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Everything posted by Arrr

  1. Hahahaha. Hrm. I hated 6th grade. Trust me - don't talk about runescape. Ever. Don't let people know you play it, or else they'll classify you as a 'nerd' and you'll have few friends. Make sure not to look dumb - if you have glasses, get contacts. Stand up for yourself, and try not to cry. My 6th grade year, I had glasses half the year and talked about rs all the time .. then I got contacts. I grew my hair out. I got more friends. 7th grade, I got more and more popular, and now I know most about everyone. A lot of people know me, too. When you hear an opportunity to be funny, take it. If it's at the expense of others, just 'casually' say you were joking. But don't act like spongebob or act [developmentally delayed]ed. Oh, and if you have a really good friend that's a girl - you might want to try and go out with her. That helps, a lot. I'm going into 8th grade now, so I'll be able to eat little 6th graders. \,,,/
  2. Arrr

    Stick Arena

    Most of the Hackers have software that allows them to not be kicked.
  3. Ah no offense but it's kinda funny it's right under the 'My mum just had a heart attack' thread >_>
  4. Yeesh blackarch, what the hell happened to you? You used to be nice, and now hate like everything. You don't know me, so don't judge =; Oh yes, because it's -oh- so hard to create a new account on TIF. Huh. I do know you Black, you just don't know it.
  5. Yeesh blackarch, what the hell happened to you? You used to be nice, and now hate like everything.
  6. What? You broke a rule that gave you an unfair advantage? Oh yes, they ARE incompetent. Sorry muggi, but seriously, you broke a rule, and you got banned for it. Don't complain.
  7. Arrr

    Hey guys.

    Isn't that kind of ironic?
  8. Uhhh Gallade IS Psychic, along with my Lucario, who CAN learn the move psychic. So. I don't like loading my party with useless psychic pokemon when I can have 2 fighting psychics. :shame: Psychic pokemon (pure psychic, not some of that can learn psychic moves rubbish) are some of the strongest pokemon, not to mention they can one hit many, many pokemon. Psychic is effective against poison and fighting, which makes it good considering there's so many pokemon with poison.
  9. Not enough Psychic Pokemon TBH :uhh:
  10. Lol owned. Bad. BAD BAD SARU. Hehe I'm one of yo Tip.It hating friends with 4.8 blackmarks if you remember that convo yesterday .. or day before .. something like that .. I do enough, damn it!
  11. Er no offense but go back to general discussion. This is wrong forum and you don't post links or anything else :o
  12. hey sexy get on runescape some time.
  13. For some reason, Nadril saying 'Welcome to the Internet.' springs into mind. :o
  14. Except that it starts to bleed pus s and hurts. A lot. Update: Docter said there might still be a nail fragment so he went to go numb it, and I had a panic attack and cried and shook uncontrollably. I also got a bike. Yay.
  15. Arrr


    I can't get past the second puzzle (the 'deja vu?'). I need some hints :( Oh and I never noticed the words in the background. Most were way too faded for me too read, as you said. You are right though, the mask does seem like it was mad to terrify someone. Gah, it's driving me nuts. I know I'll get nightmares from looking at it all day today though. >_>
  16. Arrr


    Looks like something to do with the war? Well originally I thought It was a gas mask. So I wiki'd it, but nothing turned up. So I put in "man in mask" and there was no pictures. :o But I'm surprised your mom is crying and such. My mom thought it was creepy and told me it was evil. Lol.
  17. Arrr


    What -is- the man in the metal mask? He seems sooo familiar.
  18. Well I may as well have the surgery for the other toe -due to the extreme pain-. I'm wondering, have you had one? They hurt if you touch them ..
  19. Arrr


    'Why are you here? Nobody likes you. Seriously, everyone hates you. You may as well leave since you're so worthless. If you don't leave, I'm going to kick your [wagon].' Would probably get you suspended, though.
  20. Well personally, it's been nearly three weeks and the thing is still [kitty] and hurts if you barely touch it. Ew. But yeah, I'm going to keep hounding my parents to buy me a bike. Thanks for the advice so far.
  21. I was trying to get a bike from my parents but pretty much everytime I raise the topic they always kind of trail off in 'Well we'll see later' which leads to me asking 4 more times, sooo. It doesn't exactly hurt to walk too long .. I can walk for about five minutes. But then my feet start hurting, bad.
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