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Everything posted by Aquiel

  1. Aquiel

    Jagex = Mystery

    Bob, we have different views and opinions, that's fine. You said that Jagex started as hobby, that is true, but it matters not what the company started as, what is important is what it is now, in the present. That's your view on it, that's fine, but don't claim it as an absolute truth, unless you have proof for those claims. I think their updates are largely made to attract new players. They seem very swallow to me, adding bits of random things instead of improving and solidifying what already exists. That's my opinion, of course. It's quite obvious their updates will please to large amounts of people. In a game big like Runescape an update that pleases 50 000 players is not a good update, even if the amount of of satisfied players is "large". The question is: does the updates please most of the players, or a significant amount of the players, it's all about proportion. I'm interested in hearing more about the legal reasons why Jagex cannot take ideas off fansites. If it's true, it will forever change how things work on fansites, so it's very important. If a mod can clarify on that, it would be much appreciated. I heard many many people tell their horror story about how they got banned unfairly, or how their ban appeal got accepted even if it was complete nonsense. Unfortunately, Jagex rules prevent us from showing evidence(screenshots) of those bans/appeals. You could say that there is no evidence, but that's because Jagex prevents us from showing evidence, atleast under forums that follow Jagex guidelines. It's quite fishy if you ask me. Don't tell me what Jagex believed or not, you aren't part of their company, you don't know. Miniclip indeed has a large player base, a very young playerbase at that. This raises the question again: Which age range is Jagex truly marketing at. By allying with Miniclip, Jagex betrayed us for their personal benifit.
  2. Both a monthly fee and a cash shop is a little extreme, but some mmos do it. Jagex would definitively make some money if they were to introduce a cash shop, but it would make a lot of people angry, including me. I pay for members, I don't want to pay yet again, just to be able to access new content, something which is supposed to be included in my membership. Especially not for a primitive game like Runescape. If Runescape had high graphical content which would account for the a higher cost, then I wouldn't mind, but it doesn't. Runescape is a very cheap game to run compared to other mmorpgs, they have absolutely no excuse to make us pay for new content.
  3. Aquiel

    Jagex = Mystery

    Huta. You named two mmorpgs which have severe botting problems, to make it sound like all mmorpgs have such problems with it, while that is not true. The truth is, all mmorpgs have botting, and most of them do a good job at reducing it significantly, and keeping it under control. You asked me to name a popular mmo - I'm going to name Flyff, which I played for several months. Flyff has some botting, I had an in-game acquaintance whose brother botted. His brother got banned very quickly, and I never heard again of any other case of botting during my months on Flyff, nor seen any. This is the difference between botting that is out of control, like in Runescape, and botting that is under control, like in Flyff.
  4. It's a question of preference. I prefer the string x, I hate clicking.
  5. Aquiel

    Jagex = Mystery

    This is not something that annoys me on a regular basis, but it annoys me from time to time, it always has. It's the fact I don't know much about Jagex. I know the basic stuff - the things that everyone knows. What bothers me is not knowing what goes on within their walls. Are they a minimum good -intentioned, or is money the only motivation? Do they tell us the truth, or tell us what we want to hear? Why are they unable to find a proper solution for bots, like all the other mmorpgs? Which kind of age range are they really marketing at? Why are they unable to enforce the fact that this game is 13+? Why are so many of the updates disappointing, while there is so many great ideas bubbling around on many fansite Runescape forums? Do they have an excuse for their horrible costumer support? Why are they unable to ban people for the good reasons, instead of banning innocents? Why have they allied with miniclip, when it was obvious it was going to ruin the community? Many questions, very little answers. Any answer would be pure speculation, without proof of what is going on within those walls. For now, in my mind, Jagex is guilty until proven innocent - they have a lot of explaining to do.
  6. I'd enjoy a little more maturity in Runescape. Especially storylines, they are usually so cliche and stupid. Movies and television series 13+ do a great job making interesting storylines. I know Jagex doesn't have proffesional writers, but is a little creativty too much asking?
  7. I can show you a picture of the pumpkin I'm going to carve: I chose one simple, if it's too complicated I'm going to screw up. I won't take a picture of mine because I don't have a camera. I think it's pretty stupid to ask for the picture of the ones we carved cuz nobody is going to take pictures of them, too much hassle or because they don't have a camera, especially just to post them on a forum. So yeah, this thread is going to die, unless you let people post the pictures of the ones they like/are going to carve, it's pretty stupid to have problems with that. Or let the OT decide, it's his topic.
  8. Let me use your own words and say 'The fact that you feel the need to justify yourself create doubts'. A lot of people are socially successful, but they don't feel the need to brag about it on a forum topic. Oversized ego much?
  9. I feel very happy when there is dark clouds in the sky, in the morning. Weird eh.
  10. Indeed, he was murdered. What does that tell the closeted gays of the community? Cmon, its a book, it's shows nothing because it's a fiction -.-
  11. I got scammed 60k once, when I was a lil nub. Apart from that, it's been smooth.
  12. That looks a lot like the Universal Law of Attraction, from the indian culture, and recently made into the movie "The Secret".
  13. If there was no bots, it would be the end of cheap materials, and the worker class would live a much more comfortable life. The high level that buys everything would learn to farm his own materials. Many of the items that are produced off the materials would raise in price, thus the value of money would raise, wouldn't that help with inflation? I think the economy would be much more healthy than it is now, but some people clearly wouldn't be happy.
  14. He was already pissed beforehand, because people before you refused to answer him.
  15. I think deja vu is when you experience a sensation/feeling/thought that you previously experienced exactly the same way. And when it happens again, you're surprising because it's familiar.
  16. I've heard from a famous pianist that certain sounds/vibrations in a song can make you shiver, or induce partiular emotions.
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