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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. Soooo... I borrowed this game from my brother... and I'm not impressed. Finished the campaign in four hours, Spec Ops survival is fun, but gets old quick... and multiplayer has way too many campers and insta-kills to be any fun. So many times I've rounded a corner and been killed immediately, only to watch the KC and see the guy spray wildly. And last stand... ugh. Feels just like MW2 with different guns. Puts CoD4 to shame IMO.
  2. Honestly, a good chunk of my Recon score is just from spotting while trying to snipe, or using the MAV. The only problem I have while using the MAV is teammates that don't look at their minimap, and run smack into an enemy and die, all because they went rushing in. If I go an entire game while using Recon, I may get 4 or 5 kills, but have 1500+ score easily from spots/MAV assist badges.
  3. So essentially... They made locking on faster, but made flare re-arming speed shorter, and drastically reduced the range and DAMAGE of AA missiles... but made AA missiles one-hit-disable on aircraft... Were they high when doing this update or something?
  4. Suppression is what it was supposed to be when the game came out. You can't see well, or shoot straight. I agree on doing nothing but getting MAV kills is stupid, but when I'm sitting in the spawn (yup), and actually SPOTTING people/EMPing equipment, and happen to get one or two kills with it (usually snipers, go figure), nobody had better get mad. SO MANY TIMES I've had teammates come aaaaaaaaall the way back to the first MCOM spawn and kill me while I'm using the MAV. I proceed to hunt them down and kill them, and if I get kicked, I'll re-join and kill them some more. It kind of seems to me that they're moving away a little bit from the team-play. One or two hits from rockets and a tank is down, flares and AA missile nerfs, etc, all making it so one player can take out vehicles, when really it should take more.
  5. Have they fixed hardcore servers on xbox yet? And from the sounds of it, they royally screwed up tanks... my favorite part of this game. :unsure: It also seems they messed up AA missiles and flares... man what are they doing to this game?! Honestly... who manages to hit a jet/helicopter with a RPG/SMAW? Damn, no more 50-1 games using the AA gun... also no more Kharg Island sniping... Also, since when did a vehicle explode when hitting a MAV? [hide] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?[/hide] Hopefully this means that A) Mortars no longer automatically appear on the map after being shot, and B) You can take-down-knife people using mortars. Still a shame that you can't setup in a spawn though... Here's the entire update.
  6. I'd have to pick the left side personally... 9gag in your OT trolololo
  7. Maybe they messed it up intentionally, knowing fans would be outraged and demand a new ending, which they create and release as DLC, charging for it and making more money...
  8. sarg1010


    Went to the midnight premier of The Hunger Games for free, since my friend works at the theatre I went to. Man the weapons they use in the area are frickin' SWEET. Also, Peeta looks and acts like a total [bleep] honestly. Probably could've chosen a better actor. Oh well, it was still a great movie. Not to mention the mocking jay call gives me chills each time I hear it.
  9. And I don't see anything wrong with "loose ends" or it being too brief, and there are a lot of people like me who are confused at the outrage. There are a ton of other movies/books/TV shows that do that, you don't have to fill in all the gaps for the person viewing it. The Sopranos comes to mind...
  10. [hide]From what I understand, everyone is mad because absolutely NONE of the choices you have made throughout the games come into effect in the ending. As one of the selling points of the entire series (the choices you make affect everyone, blah blah...), it was disappointing in the end. Plus the ending is just a jumble of not-explained-very-wellness, if you look at that video I posted earlier.[/hide] [hide]My personal belief on the ending, is before Shep got blasted by Harbinger, he was being indoctrinated. The blast killed him/put him in a coma, but keeps seeing himself (as a sort of afterlife/dream sequence) going on, fighting enemies he has before ("marauder shields", husks) with a pistol that has unlimited ammo (since in his mind, he cannot lose), but the blast eliminated a few memories of his squadmates (Explaining why they were nowhere to be found after the blast). As he enters the Crucible, he is no longer bleeding, and one of his "primary" enemies of his shows up (illusive man), as does his "primary" ally, Anderson. Words are had, IM dies, and Shep meets his most recent traumatic memory: the kid, (representing a second chance, since he failed to save him in the first place from the reapers.) But, since Shepard was indoctrinated before, the kid is acting like the reapers would want him to, as shown with the final choice. As stated in that earlier video, the "paragon" route shows IM (who is clearly a renegade), while Anderson (paragon guy) is shown as the renegade option. You make your choice, and the final cutscene shows Joker and your squad walking out of the normandy, but not everyone is shown (your squadmates that died by the Harbinger blast). The "secret" ending shows an indoctrinated Shepard being re-awoken as a husk, or awaking from his coma.[/hide] I have no doubt the game itself was awesome (but not as good as the first...), but it just seems like all of that awesome gameplay, only to have such an un-rewarding ending is a slap in the face (Kind of like a certain Halo game...) (Yes, I know how the game ends without actually playing it. I do that a lot with books/games/movies.)
  11. sarg1010


