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Everything posted by sarg1010

  1. Did that exact same thing the first time I went there.
  2. sarg1010


    Happy birthday [hide]Sir Isaac Newton[/hide] for your contributions to humanity. Oh and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays for those that "Merry Christmas" offends for no real reason.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYyIFvg_gbk&feature=player_embedded Lol'd a bit. Any news on DLC yet?
  4. Anyone have Bungie pro and able to watch file share vids online? If so, I had a pretty epic glitch happen a while ago during Alpha Zombies.
  5. @fakeit: If she has cheated on you once, then she clearly doesn't feel the same way towards you that you do for her. Chances are she would cheat on you again, and her "no explanation" scene was most likely her just trying to stall long enough to not have to really explain anything. Like everyone else has said, walk away. :mellow:
  6. Unfortunately it's the only way. Atleast until you have fences in every city. Then you become the full grandmaster. Just do one from vex and one from the other guy at the same time. You might get lucky and the two will be in the same city. Typically bedlam jobs (or whichever has you steal a certain amount of gold), coupled with anything the other person gives you is pretty fast.
  7. The way medals are awarded is seriously flawed IMO. A person can have 350 assault rifle kills, but not have a single assault rifle ribbon, which is what it takes to get the medal. They should've just stuck with the way they were awarded in BC2, where it was measured in actual KILLS.
  8. Level up every skill...? Are there really even "builds" for this game? Unless you're talking about computers...
  9. Was the argument "Hey, you should go pre-order Diablo III, since it's Diablo III"? That's the only argument someone needs :grin:
  10. I really want to move to Switzerland :/ or denmark. Scotland maybe. I'm a supporter of the u.s. military, but this is just ridiculous.
  11. Which is why they need to fix sniping. Badly. One shot kill from the chest up should be at ALL ranges. Reward the players who don't snipe the way the class was made, but hinder the ones that do? Really?
  12. That's why you have a pistol, situational awareness, and reconnaissance tools. Recon is not Assault. A 1-shot kill is faster than switching to your pistol and firing several shots. Also, would you rather have a sniper on your team that is several miles away trying to get that one long range kill and is being totally useless? I would much rather him spotting enemies, watching our backs in case someone sneaks up, or using the MAV to spot enemies for us. There are three types of Recon classes it seems. Camper (waiting for that one long range kill every five minutes, not doing anything else), Actual Recon (spotting enemies, "sniper support", MAV, etc.), and the Aggressive (Running around quickscoping N00bz and then complaining when they get killed).
  13. It seems we can't fall 5 feet anymore without a suicide. And the menus are still broken. Awesome. And it would be really nice if mortars didn't automatically show up on radar. So stupid that all you have to do is set up your own, pop one up, then bam easy kill.
  14. No people still take a few pistol shots to it, then repair it, getting points for no effort. Really pisses me off seeing a guy with no kills and four deaths have 5000+ points per game. You don't even need two people to do it now...
  15. Dice had better make EOD bots and MAVs unrepairable.
  16. Sometimes I wish I could do that to every youtube commenter that posts one of those stupid things...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXmPrYEOvM8 Not exactly the KNEE per say, but...
  18. Torso and up at CLOSE range? Why not just all ranges? What's the point of sniping at range if you aren't going to kill someone when they get hit in the heart? It's so stupid.
  19. sarg1010


    It's almost as if the game designers for Need for Speed The Run thought to themselves, "you know, I'll bet the player has had a great time playing up to this point. Now, on the last level, let's shit all over him with bullcrap antics. That sounds like a great idea!" Never have I raged so hard over a videogame...
  20. The M16A3 can be used by both US and RU Assault classes once you get 220k points for the Assault class. Full-auto and single shot. M16A4 is unlocked later on, and can use any accessories unlocked on the A3, and is burst and single fire.
  21. sarg1010


    Reading a book while flying a plane... Not the best idea unless there is an autopilot feature. :razz:
  22. I actually like those videos. Even though they don't really show anything of the real in-game stuff, they look pretty sweet. Even if it is just the release trailer thing.
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