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Everything posted by Tesset

  1. Tesset


    Oh no! Is he stuck?! We need to get Ben out of there ASAP!
  2. Tesset


    I think that outage was a week? Definitely our longest yet
  3. Tesset


    First therapist appointment in 1 hour. I have no clue what this is going to look like and I'm really nervous about it... E: Things went fine, as one would expect.
  4. Tesset


    Gotta walk 50km next week for pokemon go, and the gym in my apartment complex flooded and is inaccessible. Rip
  5. Tesset


    Woke up at 4:15 this morning to a flash flood warning on my phone, and hail falling outside. Found out this evening, apparently the bottom floor of my building (below the apartments) was flooded, and they've closed off the office and gym. My apartment's fine, despite being the closest one to "ground floor" because we're on a hill.
  6. Tesset


    Yeah, some of it should come back. I've heard you get about 6 months' reversal. The problem is, I don't really know where that bald spot was in February months ago, since I can't really look at that spot.
  7. Tesset


    Found out this weekend when my mom took a picture of me holding my neice that I have a legitimate bald spot on the back of my head growing. The hardest spot for me to see. It's not super noticeable, but it's definitely there. I wanna [bleep]ing die. August feels farther away every day.
  8. Tesset


    Went to 5 different stores to hunt down a copy of Steven Universe Save the Light on release day. Makes it sound a lot more popular than it is, doesn't it :P
  9. Tesset


    Finally closed the therapist tabs on my google chrome. Guess we'll see if round 3 comes of anything.
  10. Tesset


    Last time I played Runescape (maybe 6 months ago?), I remember there *was* a friends chat with a handful of people in it, but I don't remember who it was under anymore. I just searched the forums a bit for it. Maybe ask around, see if anyone knows?
  11. Tesset


    Yeah, just being queer doesn't really make you part of the community. Having significant relationships within wider circles of queer individuals makes you part of the community, but even then, it's easy to be very much on the outskirts of it. Participation is a really important part of being in a community.
  12. Tesset


    Alright, apparently that did not translate to "3 discrete chain ropes" or whatever. That's what I was trying to say, but it didn't mean what I thought. Not that it matters, my players never went where the chains were lol.
  13. Tesset


    If I have "3 lengths of chain", what does that mean to y'all? I want to make sure I'm not using confusing terminology.
  14. Tesset


    It's entirely possible they don't really know what makes me uncomfortable yet. I'm bad at setting boundaries, especially with them. And it hasn't really been that long. Maybe things will get better. I've given them resources. Who knows if they've looked at them. I offered to answer their questions, but they haven't asked any yet. Dad sent me a Jordan Peterson video today, so it seems unlikely that they're really internalizing trans positive voices. It's just like. On the one hand, any positive reaction will probably need time to manifest, and I need to give them that time. And if I push them away before then, it's unlikely their reaction will ever be positive. But on the other hand, there's a very real chance my parent's reaction will never be positive. And while they figure out which way they're gonna go, I have to deal with all the invalidation they throw my way. It's hard to be patient with them. And my impatience isn't any more unreasonable than their ignorance.
  15. Tesset


    So I get why getting called by your chosen name is important to you. The reason why your mom isn't in a hurry to call you it is because your request sounds like: Mom I told you to call me Malgoroth the champion of the forgotten realms. I don't respond to my slave name. I get she should understand and call you that out of respect for your identity but she doesn't understand and you'll have to find another approach to get her to understand it. I know. It's just so incredibly not fun to live through the intervening time, especially without a guarantee of a light at the other end. Hell if I know.
  16. Tesset


    Texts from Mom: "[Deadname], go to the doctor. You have a heart murmur." I don't respond, because I can't think of a nice way to say "you don't know what you're talking about, and it's incredibly insulting to use my deadname while you're texting me and have time to think about what you're writing" Mom a week later: "I'm feeling ignored!!!"
  17. Tesset


    Oh, that actually worked. Wtf? I didn't even know my pc had a handle
  18. Tesset


    My computer won't go back into 2-screen mode this morning. God dammit.
  19. Tesset


    Haven't been out in girl mode in a few weeks after being misgenered last time. Went out tonight b/c [bleep] my parents, and saw Captain MarvelShazam. Really enjoyed it. It's just a fun movie to turn your brain off to, which I needed. Honestly, though, I like the DC movies that I've seen more than I liked any of the Marvel movies except maybe Iron Man 1, and I'm not sure why. Like, I legitimately loved Justice League, despite how critical everyone else is of it and the whole franchise. Definitely more than I liked any of the Avengers movies. I think I give the DC movies a pass because I know the characters more than I know the Marvel characters, and it's a weird non-objective stance that I can't shake.
  20. Tesset


    Unhappy, but resignedly accepting, is how I'd describe their reaction. They know they can't stop me, and both of them said they don't want to call me Tes, but neither of them tried particularly hard to talk me out of it. I guess I wait, take it slow, and hopefully bring them around over time. The really worrying statement was Dad asking me why I didn't just "wait a few years until [he's] dead. Won't be that long."
  21. Tesset


    Was hoping for a more illuminating response, darn. Guess we wait, see tomorrow how they're feeling
  22. Tesset


    Today's the day. Coming out to my parents. Nerves are really starting to set in.
  23. Tesset


    You know the old saying that everyone has a queer cousin, and if you don't know the queer cousin, it's you? Always thought that applied to me, but turns out, one of my cousins is marrying another woman, so I guess I'm not the only one in the family :P A bot
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