    Watching the entire first season of Burn Notice, with 2-4 coming up. Very good show.
  12. I don't remember their names exactly, but the first Mass Effect had one story writer, "A". ME2 had two story writers, "A" and "B". ME3 only had one story writer, "B", which is where I think Bioware went wrong in all of this. I love the first Mass Effect, but dislike what they did with ME2 (haven't played the third, but I know it's a lot like 2).
  13. He shows up during that arc, but on another planet. Something about Krogan scouts, I think... You don't get a Krogan squadmate though. I thought he died in ME2. Oh well. From the Mass Effect wiki. Also, it seems Bioware is working on a different ending as well. Only question is... will they make us pay for it?
  14. There is a console in the war room with a bar on it, has military rating and effective military rating. You want effective to be over 5000 for the best ending, then supposedly there are different steps down from there. To get over 5000 you have to play some multiplayer, since there is less than 10000 possible in single player, and the 50% comes from the multiplayer score. Before I started playing multiplayer this was the only thing that I thought was stupid with the game. I never play multiplayer, ever, so I would normally never be able to get the "best" ending in single player, which is just ridiculous. It doesn't bother me much now though since I did play some multiplayer, and found it fun, so now I have 100% readiness and still play it :) Ah i see how it is. Btw if Grunt survived in the last game was he supposed to be in this one? Just wondering if the characters who died in your ME2 save effect this one. I can't even remember who survived in my ME2 playthrough though. Yea, Grunt appears on Tuchanka I think, but can die there if certain choices are made. On an unrelated note... [spoiler=This video contains spoilers of the ending of ME3.]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDSwW7jflAQ&feature=player_embedded
  15. sarg1010


    I've started another Mass Effect playthrough, starting with the first, and going to buy #3 later. I never actually finished #2, since I really hated how the game had changed (Not much armor customization, addition of AMMO, limited weapon choices, how weak Shepard is, etc.) I also heard the ending is pretty lame. Also, Garrus is a total badass.
  16. Recent? That place has always been terrible. "LOL I'LL MAKE A COMIC OF STUFF THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE AND PUT THESE SILLY FACES ON IT BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS THEY'RE HILARIOUS LOL GUYS LIKE ME I'M FOREVERALONE ME GUSTA TRUE STORY" Most pictures on it before were quite funny. Even some rage comics when they were done well. I don't get the mentality of "Well it's a funny joke but there's a rage face so now it's among the stupidest things I've ever seen". When the faces are randomly inserted it's annoying as hell, yes. Otherwise it's just another comic and can be funny. I agree with this, and with Dizzle. 9gag used to be awesome, and only got more-so with the addition of near-infinite scrolling... now it's just gotten terrible. "discovery", watermarks, and the amount of reposts have just killed it.
  17. sarg1010


    I think it's 18 to prevent bad stuff from happening as parents are supposed to be responsible. In the U.S. (I have no idea where Vezon lives...), it usually depends on what state you are in. In Iowa, you need to be 21 to purchase a handgun, but there aren't any permit/registration rules for rifles/shotguns. Chances are you can find out local laws/etc by just googling [state] gun laws.
  18. Todays economy dictates a good 22 years practically minimum Or ship 'em off to the military as soon as they finish high school, military will pay for their collage for them to learn the trade, plus they automatically get housing that is taken off of their pay. Not only is this possibly the worst advice you can give a parent (since, frankly, if you are sick of your child and are seriously considering this, you probably failed at parenting to begin with), but (in the U.S. anyway), you can't force someone to join the military unless there is a draft going on. You can kick them out of your house once they turn 18, but you can't force them to join the military.
  19. What annoys me is how much people complain/make a big deal about Facebook. If you are forced to use it for work, create an account and "like" that ONE PAGE, and then you don't have to use it again. It's not forcing you to add all of your friends. It's not forcing you to do anything except a few small things. Jesus, a company wants to get their name out there on Facebook HOW DARE THEY WANT SOME FREE ADVERTISING. This entire page and a half has annoyed me to no end. <_< If you have stupid friends, dramatic friends, whatever, who cares? Laugh at the stupid ones, delete/laugh at/ignore the dramatic ones, etc. IT'S NOT THAT BAD.
  20. sarg1010

    KONY 2012

    It doesn't really help that the "true" motives behind the whole Kony ad have been revealed anyway. Oil, as always. I'd be ashamed to support the movement now honestly. Granted what he has done is awful, but the reason we should "go after him" is just as awful if you ask me.
  21. sarg1010

    KONY 2012

    I just found this tonight... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXVZe-FzicU
  22. Bugs/insects annoy me. And in some cases, scare me. Makes me glad I don't live in Australia or Africa honestly... even though I have no idea where these bugs are located. (Australia is my best bet... everything tries to kill you there.)
  23. sarg1010

    KONY 2012

    While not entirely on topic, if anyone wants to have some fun trolling ignorant friends, you can always do this.
  24. Does anyone else wish they would release versions of the first/second gen games, only in different perspectives? Like as Gary/Blue for the first gen, Silver for 2nd, May for 3rd (maybe, if they decide to go that far), etc etc, up until the most recent ones, when you get to play as N? Granted, you would be crushingly defeated every time you fought the "hero", but I think it would be interesting.
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