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Everything posted by TrampInDenial

  1. Yep, however it isn't really a massacre, just a scam (Luring is classified by Jagex as a scam). Hmm, that confuses me, they're using legitemate means of pking.
  2. Someone once tried to sell me a weapon store key 100k :wall:
  3. Defo support this, the mining guild has very few advantages compared to the other guildes.
  4. According to numerous websites there is a respawn site for redberries east of the stone circle but I've never found it. Could someone please show me!
  5. Lmfao, that's the funniest thing I've seen on here.
  6. I like the idea of science/engineering. Could be a nice update to the combat triangle.
  7. On sundays (my dossing about days) I regulary get up to 6 six hours, I think my record is close to 8.
  8. Actually looking back on this it sound like a stupid idea, forget it.
  9. Seems fally is getting a reputation for massacres.
  10. I'll support, it'll just make mining a lil' quicker.
  11. Well that's why there is a time limit, if they don't log on for, lets say, 18 months the stuff is sent to the shop. They would be told beforehand.
  12. I'm sure that everyday at least 20+ players decide they've had enough and retire from the game, which then removes resources from the game seeing as no-one else can access their bank. So I was wondering, what if these items where to be sent to a new store or general store after a set time limit? The money left in banks would be left but the items could be sent to a shop were they're sold for the their original price. This means there would be more resources in the game but deflation wouldn't be a problem as the new resources would be balanced out by the money spent on them. Discuss/
  13. It's just the nubs and the macroers that give us a bad name, if Jagex was tighter when it comes to banning account we wouldn't look so bad.
  14. Whatever skill I happen to be levelling up at the time.
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