four latest books in the Horus Heresy series. It's been a while since I've read the last one, so I have a lot to catch up on.
  8. I have yet to see a shock or corrosive weapon, but have found tons of burning guns. Which is a shame, since corrosive are my favorite. Explosive weapons just seem really inaccurate to me. I love the looks of guns now. Much more detailed, and the new minigun assault rifles are awesome.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT8ho580mcg&list=FLqql0EFWRaNJxd7yLnmtIOA&index=1&feature=plpp_video (hopefully this video works...) I seriously want to get a XIM EDGE for my 360. It's an adapter that allows you to use a mouse and keyboard on your 360/PS3. I've always thought about switching to PC BF, but since my stats wouldn't carry over, I didn't see much point. Other games, like CoD or Borderlands should work with it as well, which will be nice. http://xim3.com/abou...uctional-videos EDIT: Good news! I shot down a helicopter with the Mobile Artillery's normal rockets! Bad news! It was my own team's helicopter! Also managed to randomly team-kill someone who spawned immediately in front of me while i was driving the MA back to base, which took me completely by surprise.
  10. All rush is awful in this expansion. Armoured Shield itself is amazing though. Nice and open, with plenty of hills. And pretty colourful to boot, atleast more so when compared to the REALLY FREAKING BLUE map of Death Valley, the orange-tint of [the desert map], and the white/forest colours of [the mountain map]. (I really need to learn the map names...) Is it bad that the only set of MCOMs i enjoy playing, are the final set on the mountains map, simply because the gunship can't do crap there? To make the gunship not so damn op, they need to increase it's respawn time by quite a bit (certain amount of spawns per rush set maybe?), maaaaaaaaaybe make it a bit tougher (more armour), and have it slowly regen health/a third slot just for repairing (albeit slow repairing.) The guns don't seem that bad, except maybe the cannon could fire a bit slower, or have the splash damage reduced a bit. Of course, they won't nerf it for at least a month, so you might as well stay away from rush for a while.
  11. I love Armoured Shield just for the fact that it's incredibly fun to just drive around on the ATV, since it's so spacious. I ramped over [the flag that controls the gunship] completely once. Too bad you can't drive 3rd person in hardcore though. Also, MFW I get kicked for using the gunship to rack up 60 kills. Which the admins themselves were using in earlier rounds.
  12. Here's a great idea guys! Let's let the gunship fly well within range of the enemy's stationary AA! And since it moves slow as shit, it'll get destroyed within 10 seconds! Great idea, drinks all around!
  13. Personally, I'd just get close to that guy/girl, and knock the phone right out of their hand. Just pretend you were dancing/jumping, and chances are they won't give a shit that you actually knocked it out, they'll just want to find it.
  14. After a few more rounds that weren't rush, I must say that I enjoy the tank killers. The mobile artillery could use some work, like an actual range finder next to the crosshairs (can't wait for my friend to get on so he can be my spotter), and a few of the new assignment rewards seem un-needed, like the HE shell for the tank killer. TK's do enough damage as it is with their normal cannon, that replacing the LMG or HMG for a slower firing, slower to arm shell doesn't seem worth it. Haven't seem a single assault class yet either. Very rare to see a support. Mostly just engineer and sniper, which was expected. I don't really know why I'm even making suggestions, it isn't like DICE will actually change anything... at least not for a few months. :rolleyes:
  15. Just played a few rounds. Dear god could the gunship be much more op? Takes a ton of AA missiles to bring down, and even then it respawns so damn quickly that it's not even worth shooting down. Plus, since I assume it has thermal, there's really no hiding from it, especially with the splash damage. Why does DICE not test their game anymore? In other news, shot down the gunship with a tank killer. Was pretty sweet.
  16. Whoa. So you mean the Russians are actually the ones attacking this time around? Crazy. Can't remember the last time that happened, even in BFBC2. (And conquest assault doesn't count. That was just a "counter attack" style.) I also forgot to mention, I got the IFV dogtag in one game a few days ago, in a normal game to boot (which is saying something considering how many shots it takes to actually kill someone with tanks in normal...)
  17. Because they're releasing a map pack with tons of vehicles after Close Quarters? :huh: Granted, it'll be pretty meh on consoles, due to having the majority of the map not being seen or used, since there's only 24 people per match.
  18. Atleast Infinity Ward and activision update their game. And by update, I mean actually fix glitches/bugs. I'd so much rather have to update to a new version of BF3 every day if it meant crap like the mass dart glitch/dog tags actually working were fixed quickly. Instead, we get one big update every once in a while that usually [bleep]s things up worse than it was before.
  19. sarg1010


    Reminds me of the time my cat brought in a live mouse. We hadn't noticee that he had a big brown ball of fur in his mouth, until he flung it in the air and started playing with it. However, he got cocky and the mouse managed to get away, and ran behind a set of bookcases. We don't know if he caught it during the night, or if it died under there, but we never saw it again.
  20. Laster designation shouldn't even be allowed on the scout helicopters IMO, since they get the missile. They're too maneuverable to be effectively taken down by tanks, fast enough to be able to fly away to re-arm missiles, and can be repaired while in the air. Way OP if the pilot is actually good. It's one of the very things that makes Noshahr Canals unbearable. And I don't believe you actually cook them, you just hold the grenade. Maybe they changed it, but the last time I tried, i held it for 10 seconds and nothing happened, and exploded like normal.
  21. • Accuracy dogtags now show the correct stats. • Coop Stars and dogtag are now properly unlockable and equip able. That only took nearly a year to fix. Good job Dice! The nerfed my favorite gun... but not the AEK. So many of these "fixes" either shouldn't have been there to begin with, or should've been fixed a LONG time ago. And thank GOD they got rid of the stupid MK3A1 using frag rounds in gunmaster. And the mortar is still crap.
  22. In regards to the more socialable aspect, Xbox lets you party up with other people in just a few seconds, while PC is usually Skype (which can take a while), or in-game chat. Granted, there are probably a lot more chat programs on the PC (none of which I know about), but I'd say the Xbox has the best "social" options.
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