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Everything posted by Miner_Guy

  1. Ye it goes white on all web browsers mozilla firefox, safari, windows internet explorer.
  2. OK.. Java version: the default one Operating system: microsoft windows xp web browser: safari, mozilla firefox, windows internet explorer i dont know :[*] Memory[*] Processor[*] Video card
  3. I cant play rs because it wont start up with the loading stuff screen. I click on play as free player then the screen directs me to it bit it just goes white. Your thoughts on how to fix it plz! :-# Java version: the default one Operating system: microsoft windows xp web browser: safari, mozilla firefox, windows internet explorer i dont know :[*] Memory[*] Processor[*] Video card
  4. I don't get the thing about Diango (the toy shop guy in draynor) kepping your holiday items, some help please :mrgreen:
  5. I totally agree with, jagex are so unfair on pures. Although i think there is a way round Restless Ghost, i think if you have like 70 range, strength and mage then you can afford to get 1k without going up a combat level, although im totally sure :?
  6. Thats F2P for you.........
  7. Well, not like they werent unfair anyway.No...pures are pures and they should stay away from situations where they could potentially gain the wrong exp. If they do, that's their own dumb fault. And you also stole this from Pokemon, no? I find that really funny. lol. You misread it it's not only pures it helps... Say you have 60 defense 80 strength, 40 attack, 77hp, 1 mage, 1 range, 50 summoning and your one level away from going up a comabt level and your combat level is 99 and you fight in medium level crater. Then you use summoning alot in fights and minigames and you level up your combat level and your summoning. Then you have to train loads more so you can pk in high level crater. It is all kind of accounts.
  8. I think that Runescape should get a new object, a object which ensures you get no combat experience (hitpoints, strength, attack, defense, magic, range, prayer, summoning and combat level) if you have it in your inventory. This object should be called an Everstone, it looks like a normal stone. This may seem a bit stupid but quite alot of accounts need it. [hide=Reason do have the Everstone]Lots of accounts are 1 combat level before not being allowed to go in a Bounty Hunter crater. E.g. all they need is 1 mage level to go up a combat level and they use mage in all the combat minigames. So if they do lots of combat minigames eventually their mage level will level up. Meaning they have to change completely that account of the way it fights. Generally people quit runescape when this happens. So if Jagex did do this update it would keep more accounts which would help them. This example could be used in alot of nearly the same circumstances like a level 99 who is 1 strength level from going up a combat level which would mean he would have to do high level crater, a skiller going up a combat level, someone one combat level below the maximum in another crater, a pure and lots of others.[/hide] Please do not misread this it it's not only pures it helps... Say you have 60 defense 80 strength, 40 attack, 77hp, 1 mage, 1 range, 50 summoning and your one level away from going up a combat level and your combat level is 99 and you fight in medium level crater. Then you use summoning alot in fights and minigames and you level up your combat level and your summoning. Then you have to train loads more so you can pk in high level crater. It helps all kind of accounts. [hide=Where it could be Bought]1. The runecrafting guild could of found it and are selling it in their shop for 200 tokens. I don't know about on whether it should be non-tradeable. If it is tradeable then it could sell in the GE for 6k. 2. It could sell in the runes shop for 6k.[/hide] Need a supporter's signature. All signatures welcome. Please read whole post. Supporters:
  9. Can you do that on any altar? Or just earth?
  10. When tyou put the food into the Emergency Food Section the food will still stay in your inventory it will just go into the other section in the interface. The section doesn't act as a second inventory. It just shows what Emergency Food you have selected and what you can select as your Emergency Food. Hope you undersand. :thumbsup:
  11. Good guide! 8/10! If you want to make more of a profit then do this: 1.Buy say 1k pizza bases, (not an uncooked pizza because no one sells them) then buy 1k cheese and tomatoes. 2. Use the the tomato on the pizza base to make an incomplete pizza. 3. Use the cheese on the incomplete pizza to make an uncooked pizza. 4. Cook it to make a plain pizza, then use cooked anchovies on it to make an anchovies pizza. It takes longer but you make a profit up to 150k to 300k depending on the ge price. Enjoy.
  12. Is it safe for a lvl 46 with 60 ranged, the ice warriors i mean. Is the system that they become unagressive after 10 minutes or you have to kill 10 ice warriors then they become unagressive?
  13. Some people's life resolves around runescape! They play like 7 hours or more a day i play 3 in a whole week if i'm a have any time! I take runescape as a game which i play if i have time or nothing to do. Has anyone noticed how everyone is all the time ranting instead of congratulating jagex on making a good game!
  14. LOL. I play like 2 hours a week the most i ever play in a day is 3 hours lol. If you go on for more than 7 hours a day your addicted
  15. Miner_Guy


    Some people power coal in the mining guild because it is the quickest way from 59-60 mining ( they drink a dwarven beer whatever they are called lol). Although i agree about power mining iron.
  16. How can Emergency Prayer and Food be abused? It can't! It's impossible....
  17. Cheers hawkxs that was really helpful, all supporters can you put this signature in your signature. [url=http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=752170][img=http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8392/isupportemergencyfoodanbr6.png][/url] More signatures still welcome.
  18. New update- I have put more information on the post about "emergency prayer and food". Also i need a signature for the supporters to put in there signature. All signatures will be very helpful. :thumbsup:
  19. From now on can you post if you support and which is the better solution (from the two above). The solution with the most votes will be the best solution.
  20. Correct me if i'm wrong but aren't you stating that low levels always lose or mostly lose. That is not true my lvl 48 pure wins all the time against high lvls and members. 15 wins is my record and is still ongoing. If you're not winning change your stragedy. You also said it takes longer to get the tokens than use them, again that is not true. You are obviously aren't doing a good stragedy...
  21. Simple method: Get 60 mining by power mining then mine in mining guild. Mine coal and mine or buy iron thens mith into steel. Or mine again in mining guild and mine coal and mith, superheat them then bank.
  22. I don't really get item lending. Some people are saying lending party hats 100k for a day or something like that, but thats not possible because of the trade limit. So how do you give 100k to them then, I'm confused -.-
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