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Everything posted by Tesset

  1. Tesset


    Made myself a promise at the beginning of the year that I wasn't going to buy any more men's clothes. Don't buy something I'm going to throw out in a year, ya know. Ripped my backup pair of dress pants today, so now I have a decision to make...
  2. Tesset


    It's also about cumulative effects. 1000 booty models saying vaccines are bad, or because our psychology sucks, even 100 booty models saying it 10 times each, results in a real influence on medical decisions.
  3. Tesset


    That's a really false equivalence. Men harassing women is not a logical result of a woman being sexy. People not vaccinating their children is a logical result of people spreading misinformation about vaccinations. If I told you that drinking cyanide would clear your skin, and as a result you decided to drink cyanide, that's what the latter argument is. If I told you I was trans and you then decided to commit a hate crime against me, that's what the former is. In one, I am advocating the action you take, in the other, I am not advocating the action you take. I can be held responsible for you taking action I advocate for, but not for you taking actions I don't advocate for.
  4. Tesset


    Getting decent at makeup. It's to the point now, assuming the Dunning-Kreuger Effect isn't killing me now, that it doesn't actively look bad, and I feel decently confident going out in it. Now I just need my voice and body to catch up. 5 months to HRT...
  5. Tesset


    Eh, counterpoint, every m/f couple I know wants kids. Even the ones I was pretty sure didn't want kids, like my brother, who just had his first kid at 36, after like a decade of being married. I'm pretty sure America has had a below-replacement birthrate for most of its history. I don't think the rate at which people are having kids is really changing.
  6. Tesset


    Jones does make those "non-average" people a lot worse than they would be without his existence. My dad has always been conservative, but it's only been since he started listening to Jones and alt right people online that it's felt dangerous. I don't feel that, had he only ever had access to mainstream media, his political opinions would have ever been this far right. So I guess you have to weigh whether "won't be taken seriously by most people" is enough of a benefit to outweigh "will radicalize some people and make them out and out neo nazis". My cost/benefit feels like, no, that's not a good tradeoff, but
  7. 2 people can't both be sexiest
  8. Tesset


    I'm salaried, no such thing as overtime pay.
  9. Tesset


    Work's suddenly gotten a lot more brazen about asking for time outside of office hours. I'm worried about the direction we're going here
  10. Post your nominations and I will add them to the poll. Goon has nominated Obfuscator, I nominated Goon. Goonstalf: Obfuscator: Bonez899:
  11. Tesset


    I told you not to mess with Fonder anymore, Goon! They always hurt you!
  12. Tesset


    Wonder who will outlive who, the twisted remnants of /FG/, or the stragglers of OT?
  13. Tesset


    As was I, but we also had a crisis with a deployment, and had to contact several agents to tell them how to fix it, and since I was the only one in the office (and therefore the only one with access to an office phone), I had to do the calling. I had a panic attack after my electrolysis appointment over lunch and called in sick lmao
  14. Tesset


    Aww, dang. I just got a letter from my bank that I needed to send proof of ID in for my authorized user credit card under Tes. One of the options is explicitly "Tes is the same person as the account owner. Please remove." I'm going to try and just ignore it and hope they don't cancel the extra card... God, this sucks. I was really excited that would work.
  15. Tesset


    For the most part, it is the preferred term, but older lgbt people, and some younger people who grew up in areas where the word is still commonly used as a slur, have their own objections. It's definitely still better than lgbtqppqiaa+ (or whichever variant). The guy at the end of that podcast summed it up really well for me. We need a word to fill the niche that queer does, it just would be so much better if the word wasn't "queer".
  16. Tesset


    @Dash: Oh, I misread your first post, missed a "non". Yeah, MAC is p much what you described. You're right though, with one exception from before college, I haven't really had any issues in makeup stores. @RPG: Yes, that's definitely a thing. I actually was listening to a podcast today talking about the word queer, which touched on what you said a little. The opposite is also true. There's always a bit in the back of my mind when someone says "don't use queer it's a slur!" that's like, do you not want me to use because it's a slur, or because you don't want ace people in your community and this is a way to exclude them (because that was an argument I saw fairly often on tumblr, when I was still using it)
  17. Tesset


    What's a non-queer-friendly makeup store even look like? Every time I go into a makeup place, I always see gay guys as customers or employees. I'm very curious as to what place you've been in and felt out of place in? Honestly, I always feel out of place as a straight guy in those places. It was MAC, which as I understand is just really vocal about it. That's really all I mean. Idk, I just have had this urge to add that qualifier every time I've had a positive experience at a place. Whether that's a good thing or not, idk.
  18. Tesset


    I literally bought one of those last time I was out and the lights on it don't work I found out. So
  19. Tesset


    Went to a queer-friendly makeup store a few weeks ago to try and get something to hide my 5-o'clock shadow that never goes away. Was recommended (by a guy who does drag, so I assumed he would know what he was talking about) an orange lipstick to go under the foundation (because the shadow is a blue tint). Tried that today, and in the bathroom, it looked fine. Went out, went to a restaurant, got food, ate, came back out, looked in my car mirror, I looked like a 5-year-old eating cheetos. Turns out my bathroom lights just [bleep]ing suck, and I don't have any good lighting anywhere in my apartment. So, that's been my day.
  20. Tesset


    Isn't it like midnight in the land down under? I think it's always midnight 16 miles beneath the earth's surface, seeing's there's no sunlight or w/e.
  21. Tesset


    Cars really feel like they should be a luxury good, not a necessary one, especially in cities. But they're super not, esp in America.
  22. Tesset


    (Edit: forgot context, Dad had surgery, so came home for that) I don't know how to be in hospital rooms all day. My mom kept thanking me for coming down and kept telling me it helped, but I can not figure out how it would have. I mostly just sat there, reading a webcomic on my phone. In other news, figured out why I feel so dysphoric at home. Basically no one in my life, except maybe myself, feels the need to refer to my gender for any reason. But my parents work some reference to me being a guy into basically every conversation. I don't even really understand how. Now that I'm listening for it, it's really artificial.
  23. Tesset


    I finally got my second credit card! I now have one with Tes and one with Tyler, and I can use the appropriate one when I'm out and about, and it's gonna be great.
  24. Tesset


    We have a new QA person, and their communication style seems to include putting "Please be aware that this is holding up testing" at the end of every update. Which is really passive aggressive normally, but especially when she puts the issues under the wrong project and assigns them to the wrong person.
  25. Tesset


    Weekend went fine, did not die. Came out to my best friend, he was supportive, so that was awesome.
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