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Everything posted by whiteguy

  1. May I ask why? :-k We are affected, we vote then. f2p rarely gets updates(besides graphical updates, which are rare) People who wine over the hood: Why? It's only for fun, and, i can assure you that quite alot of people voted for the broom because they thinked it would literally "fly" in the air and travel to places. It was really close, but the hood still won, maybe next year the broom will be there. Besides, it's the first f2p hood, maybe alot of low-leveled newbs voted for the hood. But still, it WON. Stop whining, that thing won't affect you. :shame:
  2. :lol: Those exam answers are so funny! The natures pics are now included in my desktop :)
  3. Java itself is a cross-compatible platform. It can go anywhere that can download the JVM, the Java Virtual Machine. Since the Wii does not have a big enough harddrive that you can save things to, you'll not see it on the Wii anytime soon (also for thereasons that Makoto mentioned) . Correct me if i'm wrong, but what about SD cards? I use those alot, you would just need to download Java into the SD card, then run it in the Wii. I love posting on forums with the Wii. Anyway, if that gets to happen, i will spend alot of time on my Wii
  4. name: Darkpunker13 Country: Mexico :wink: *throws burritos*
  5. Fury amulet and a combat bracalet on Fally, i waited 5 minutes and no one claimed.
  6. I am Mexican, and I can say that practically all people that plays Runescape in Mexico speak English. They should make a French server first, then a Spanish one and finally a Spanish one. Most Portugese speakers know Spanish or English. I am trying to get better. You can see my poor spelling.
  7. I see that. Make it if you want, i don't reall use tif :-k. But i will be very pleased if you make one :)
  8. If by reverse you mean closing the eastern and then closing the western one. I also closed all valves, then opened the western one and then the eastern one. :-k
  9. I just got members, and like most people do, started making the "vital" quests, then decided to make the elemental workshops. I did 1 fairly easy, started 2 and i was going great. Until, in the process of priming the bar, on the water tank, i had a problem, the quest guide at Tip.It says: Operate the western water valve (controls water entering tank), then the eastern water valve (controls water leaving tank). Reverse this to empty the tank completely. But i instead of operating the western valve, i operated the eastern one, and messed it all up. :ohnoes: I have easily wasted about 2 hours figuring out how to do it. I closed all valves, then started doing it again. I failed terribly. Now i filled the tank,, but can not drain it. :wall: Any help?
  10. God, this world sure is small.. I have 16, I will turn 17 on March, also train soccer, i live in Mexico. Where the good stuff is! Some guy from Chivas (It's a team in Mexico) saw me on a game my team won like 10 - 0 :XD: he decided i could enter the training prgram, which i am adapting too. I have good grades, very good social life and a grilfriend for 1 year now
  11. I'm killing someone if Sheik is not in SSBB :twisted: Sheik :twisted: >Fox>Samus>Marth I'm practically invencible with Sheik, so fast, my friends dont want me to use it anymore :shame: .
  12. Useless skill: Firemaking Worst/annoying: All combat
  13. I was posting posting on your 5HUD jageks 7311 pp1 7o 5u1s1d3. Good work addmiting your last one was spam and made one more serious(sp?)No, really, i was just quoting some things you said for my sig. ON TOPIC: No. Jagex dosn't really care about their players, they just want them to play more, so they get addicted to it and then pay more membership. :boohoo: the sad true :boohoo:
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