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Everything posted by LordBlk

  1. suddenly a piano falls onto you i dont know how that happened the gp flies into me hand
  2. you wount get any sleep its not smart to run around in circles too long because...........
  3. me:sell mith chain 1k scammer:i buy scammer trade i put up the chain scammer declines and asks for the chain first (i know he wants to scam me by takin the chain and loggin off) i have some fun with him i take out 300k frm bank and put it with the mith chain the guy quickly accepts on the 2nd screen he accepts again and i decline scammer:thanks you ******* noob and he logs off i tell every1 in the bank we all laugh like mad i report the moron for abusive language lol
  4. i use runehq for tools and some maps but i use tip.it for the forums and other stuff
  5. my mom says this all the time well the thing is noe im 12 and in a 1 day ill be 13 and in febuary we r moving to brisbane and in australia studies are a bit hard after primary school and i want to play rs a little by that time coz my parents r gonna get me membership but after that in class 10 its all gonna change. ill need to study and study and study the truth is i only hav a little time left and want to enjoy some time on rs and other games like perhaps 1-2hrs a day
  6. rs3 is comming possibly or we are going to have a high def update like WoW or perhaps(and most likely) the new archialogical area will be released the 1 the npcs were talkin about when the new varrock museum was released
  7. possibly rs3 with all the huge new updates like grandexchange etc maybe rs is going to appear alot more like WoW in high def graphics or maybe toys!!!!! or it could be a new skill or they could be releasing that archealogical area they were talking about when the released the new varrock museum (most likely)
  8. ok so there are two things here 1. this mught be a scam 2. this might have happened well i personally think this is a scam because my grandpa recently had a heart attack(he pulled through, thank god) when i was at school and when i got home my family wasnt home so i cooked lunch for me and my sis and went upstairs to play rs and my sis went to bed i recieved a call frm my mom at the hospitle tellin me that grandpa had a heart attack and i literally told my friend i had to go at that moment and logged off in the middle of the wildy, i told him it was a family emergency and we knew eachother well so he teled to varrock and i logged off i waited for my aunt to pick me up and until then i changed and literally cried until she arrived after i he pulled through i almost quit runescape but instead i quitted frm some other ames like tribal wars, unification wars and inselkampf it took me a month to get over how close i was to loosing him and when i finally got the courage to log bak onto rs and tele to lummy i couldnt bare playing and retired for a few months after which i was totally over it and managed to play rs in a better manner never swearing again and reporting every rule breaker. and through this time i only told my friend 6 months after the heart attack had actually taken place coz i didnt want to ruin his gameplay coz if some1 told me i would be very disturbed but as he was insisting i told him all this time i was filles with grief and never asked for an item looks like u got played sorry but thats the truth
  9. actuallt it might make merchanting easier just place the item and price and all the runescapians can see it or buy it it is a really good idea and will make my life easier
  10. ok so my exams were over and i decided to go and do this and i found out it is possible to lure bots although i was just experimenting on if it was possible and i found out it is ill try trapping them next time here is a pic of some bots fallin for my trap
  11. because you wount know what you are touching it's not smart to write large posts because............
  12. but what you forget is that at this moment i am holding a ghost gp which turns me into a ghost exactly at the time you stab me ang you walk through me and get jammed in the walls between the general store
  13. first time i read it i jumped up in joy as i thought it was the release of runescape 3! coz this is how they released rs2!
  14. coz its just wrong its not smart to pick ure friends nose coz..............
  15. u become alive and fall down cause u had an arrow through you and i get the gp
  16. because u might start to think! its not smart to drive with ure feet while attempting to put ure pants on because....
  17. the exploding [bleep]e flungs the gp into my hand lol!
  18. well not bad but u missed the armour trimming 1 u know when a person says that they are trimming armour for free and you giv em ure armour and they log off another one is the gem cutting routine where a person says they wanna cut gems for increasing their lvl and they log off with the gems. this is sometimes a scam but most players really want to raise their lvls but because of the new updates that are going o take place in runescape this scam will be prevented
  19. you should now post some pics of the items etc to hush down ure critics
  20. just convert the times and then post it on the 1st post(just edit it)
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